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  • Lepton

arbitratus's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. If you start out thinking in terms of shape and form(which is probably what you will do if your right cerebral hemisphere is the dominant one) you will solve the puzzle quite easily and won't have a chance to employ flexible thinking. Only if you start by thinking in mathematical terms(trying to solve the problem in the way your left cerebral hemisphere would prefer), seeing the actual numbers represented by the dice, will you have the option to be flexible in your way of perceiving the problem and then depending on how tied down you are in your methods of solving it,(the dominance factor) you will get a solution variably fast.
  2. I would say that it seems to be designed to show what half of your brain is dominant in your problem-solving, not how smart you are. The longer it takes you to solve the puzzle, the more dominant is your left cerebral hemisphere.
  3. It does indeed, thank you.
  4. I would love any physics/chemistry links you might have...
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