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Everything posted by SonOfAtom

  1. Wow. I was wrong on so many levels here. Haha thanks for the insight
  2. Hello! My name is David. I’m an observational scientist living in New York and was blown away by the first ever black hole photo. I edited the lighting slightly to get a better idea of what the black hole would look like and I noticed something amazing. The shape of the hole is not a perfect circle, but an ellipse. This mathematics of this escape me completely, but it would help explain why galaxies, solar systems, etc all follow an elliptical paradigm Also you can see the effects of gravity on the energy surrounding the hole with a thin like membrane towards the outermost edge, which I am calling the ‘Gravitational Horizon’ The gases unaffected follow giving the energy mass a ‘glow’. You can also see the downward steeping gradient of light entering the hole not as a swirl (like a toilet) but evenly distributed during “consumption” It almost looks like a ‘Cell in Space’ If these hypotheses are way off base, please let me know and please do elaborate. I thank you all for your time and eagerly await the discoveries to come.
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