yes, here on Earth the ice cube melts slow because it is somewhat insulated bt an atmoshere. But standing in the sunlight at 250 degrees is a little different than 100. And you can measure the temp. of things other than air
ok, i think that makes sense. so, i was thinking of the radiation as particles. In your diagram the arrows are getting farther apart as they grow longer. If it was a particle stream then the intensity would drop off between the arrows, right? But behaving as a wave the energy is dispersed evenly? So, I wonder if the Big Bang is behaving the same way? And I am going to be honest, the whole concept of wave versus particle gives me headaches. I also cringe at the thought of electromagnetic waves traveling through empty space. Now I remember why I didn't pursue physics as a career, I am not good with it but I have the same problem as the cat......curiosity.