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Eddie B

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Everything posted by Eddie B

  1. Hello people... I am a new addition to this forum, which may become plainly obvious from the predicted mistakes I will make during my first few posts . I should first state that I do not posses any scientific qualifications. But I have been a passionate armature astronomer for the past 13 years, and do retain a "little" scientific knowledge from attending upon several OU modules in past years. I am here because several years ago, I formulated a correlation hypothesis related to the detection of pre-seismic locations, which in many cases led to determination being made up to 30 days prior to seismic occurrence. I have been testing my hypothesis on several US prediction websites during the last 5 years, with "moderate" success. But due to the complexities involved in formulating a seismic forecast, I have not been able to secure a positive percentage result greater than chance would allow. Each determination using this method is likened to playing noughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe) with sixty squares, and the calculation requires a lot more time than most people are able to commit. The basis for my hypothesis relates to interactions between solar / lunar terminator contacts relative to earth, or another description would be Earth's line of sight limb contact relative to the sun and moon... plainly speaking, I use sunlight to find precursor signals related to earthquakes. I am mindful that this theory goes against current beliefs related to tectonic stress etc, and may also be the reason why I have been unsuccessful in gaining the attention of mainstream science... another reason possibly relates to my opening statement ! I shall close at this point and hope I have provided some food for thought. If anybody is intrigued enough by this topic, then by all means please engage... but be mindful that I highlighted "little" in relation to scientific knowledge . Thank you E B
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