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  1. Here is the video that I am scratching my head about. https://youtu.be/P0QB96RrGdM I don't remember enough immunology from training to confirm or deny. I am a beekeeper now and I breath in enough bee dander, dust and and particulate matter BUT, in 5 years I have not allowed myself to be fully stung but 2 times and minor stings through the gloves a few more times.....but never full on envenomations. My wife has been fully stung more than I have as a bee keeper, and my daughter have never really been stung. Since they are only exposed to antigens on a passive basis, are they being setup for the big "A" some day? When I do get a taste of a sting through the glove, it hurts of course and swells up a bit and remains sore for a day or 2. Thank you in advance for considering this post, while I do more research in the meantime
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