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Everything posted by JessPetersenjessie14

  1. We’re talking about a reality that’s Absolutely Infinite. It must include anything and everything that doesn’t defy itself. Infinitetly dense matter doesn’t contradict it’s own definition
  2. Strange, I’m proving YOU right. What do you mean “I don’t see why” FreeWill is assuming an infinite reality would be uniform (infinitely dense throughout). I’m saying that a truly infinite reality would include all densities including finite ones
  3. FreeWill you’re assuming that Absolute Infinity would be infinitely dense in all areas. No. A truly infinite reality must include spaces ranging from infinitesimally dense to infinitely dense and everything in between (including finite densities like in our Universe) The finite is included in the infinite
  4. Correct. Absolute Infinity would contain anything and everything to an infinite degree. Smaller infinities, such as infinite energy or infinite mass would not be infinite in all respects. Just some. They’re relative infinities.
  5. You haven’t proven at all that you can. You’ve just shown that you can come with a label for it. Labeling something doesn’t mean you can cognize (imagine) it. We can label round circles but there’s no way you could imagine one because you’d have to be imagining a square (which means you’re not imaging roundness) and then, at the same time, imagine roundness. Like EthanKahn said, you’d have to imagine something (roundness) without imagining it (a square which is absent of roundness). And the fact that you claim to be able to imagine what a state of infinite energy would be like is utterly delusional. You know what infinite heat feels like? Oh brother, give me a break
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