Nowadays more and more scientist create profiles at various databases/search engines. Think about:
Google Scholar profile (once active and public you simple click on the underlined name and you get a complete list of publications, at least those present in Google Scholar).
ORCID ID is a non-proprietary alphanumeric code that uniquely identify scientific contributions to the appropriate author (nowadays more and a prerequisite when submitting a manuscript to a journal).
Researchgate profile. A large number of scientist upload there work here and make it accessible to either the members (by request) or public (this service is often used to present other than official papers as well such as conference posters, preprints, data, methods etc.).
I am afraid that this will only count for currently still active researchers. If you want to get a full overview of let’s say Albert Einstein than this is easy but a less famous person will require a lot of effort by searching the web, asking former co-workers, reading some of the work you can find and look for self-citations linking to work you didn’t find earlier and so on.