Hi, I hope someone can help me with this problem! I have a distribution of 2000 numbers but I only know the first 10. The first 10 numbers are:
2025, 1000, 335, 300, 187.5, 135, 99.5, 20, 17.5, and 13.5. I know that the total of all 2000 numbers is about 12,000.
What I am looking for is a recognised long tail curve model which using the first 10 numbers only predicts a total for all 2000 numbers in the sequence. I need the total to ideally be between 11,000 and 13,000. I did look at Zipfs law but I'm not sure this works.
I am not a mathematician but would appreciate any recognised models/distribution curves/laws you could suggest and what the model you suggest would give as a total for all 2000 numbers in the sequence knowing only the first 10 numbers.
The key thing that I am trying to do is fit these numbers to a recognised curve / long tail model. I am less bothered about the total (although ideally in the range 11000-13000) and more bothered about the model being something that would be recognised by mathematicians globally.
I hope this is clear. Thank you so much in advance to anyone who tries to solve this for me!