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Everything posted by Bez
Last Post Well, I had a short text session with my Nephew and afraid I didn't fair much better with him (he was busy and preoccupied and gave me a few irrelevant links). I admitted I have all the signs of a crackpot in an earlier post. Observation is the foundation of Science. I have tried to post what I see (for better or worse). I understand why no one would take me seriously as I don't know the terminology and have no formal training in this field (why would anyone give me the time of day?). Really, I understand and I'm OK with it! Would you ask a country bumpkin for stock market advice? A Unified theory? My interest in Physics stems from a lifetime of metaphysical experiences (oh oh here we go). I first stood beside myself while sleeping in bed at age 7. I could fill a book of experiences and no one would believe me. I have wondered once if I was delusional. I had delusions of grandeur (due to all the experiences). Then I ran from myself most of my life. Now I have come to terms with myself and promise I am perfectly lucid. Now I realize no matter how great of experiences I have if I am honest with myself and recognize my shortcomings and seems those things I want to do (I do not do) and those things I don't want to do (I do). So thereby comes humility with recognition of my shortcomings. Plato in the, "Republic", states this world is a description we take for granted as being it whereas there is much much more beyond all this and the very words we learn to speak as a baby take us away from ourselves and awareness. Being a Zen master I can relate to this. Also, what you perceive with your eyes is but a very very small part of all that there is. Even the Universal universes is but a small part. You cannot imagine how big things really are! Since I have been shutting off my internal dialogue since I was 16 (and am 59 now) it happens naturally (has been for over 40 years) so my mind works mostly in pictures. What I have tried to do is post what I see. Doesn't make it true or correct and surely would have to be tested but if even one person can see something in this stuff I posted and run with it and others can benefit then this was worth it. Thank you for your time and opportunity to post here. Bez
lol...some of you have to much time on their hands! Later
Do we know I'm wrong until we quantify the equation?
I agree wholeheartedly! It's why I came here for help but found little and so my Nephew can quantify my equation! And I wouldn't say I'm guessing but yes reality is not what you think it is at all!
I don't know if I'm right. I believe I may be right. If I am wrong merely because I don't fit your mold (lack of academia) that is ridiculous. I do have an IQ or 160....do you?
Friction caused by rubbing a balloon on your hair creates static electricity and then turns it into a magnet or sorts (same principle). My nephew hasn't gotten back to me yet....(that's a good thing). Just suppose for a moment all that I write here is correct? If on this 14th day of May in the year 2019 this equation: E=MC squared F=Friction E X F = Electromagnetism Electromagnetism X Motion X Form = Everything Form = Geometric shape and size Form based upon near-sphere's with circular and elliptical orbits from the smallest particles to the largest planetary body. is correct then here is a list of what I have given you thus far. 1. Why some planets do not have a magnetic field 2. That the Earth is a simple generator due to spinning/wobble producing friction (plus spin...spin makes the difference in some cases but if a planet doesn't wobble enough (if too spherical like the moon then no magnetic field). 3. Super-heated surface of the sun due to unseen friction 4. Dark Matter = Unseen intersecting Universes 5. Dark Energy = Electromagnetism (from Friction X Energy) 6. Black Holes = Galaxy building necessary vents that puncture and regulate the speed of expansion of the universe 7. A new view of the Universe 8. A unified theory/equation 9. A long awaited breakthrough! I'm sure there is more I have given you but this list not bad IF I am correct! So those of you that say all this is nonsense might want to what until the juries is in! Because I don't fit your mold is irrelevant! What you think or believe does not effect the reality that is! I do have to thank this site though as my posting here allowed me to see the equation (from my own writings..both friction and form) Have a Good Day I'll report back my Nephews findings (maybe he my new partner).
lol..can't you be nice? It's ok I still love you! Sometimes I think perhaps it's better I have no formal training because I don't have all that dogma and restrictions Academia can confine me in my thinking. Because it has to be this way or that way. I didn't go on to pursue Masters degree in Anthropology because aside from Physical Anthropology IMO the rest of it is much BS (soft social science). People making up stuff and have no idea what actually took place oftentimes in Prehistory. What I learned then many years ago has had to be rewritten several times over now. When I was there Clovis Man was the oldest (many years ago). I also don't have the movements where these guys believe this way and these other guys say no it's their way etc. I get a purely fresh look based upon visual observations mostly. In my opinion that's a good thing!
I emailed my equation to my PHd in Astrophysics Nephew. Maybe he can see something in this. Funny you should mention my infatuation with friction as while I posted about my Hypothetical Universal Universes I saw where, "friction," was so important (and form). The pieces of that puzzle I couldn't see until I saw my own writings here! Funny how when one has no one to discuss this stuff with and never write anything down how revealing one's own writings can be (even to oneself). Without friction no electromagnetism! The part I saw was almost everything is off slightly. Off slightly for a reason. Near sphere/near parallel etc. Imagine how much energy a slightly off parallel universe (which I know wouldn't be parallel then) could produce spinning and rubbing next to another universe. The reason it's not all perfect spheres is they need to be off slightly to produce electromagnetism by increased friction. I believe A perfect sphere will not cause nearly the friction compared to one slightly off. Perfect spheres may not be able support a magnetic field due to lack of friction. The near sphere wobbles slightly increasing friction even more.
Wow, OK! I never said what, "I see," didn't need to be tested! (seems even with the unknowns could plug in some numbers/etc. and see what comes up). Screenshot everything and email it to myself (computer forensics will date it). And on to the next site (at least I'll be more prepared next time). Why no dislikes on the equation post? E=MC squared F=Friction E X F = electromagnetism (changed) electromagnetism X motion X form = everything and thanks for the info on it's: Energy times Friction If at least one person can see something here and run with it then it was worth my posting. Your allowing me to post allowed me to formulate the equation (now I just need to quantify it). Thank you for your time I won't bother you guys any more.
Partner Up? I can see the whole shooting match moving in my mind like my mind is the Universal universes! I swear I can even hear it! Like a giant engine! You might be surprised if you asked me some questions! If we truly are close to the scientific, "Holy Grail," (which surely would include a Nobel) then let's partner up. You are the guys that know about his stuff (I'm just the guy with the pictures)! And it's your lucky day! You guys get 2X the money because I can't take money for this stuff and I'm a poor man (somebody can buy me dinner though..lol). If it's still a million then you could have a team of two or whatever and split the money. Why can't I take the money? Hard to explain without looking like a crackpot. About the only clue I could give you is, "talking donkey"! So no worries and think about it.
Wow, thanks man! Good stuff! So it's Energy X Friction? So we don't see mainly, "near sphere's", in circular and elliptical orbits from the tiniest particles to the largest planetary systems? I am posting what I see (not making stuff up). My mind works mainly in pictures. Anyway, I would appreciate all the help I could get here! Thanks Edit: I have a picture like a puzzle and am trying to piece it together to get the full picture. edit: doesn't help that I rolled in here with nearly all the signs of a crackpot...lol. I also have never taken a Physics or Astronomy class (I do have a BS in Anthropology of all things...lol). I was top of my class in upper mathematics (University level) and my instructor said I had a future in Math because only two of us got A's (out of 25) and when I went to pick up my final exam she asked me how I figured out a shortcut. I said I must have learned it in class and she said no she hadn't taught me that it was new and how did I know to do that. I told her I guess, "I saw it,".
There is a typo or two but for now let's call all of this a decent sci-fi story (today's sci-fi tomorrows fact). E = MC squared (energy = mass x acceleration squared....speed of light) F = Friction E + F = Electromagnetism Form = geometric form as well as size (from smallest particle to largest planetary body) On other thread I posted that a simple observation shows us that almost exclusively we see (from smallest particle to largest planetary body) spherical, circular, and elliptical in formation and motion. No matter how one slices a sphere it's still geometry....thus the "Form," included in equation. So in the equation, "Electromagnetism X Motion X Form = Everything," the only, "unknown variable," is Friction because we can measure both Form and Motion and we know, "the speed of light,". The accumulation of combined friction from the 8 speeds/motions mentioned above should be near constant. The background, "Friction," behind our universe (intersecting universes) is constant also so for our universe can we get by with just the accumulation within our universe? It is interesting to note all the motion going on around us (8 speeds/motions) within our universe. That's a lot of Friction. Also, we notice none of this motion beyond seasons and day and night and all that we perceive is relative only to this uniform motion system. In the above post I used the term, "layered", friction (for lack of better words) but meaning the combined friction of all motions within this uniform motion system (expansion/spin of universe, expansion/spin of galaxy, etc.). Also, Larger object = greater friction I mentioned as speculation (this is the speculation forum) that the, "dark energy" (missing energy) is the, " Energy + Friction = Electromagnetism." Because we can't see it...but we should be able to measure it. Also, as speculation I put forth that all the missing matter (dark matter) are the other intersecting universes (that we can't perceive). I'll mention the super-heated surface of the sun as evidence of this unseen friction. And below looks a generator to me!
I thought of something else...gotta get em when the come through. So two main elements of ,"friction," 1. Motion 2. Size of particle or planetary object So let's count the speeds/directions we are currently going in from Earth 1. Our universe expanding and spinning (2 speeds) 2. Our galaxy spinning and crossing universe (2 speeds) 3. Our solar system spinning and going around galaxy (2 speeds) 4. Our Earth around the sun and rotating (2 speeds) Total (8 speeds) Don't mean to scare you but there may actually be nine speeds (one unseen entirely but we will stay withing the Universal universes for now as the 9th motion won't effect us (I don't think)...I have an even bigger hypothetical beyond the Universal universes). Each of these speeds (and associated friction) will have to be taken into account to determine, "friction".
Oops ran out of edits! Electromagnetism X motion X form = everything So the, "form," part of this is size of the given particle or planetary body. Both, "form," and "motion," then we can measure. We also know Energy = acceleration squared (the speed of light) E=MC squared So the only variable here is friction. Friction would be in direct relation to, "Form," (size of the particle or planetary body). In the hypothetical Universal universes there would be layered friction. The other intersecting universes, our expanding universe, the galaxy motion, and those parts the sun doesn't protect us from and even our orbit and rotation. edit: This friction could also be the, "dark energy," just as all the intersection universes are the missing, "dark matter."
- 63 replies
Thank you for constructive paths to pursue! No really knows for sure what is going on in the center of the Earth or what causes it so that is a hypothetical! I will obviously detract that part as evidence graciously for the time being and back to the drawing board (which is my mind as never have written anything down (may be the problem good time to start relearning math) but has helped me here to post and formulate this for myself). I have never taken a Physics class (I know it shows) and have never had anyone to discuss this stuff with. I am also a work in process! Bez Edit: somehow replacing form with mass doesn't work geometrically. Form would be the size of a given particle or planetary body. Also, oftentimes the simplest observation/explanation is the correct one. One last edit as not sure how many more posts I will have here. I think it's possible (in my hypothetical Universal Universes on other thread) that black holes not only serve as vents in relation to the expansion of the universe but also regulate the speed of expansion.
E=MC squared F=Friction E + F = electromagnatism Electromagnetism X Motion X Form = Everything evidence: Electromagnetic field surrounding this planet actually drives (produces) the molten core center
Could energy be caused through electromagnetism times motion times form? Like near parallel or near spherical but everything has to be off slightly to generate friction/energy and (electromagnetism). For example it's possible the electromagnetism surrounding this planet drives the molten core (not the other way around). Off topic edit to earlier post of mine...didn't have a chance to get back before closed: Scratch the variation in speed from center to edge of universe in my hypothetical and 40 years ago not sure how I got it in my head it was Einstein's Parallel Universe theory...my bad!
Supermassive Black Holes Created Through Rapid Expansion Of the Universe
Bez replied to Bez's topic in Speculations
Ya, Trump's an idiot! I'm sorry if you don't like my approach! I have no strategy and don't believe their is a conspiracy (not sure how you read that into what I wrote). I'm sure many nuts show up here with wild concepts and off the wall stuff and you guys are used to running them off. The status quo is a tough nut to crack though I will give you that. But conspiracy?!?!? I wouldn't go that far. Was it Galileo that they almost burned at the stake? At least my model of the Universal universes is creatively thinking abstractly about what lies beyond this universe. Most people don't have enough creative energy to produce a decent daydream much less about what is beyond this universe. Go ahead give it a try and see what you come up with. Ya, I thought so...nothing! A scientist without insight and creative thought process is destined to be unpublished pushing a pencil behind some desk (or running or working as a mod or tutor at a web site..lol). What really brought me here was to instill some thought about this and help things along with a model and a theory (which is basically Einstein Parallel Universe theory and his Theory of relativity as it relates to our perception and why my model works). Einstein already did most of the math for me. I have been working on this model since I was age 17. I could never figure out how (the mechanism) for the universe to flow back into itself (not collapse) at the end of it's expansion and when they recently discovered mid size black holes I had an epiphany! Theoretically, supermassive black holes could eventually swallow the universe (especially when they combine and become bigger and if I am right that as the universe expands it will expand faster and everything will speed up dramatically the closer to the end of the final expansion. I could do the math but would have to relearn half of it as haven't done it in 30 years. Also, I don't have the time as I am a landscape artist and have an oil painting I need to finish up. It's unfortunate we got off on such a bad start as I could help in the Religion and Philosophy sections as have studied all the major, minor and many tribal and Native religions from around the world. Also, I am a Zen Master and have tried and true techniques that are better and faster at development than counting breaths in Chan Zen meditation. I know and have written and spoken of a level beyond no thoughts at another site (that I did not get banned from..lol). I have been shutting off my internal dialogue since I was 16 and am 59 now. In Zen..."no thoughts", are the highest level whereas there is actually a level beyond no thoughts that everyone can have access to. I wrote in detail how to get there on another site. Anyway, back to this peculiar model I call the, "Universal Universes". Here is a link and below is a section copy and pasted from the article in that link: https://www.space.com/34928-the-universe-is-flat-now-what.html "But average all those small-scale effects out and look at the big picture. When we examine very old light — say, the cosmic microwave background — that has been traveling the universe for more than 13.8 billion years, we get a true sense of the universe's shape. And the answer, as far as we can tell, to within an incredibly small margin of uncertainty, is that the universe is flat." So now that we have established that the universe is flat let's look at a simple observation. From the micro to macrocosm (from smallest particles to largest planetary systems) we see mostly spheres, elliptical, and circular in formation and motion! So now you want to throw a square or rectangle into the middle of it!?!? lol I understand the two parallel lines not intersecting giving us flat but not round (disk shaped). One could do the math and still have round and flat and not square edges (disk shaped). Is it a stretch from a purely observational standpoint to wonder why it's flat and perhaps it is flat because there are a universe on either side of this one....and so on. Now, here is an interesting thing I didn't put in first post. So, the model is nearly spherical shaped made up of a near infinite number of universes positioned from near parallel to perpendicular (forming the sphere) with new ones being born (big bangs) almost continuously and older universes folding in on themselves through accumulated combined multiple giant supermassive black holes. Now since our perceptual senses (according to Einstein) can only perceive those things that are part of this uniform motion system and since each universe in my model is moving at a different rate of speed we then can't perceive them except if where the other universes intersect this one have differentiation in speed from center to edge of that universe and coincides with the speed of this one. If that was possible then that would mean many galaxies, etc. actually belong to an intersecting universe (not our own). Ya I know science fiction! But if it gets you thinking and you see a part you can run with well who knows. If I am correct and someone does all the math then they get the credit! Now having a disk shape (rounded corners) or a membrane at edge of universe is hypothetical as no one knows what is at the edge of the universe...yet! Purely from an observational standpoint it would appear there is a membrane and that currently black holes have already penetrated that membrane! My above theory describing my model uses Einsteins Parallel Universe Theory and his Theory of Relativity (many will see that outright). So my model does fit with Einstein! Also, as evidence I offer the super heating of the surface of the sun due to unseen friction and the observational view of galaxy formation. There is other evidence I can't remember (getting old does that) so know their is more. I also put forth that my model makes more sense than a square or box if just from a purely observation standpoint with respect to the micro and macrocosm (as squares are not usually found in the Cosmos or even nature here). Just as there are more than one solar system and more than one galaxy then does it even make sense that there is only one universe? Only one big bang? How about nearly continuous Big Bangs knocking out new universes all the time? According to Einstein we would never know because our senses and perceptions are limited to only being able to perceive those things of this uniform motion system (this is derived from Einsteins Parallel Universe Theory). Think out of the box a little! I likely won't be back and thanks for letting me post! Sorry if I ruffled some feathers (I have that way about me..lol)! Bez -
Supermassive Black Holes Created Through Rapid Expansion Of the Universe
Bez replied to Bez's topic in Speculations
lol...I shouldn't have looked back here...but did! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shape_of_the_universe the above link was at top of list of google search with 5 more pages so go look yourself. You should already know the the Universe is disk shaped as was discovered years ago. I never said black holes caused the Universe to expand (reading comprehension again?!?!?). I said they were caused by the expanding universe and are necessary. You my friend are obviously the one that hasn't a clue and suspect my writing way over your head and obviously beyond your undersatnding! edit: won't let me post anymore today. You guys hate Americans huh! click link above and go down to #2 on shape: this it what you see; Flat (no curvature), open (negative curvature), or closed (positive curvature) that is a disk...lol! There are 5 freakin pages of links beside the one I gave you (which was at top of list) so can't understand simple English or too lazy to research yourself or just like being a troll Mod. I've been a member of many sites and have never expeienced a mod like you...maybe you just a kid!- 20 replies
Supermassive Black Holes Created Through Rapid Expansion Of the Universe
Bez replied to Bez's topic in Speculations
I know that everything traveling faster than the speed of light since the big bang is not part of the model. You said speed of light was!?!? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shape_of_the_universe I googled and found 5 pages!?!!? You obviously are not even reading my posts or your reading comprehension is really bad! Obviously you didn't google, "shape of the Universe," which makes you a troll and a waste of my time! Later...or not!- 20 replies
Supermassive Black Holes Created Through Rapid Expansion Of the Universe
Bez replied to Bez's topic in Speculations
After the big bang everything up to now is traveling faster then the speed of light with regard to expansion of the Universe. You don't know what you are talking about as that is not part of the current model. Also google shape of the Universe. Discovered it was disk shaped many years ago so again you don't know what you are talking about. A gravitational lens is hardly the other side of a black hole and other article questionable. I saw the Universe as disk shaped over 40 years ago (again do your own research as as discovered as disk shaped maybe 10 years ago). I also told people there was a black hole at the center of all galaxies way before it was discovered. I was telling my Nephew who has a PHd in Astrophysics some stuff a few years ago and he blurted out it was just discovered and was so new it wasn't even in print yet. My doctor brother was a witness. How could i know these things? There is much in the Universe that you are unaware of...go read another book...lol! Edit: Also apparently you don't recognize Einsteins parallel Universe theory and Theory of relativity- 20 replies
Supermassive Black Holes Created Through Rapid Expansion Of the Universe
Bez replied to Bez's topic in Speculations
lol on to the next site! evidence: the visual formation of galaxies, surface of sun hotter, parallel Universe theory and theory of relativity with regard to perceptions- 20 replies
Supermassive Black Holes are caused by and necessary for the rapid expansion of the Universe and are proof positive the Universe is expanding faster (and has been from origin) than the, "speed-of-light!" This traveling faster than the speed of light is supposed to be impossible but what is seen and perceived is only relative to this motion system. Our perceptual senses are located in our bodies and our bodies are on this planet going approximately 67,000 mph around the sun and the sun is cruising around the center of the galaxy at about 140 miles per second. The galaxy is hauling across the Universe. We are going places very fast yet we don't notice that motion. All that we perceive then is relative to this uniform motion system. Therefore any system (or Universe) with even a slight difference in motion (since mass and energy is interchangeable) could not be perceived. Then exists the possibility that the entire construct we perceive is an illusion (a veil) which wouldn't make it any less real yet all our measurements concerning the, "speed of light," ( among other things ) would be wrong because our base measurement (due to our perceptions) is limited only to this uniform motion system. My view of this disk shaped Universe is as a small part to all there is. I see a spherical near ellipse made up of a near infinite number of Universes with new ones being born nearly continuously as older ones fold in on themselves through eventual combining super duper massive black holes. The disk shaped Universes are from nearly parallel to perpendicular to this one and each one is moving at a slightly different speed (right through us now) and since mass and energy is interchangeable we cannot perceive their existence as our perceptual senses can only perceive things relative to this uniform motion system. These supermassive black holes are not only necessary in Galaxy building but also as a result of the expansion of the Universe faster than the speed of light. If it wasn't so we should be able to see to the other side of a black hole but we can't. Even a Supernova created black hole has caused enough energy to puncture the membrane between the Universes. All these other Universes flowing around us and through us are the dark matter (missing matter) and dark energy. It should be quite obvious that when disk shaped (as the Universe is) and is spinning and expanding that black holes would form (not unlike whirlpools in a stream) from the expansion. Look and you can see! As the Universe expands it should increase in speed. The reason the surface of the sun is hotter is another clue to these increased speeds from what is now known as is simple friction causing super-heating. If our measurements are off do to limitations in our perceptions due to this uniform motion system then also our measurements concerning distance and even time itself are off. The fact we view a construct veil (illusion) does not make it any less real! I'm here because the other major science site closed my thread after many complaints (just an hour ago...my membership there was about a half hour...lol) as apparently they do not appreciate theoretical stuff. Kinda funny as have a BS degree myself and when a purported science site doesn't even adhere to the, "Scientific Method", (Formulate a Theoretical Hypothesis and set out to disprove it) then something is wrong. Glad Einstein thought out of the box or we wouldn't be where we are now! If a bunch of stuffed shirts want to hold on to the perceived, "status quo"', then they are doing more harm to science then good. Bez