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  1. Your just a bunch of agitators, , ,What more science do you want
  2. haha, , , im just saying all you need is a void and a particle to make a Universe !!
  3. Former CEO and Computer Technician of IN-AP Systems The Big Bang explained once and for all !! - By Mick Bartram - As my doctors certified me a Genius, it is so obvious to me !! Here is my conjecture, , ,was the big bang probably caused by a division by zero, a mathematical oddity where 1 \ 0 = infinity, a dividend of 1, with a divisor of zero equals a quotient of infinity, the dividend of 1 is an infinitesimally small fundimental particle, and ok maybe not a divisor of zero, but an extreamly small unimaginable value of say 10 to the minus googol, .1 with 100 zero's before the 1, thats a whopping 100 \ 70 = 1.428 x all the atoms in the universe ( if the dividend is the mass of say a Lithium atom ), , , As with most good solutions, mine is short, sweet and very simple !!,, , ,So a huge amount of matter \ energy at one point from next to nothing, just one infinitesimally small fundimental particle appears on its own in the void, and divided by it = Boom - Big Bang !! and the secret to the universe - Let There Be Light !! haha, , , i bet even Einstein, one of my science heroe’s didn’t see that one !! Don’t it just blow your mind - Mick Bartram
  4. I have been using a relativity program i made in 1997 and have some ideas, I believe massless particles travel along with the actual speed of the expansion of the universe C, , , , the apparent rate of the expanding universe is 44.7387 mile per second per mega parsec, which works out at an actual rate of 99.999999 C here is a screen shot of my program, , , Note the actual speed of .99999997, or 186243 MPS and the apparent speed at the bottom of 64.30355 MPS My twist on Einsteins formula shows 1) how massless particles like photons can travel at light speed 2) That the apparent expansion of the universe is speeding up because the actual speed is slowing down
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