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Lepton (1/13)
So you don't believe in the power of prayer? Prayer is the utilization of the law of attraction. A spiritual law. Even in the bible it says: "ALL Things whatsoever you ask for in prayer, BELIEVING, you shall receive." I have experienced it might self many times as have lots of other people. Jesus used and taught the law of attraction even if he didn't call it that. He brought miracles back to faith. "your faith has healed you". Lots of people have experienced the law of attraction and shifts happening in their reality. I've heard and read many stories from other people. We're not delusional. But you're free to think whatever you want. Remain ignorant if you'd like. Is there anybody here that can relate to these things? And maybe has something useful to contribute?
(I'm not really sure which subforum this belongs in) I'm just trying to understand how reality works but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this. Just hoping someone can help me make sense of this. There has to be someone out there that understands this stuff. If you've heard of the law of attraction, I'm very interested in this topic because I have manifested lots of things into my experience over those years. I know it works - I've seen it work many times. Some people think we "attract" our desires/manifestations to us, but I think what is actually happening is that we are shifting our thoughts/feelings/beliefs/vibrations (because everything is energy) and as we do so we are shifting to a parallel reality where the desire exists in our experience. So the desire is not coming to us - we're going to it vibrationally speaking. As Nicola Tesla says "if you want to understand how the universe works, think in terms of energy and vibration" because everything is energy. I believe in parallel realities because I have had experiences that have shown me that that is really how it works. One day I had a piece of paper from the bank showing my checking and savings account. And about mid way down the page there was the word "christmas club". It made it sound like I had a christmas club but I didn't. I showed it to a second person and they also read and saw the words christmas club on the paper. Several minutes later I got to looking at it again and now nowhere on the paper was the words "christmas club". The words had vanished. I believe I shifted to a parallel reality where it wasn't on the paper. The other day I went to a restaurant with my mother and we set down at a table. There was two bar stools on her side of the table, but only one on my side. We ate and then we got up to leave and noticed that there was now a second bar stool on my side of the table. We both remembered there only being one when we set down. Yet we never saw anyone bring a second chair over. It just appeared there as if we shifted to a parallel reality. Lots of people report things like this. On the Sid Roth and the Supernatural show they often bring on people that have had instantaneous miracles occur. People in church have lost a ton of weight instantly and they had to hold their pants up so they wouldn't fall off. Tumors have falling off of people. People have had gold teeth appear in their mouths. One guy had his hair grow back in seconds - the people behind him witnessed it. What is happening in these instances? I think they're shifting to a parallel reality. Usually we shift to a parallel reality that is only slightly different, but in these instances of sudden miracles they seem to be shifting to a reality that is vastly different. Apparently a VHS tape has about 24 images per second that it flips through which gives us the illusion of movement and time on the tv screen much like a flip book. And things on the screen appear to be moving. But we know this motion picture is really made up of still frame images. If you've heard of Bashar, he says that reality works the same way. Every moment is a still frame, and we are shifting through parallel realities billions of times per second which gives us the illusion of movement and hence time. I believe Einstein said time is an illusion. Maybe this explains how that is so. They also say we're blinking in and out of existence all the time. In tv terms we call that the refresh rate - the rate at which it refreshes or shows the images. So because of all the experiences I've had I have come to the conclusion that parallel realities do indeed exist and we are shifting between them all the time. So if there is past lives and future lives, which I do believe there is, those too are all happening all at the same time simultaneously and just appear to be from our perspective happening sequentially. It's interesting that when you astral travel or project your consciousness out of your physical body, which I have done many times, you're able to go the past, present, or future. Time doesn't seem to exist in the same way on that plane as it does on the physical plane. Also interestingly, you can see the manifestations of your thoughts much quicker there. On the physical plane there is a time delay. And space is perhaps an illusion too - we're not really moving at all when we're driving down the road. We're just perceiving that to be the case. Things appear to be moving past us - giving us the illusion of movement. Now on some Youtube channels, people are propagating the message that "everyone is you pushed out" if you've heard of that. That the other people in your reality do not have free will like you do or the ability to think. When you're asleep at night dreaming, you think you're in a world separate from the people around you. And you think they are real and have free will and the ability to think. Only when you wake up do you realize it was all a dream - they didn't have free will or the ability to think. They were just you pushed out (a projection/dream). But we know that even in our waking reality nothing is truly solid. Everything is 99.9% empty space. As Einstein said "the universe is illusion, albeit a very persistent one". It's maya or an illusion. It's perhaps a dream just a different form of dream from our nightly dreams. The people saying that other people in your reality don't have free will or the ability to think, say that because they have manifested people doing or saying specific things. And so they conclude that the people in their reality are subject to their intentions. That they have control over other people. I have experienced this as well, but personally I believe that you can not control or force someone in your reality to do or say something but you can influence them. The thought can pop into their head and they can choose to ignore or do something about it. I think this is why it doesn't always work 100% of the time because in our waking dream, I think the people in our reality do have free will and the ability to think. But I don't know that for sure. I think the reason you can sometimes manifest a specific person, or an ex back, or even a soulmate, is because as they say, if you can imagine it then it exists in a parallel reality. There is a parallel reality where you get that specific person, or ex. And there is a parallel reality where you have a soulmate. They say that we are all living in our own bubble of reality. So if two girls want the same guy, they can both have him in their version (bubble) of reality. They both win because they both shift to a parallel reality where they have the guy and the other one doesn't. Is that really the way it works? I'm confused about this because I know for a fact that we shift to parallel realities. But if everybody is shifting through parallel realities all the time, how can we all be in a shared reality? How can the people in your reality have free will and the ability to think? It kind of seems like these people might be right - that our waking reality is like a dream projection just like our dreams at night and the people in our reality don't really think or have free will. They're just figures in our dream. But something tells me that that is not right. I am convinced that the people in my reality have free will and the ability to think. I just can't explain how that can be the case. How could we have a shared reality if we're all shifting though parallel realities all the time. And if we're in our own realities, how could the people in our realities have free will and the ability to think? This idea that everyone is you pushed out makes sense in some causes. I have noticed how our judgements towards other people does change them and make them the way we judge them. Then when you forgive or let go of the judgment you had about them, they change. I've seen this over and over in my life. Then there's something else I'm wondering about. In quantum physics they talk about how everything in the quantum field is waves (potentials). And the moment you give something your attention (observer effect) it becomes solid (a particle). So in other words, everything in front of you appears to be solid because you're giving it your attention. But everything behind you apparently doesn't exist in particle form. Everything behind you goes back to wave form or the quantum field until you give it attention by touching it or turning around and looking at it. So when we say there are an infinite amount of parallel realities, does that mean they're all in wave form (quantum potentials) until we give our attention to them? Or do all of these parallel realities exist simultaneously in physical/particle form? As solid as the one we're currently experiencing? And if the later is the case, does our consciousness exist in all of them at the same time or does our consciousness move from one to another as we give it our attention? It's hard to imagine that our consciousness can split itself up an infinite amount of times. And it's hard to imagine that an infinite number of solid realities could exist all at the same time and our consciousness is only in one of them at a time as it jumps around between them. What happens to the other solid realities when our consciousness leave them? The only thing that could make sense to me is that all parallel realities exist as potentials in the quantum field in wave form until we give it our attention and shift to it. And that the people in our reality don't have free will and the ability to think. They're just figures in our dream. While that makes more sense it doesn't feel right. But is that because of a lifetime of thinking otherwise? If the people in our reality do have free will and the ability to think and yet were all having a shared reality and yet shifting through parallel realities all the time, how is that even possible? Maybe parallel or other realities exist in the quantum field as wave potentials. Maybe they don't exist all at the same time as SOLID realities. Maybe it's like a DVD movie – all moments of the movie exist on the disk digitally. But your consciousness doesn't exist in all moments of the film at the same time. Your consciousness is the observer which jumps around from one moment to the next. And you only see (on the screen) the moment you're currently focused on. The rest merely exist as a potentials on the disk. If we're in the middle of the movie we could say it has a past and future, but those moments only exist as potentials on the disk. And yet all the moments of the movie exist at the same time. I have heard somewhere that even we don't have free will, we just have the illusion of free will. But who knows? Our thoughts just seem to come to us. Are all our dreams/realities preplanned including our thoughts? According to A Course In Miracles, everything that will ever happened has already happened (the script is written), and we're just merely replying events.