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Everything posted by Teoremajic

  1. If there is any biologist Who study the microbiome and could say anything about this
  2. Anybody knows about microbiome? Thanks
  3. You can search in Google, microalgae chlorella for example that is the most famous. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3654245/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelation The question is... James lind tryed to prove that limons/oranges cure the scorbuto. He tryed to prove it coocking limon Juice. The moment he cooked the limon Juice, he oxidate the vitamina C and he couldnt cure the People in his second tryp, in which he wanted to prove his theory. It have to past 42 years until royal navy accepted the theory like good. Microalgae chlorella only is in pills, cooked or warmed to kill it and do the pill. Maybe the chlorella of freshwater that we drinked in out past alive, chelated our heavy metals.
  4. I work with marine alive animals and I give small animals live phytoplancton to eat. I did phytoplancton alive of freshwater in a embiroment controlated, and I drinked for about 115 days. I had irritable bowel, and that irritation disapear. I dont want that People drink Green water. I want that any scientist or any biology study this. Make algae and microalgae ecology freshwater, and drink/eat for 3-4 months. They can check it doing fecal samples of heavy metals and omega 3 to check it
  5. Sorry. The algae freshwater is about microbiome and omega 3 ALA. And MICROALGAE freshwater (phytoplancton of CLEAN water, away from human), detoxifies of heavy metals. If fishes of the sea has heavy metals, is because human are polluting the sea, microalgae of the sea is cathing them, and fish eating the algae with heavy metals. If we drink clean microalgae of freshwater alive, created in laboraroty, you Will drink secure phytoplancton without heavy metals, that Will catch heavy metals When you Drink.
  6. The theory is about that there is one anomaly captation in pufas, fatty acids (omega 3). The real apport of omega 3 isn't fish, we need the omega 3 ALA alive. How we get it? Algae freshwater like this video
  7. I Will put here one theory about microbiome. The theory is in spanish, but you can translate with Google translater. I only want that this theory finish in hands of any scientist or biology that could prove it. Thanks and sorry for my bad english, i Will answer the questions that you have. https://www.burbuja.info/inmobiliaria/threads/solucion-al-deficit-de-omega-3-acumulacion-de-metales-pesados-y-exceso-de-radicales-libres.1043197/
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