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  1. Wow sounds like armageddon or some form of nihilism. Here in the UK, the UKIP leader Nigel Farage is also denying climate change as well. If things get worse, will it be reversible?
  2. From what I read in New Scientist, air pollution and water pollution is getting worse every time and they claim the government are doing vry little about it. Maybe the magazine has a more pessimistic tone? Are there other science magazines out there with a more optimistic view? What about wars over resources? And I think the Sci-fi books I indulge in doesn't seem to be giving me much hope in humanity either haha
  3. Interesting perspecive about being being violent to protect our loved ones. However, most of the violence we display are fueled by greed and not protection of our loved ones. As for better coorperation, I kind of don't see it because our climate is getting warmer and warmer and our leaders are no doing enough to cut down on carbon emission and other polluting factors. will we even be here in say, 200 years time? I don't know. Fair point
  4. Hi, I am new to this forum so I'm not quite sure if posting this here is the correct plcae but it seems like it this so here goes. I have been pondering this question for a while now; say if humans stopped warring with one another say, 100k years ago or so and used the higher cognitive gift that evolution has given us over othr animal, would we have made mars look like earth right now? And wouold we have the technology to physically explore our galaxy?
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