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  1. Depends on the idea of the argument, people who see it social will say yes, people who see it a logic(science) will say no. Its a concept that has been in science since forever, which is Does science control our beliefs. Its a open end question for the most part, parts of history will say yes others no. A good example of science v beliefs is the Earth is flat during the medieval era. For the science of the time was seen as witch craft and was also killed for it. But a good one that shows when the scale is tip to science is Nazi Germany during 1940s' they made many things but also ruin people, murder and much more for the name of science, like we didn't know about hypothermia till they did they're reascreach that was cruel. But to answer the question social people will say yes, science says no
  2. Look into something called SQL(Structured Query Language) it is a coding language that is about data tables and all the good chats for people its what is mainly for data science, a good example of SQL you use but never realize is Google sheets or Microsoft sheets
  3. Depends on what you want to do with the rocket in context for anything. A simple bottle rocket would be a glass bottle + firework tapped to the lip of the bottle, than pick a direction and light it. A rocket mainly is about thrust, thrust is how hard it will send its self in one direction, this does require wind resistant as a variable that can make a rocket not go one direction and also the earth's pull is one. But the best idea for a model rocket to start is paper towel roll with a parachute that comes out on the earth's pull when the rockets thrust source has expelled itself. But if we want to talk about space rockets that use a hydrogen engine that can give both trust in and out of earth (the hydrogen is mixed with a oxidizer than is light, than shot out the rear,) these have a lot more build quality in hull/body for the amount of heat and stress applied during take-off and exiting. But the last one I can think is a firework which is a rocket in its own right, it creates the thrust when the gunpowder is lit than blows up at the end with sulfur making the colors we love. So which one?
  4. Sorry new to this stuff.
  5. On the part about start or end on a sphere I mean that lets say you walk around the sphere you can start but can't have a technical end to the sphere because there is no end point. Then to the point I was talking about with it being every where. Planets are spheres, protons neutrons and electrons are spheres, than starts are spheres. I just find it weird that most things are spheres when you look to the littlest forums of matter, or the stars in space.
  6. This is sphere for all to know. This may not seem like it ,but it is let me tell you how. You see sphere's are well the prefect shape by the fact you can't drawl it. Trust me all those shapes with the spheres are only shaded circles not a true circle by when you draw on paper you only can draw in 2D for the most part. Unless doing 2 or 3 point drawings. A sphere is one of the only shapes to have only a start not an end, hey sometimes not even a start. Why is it prefect? Look into space or you cells or matter, by the fact what shape are they? Spheres they are always spheres so I ask one question to end off. Why? why is it that we can't draw it but it is every where in nature, space and so on. I don't know. But do you know?
  7. To start I will say to explain as a start. Lets say you have a boss and he tells you to turn off and on a lamp an infinity amount of times for a hour. This is impossible . By lets say you divide the hour by 2 that means you turn it on a 30, then after that 45, than after that 52, than so on and so on. This is impossible to find the value of when the lamp is on or off. Now to explain why infinity is a false value. You see if we put a value in to anything with infinity there is a infant amount of outcomes but there is one thing that makes infinity a false value. Thanks to one man infinity is number that can never be used. Sir Isaac Newton. His law of matter that states that "matter can not be destroyed nor create," lets keep this is mind if nothing can be destroyed or created. So infinity is disproved as value by you can not created any matter so that means that nothing can be infant.
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