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Everything posted by Farid

  1. Hey everyone, I just wanted to share how the world looks to some people. To help me, I will be using Octavio Ocampo's paintings. Basically, some people see faces in almost everything.
  2. Hi, Most of you probably know by now, that science can be stressful and can cause anxiety. Some of the things it can cause anxiety and stress about are sex, food, exercise, contact with surroundings, and being close to people, not socializing with people and etc.
  3. I'd be more impressed by magician's intelligence if all of their tricks were actually an illusion and not really happening.
  4. I just wanted to post it so that perhaps someone might benefit from it.
  5. Hello Everybody, I have smoked marijuana in the past and have noticed a few aftereffects. Very terrible after effects, such as problems with my eyes getting too dry. Another after effect that I noticed was feeling pain. The good news is that I noticed those effects getting almost eliminated after doing a memory exercise. The memory exercise I practice is just writing down some numbers and reading them, then I try to read it from memory until I become successful. Thank you.
  6. Sounds very similar.
  7. No, no, I was saying in the original post that I was WONDERING about the possibility of history not actually being existant. I can't see how evolution can be true if history has never existed? I think you believe that I assume or believe that history does not exist. I actually don't believe that history does not exist. I was merely pondering on the possibility.
  8. Well, if history never existed, but just the illusion of it, then evolution could not have happened.
  9. I think history and evolution are very interconnected.
  10. Hello Everybody, I just wanted to express my opinion on magic tricks. I have seen many magic tricks on YouTube and other media platforms. And, most of them are extremely hard to explain. My opinion on it is that some of them are just illusions, and some of them are real. What do I mean by "real?" By that, I mean that if a magicians disappearing trick is real, it means that the magician has actually disappeared.
  11. Hello everybody, I used to be a lucid dreamer. I would realize that I am dreaming while in a dream. I saw many things in my dreams that seemed to have long history. that made me wonder if it is possible for things in actual life to not really have any long history yet seem like it does.
  12. That's almost as heavy as Earth itself. Wow!
  13. Farid

    Time Travel

  14. That's what I assumed as well.
  15. Hello everybody, First off, hope you're all doing well. I was wondering what is the weight of all the particles in the Earth's atmosphere?
  16. Farid

    Time Travel

    I am just discussing the effects.
  17. Farid

    Time Travel

    Hello everyone, I wanted to discuss time travel in this thread. Suppose that in 2020, you travel back to 1970. You have traveled to 1970 fifty years after it has passed, so you are in a time that is 50 years after 1970. Suppose that in 2020 you travel to 2070. In that case, in an about an instant, 50 years has passed.
  18. The tourettes, the severe pain, and my depression all got better almost instantly after having sex. I am just being informative. Tourettes Syndrome is a mysterious illness. That is also one of my reasons for posting this.
  19. Hi Everyone, I had tourette syndrome. It was really really bad. I became unemployed for a while because of it. I went to a psychiatrist and a therapist, and took medicine, and it did nothing. Then, I had sex, and it is completely gone now. I also was going through severe pain. After having sex, it is almost completely gone, now.
  20. I am not saying that time slows down in that case. I saw a documentary on this. It had to with time slowing down to a person moving at or near the speed of light.
  21. If the light from the clock reaching you slower because of you almost moving at the speed of light means that times has slowed down. Then why doesn't just taking out the battery in a clock mean that time has stopped?
  22. Sorry about the late reply. I was busy. By controlling your desires, I mean can you just have a desire or stop having it whenever you want to?
  23. I am saying what Strange thinks I said. Let me quote him.
  24. High altitude.
  25. Hi everyone, According to special relativity, time slows down or speeds up according to how fast you are moving relative to something else. As I understand it, the light traveling from something that tells time reaches you slowly when you are traveling near the speed of light and that is why time slows down. I do not understand why the light from time reaching you more slowly means that time has slowed down? The time it takes for a second to pass is called a second, any slower time or faster time is not a second. A second passing slowly means that a second will pass slower than the time we call a second, which would mean that time is not a second because it is slower than the time we call a second so it is longer than a second.
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