No it is really like a flower opening to the sun when all the other flowers are still in their bud stage. The flower can explain & explain to the other flowers that the sun does exist & is wonderful, but the other flowers just have their own imaginings & feelings of what the sun really is like '& will not fully know what the sun is until they too open themselves to the sun. God has shown me the future thousands of times & it alway comes true. Often it is things I would not in a thousand years imagine happening & yet they come true exactly as God showed me they would. I've been forced to accept that God truly is real & not a figment of my imagination. At the same time I can close my mind & ignore God & live my life as an atheist if I want to. It is my choice. I choose to acknowledge that God is 100% real & I live my life accordingly. Religious people have banned me from all their websites because I say I know God in person, & they only parrot books. & so I am a threat to their reality. I expect only rude hostile insults from all people. I do not believe people in general have the ability to be civil on the web. I only posted the wavelength information in the hope that a true scientist could use the information to conquer time & space for humanity. I could write about thousands of things God has demonstrated to me but I will never have proof. God has explained & shown many times that the earth is purposefully being held at a lower level of spiritual awareness 'so that it is forced to live independently from Gods constant help. That way people strive to overcome obstacles on their own & in the process they learn & grow