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Everything posted by AUDI R6

  1. When you work so much with math , you lose the ability to understand physical meanings .And this can create a lot of issues to the development of physics.
  2. You cant even what?
  3. Mathematically QFT is correct , but physically it isnt
  4. But both electrostatics and mechanics , the object we measure has the same properties ..... And both theories describe something real . Unlike QM which doesnt describe only real things but imaginary too.
  5. You cant combine QM with Relativity because they describe two different situations . First describes quantum uncertainty of the properties of a subatomic particle , second describes how time and space are relative to the speed of the observer for real objects . QM gives possible outcome so imaginary objects as well. Dont you understand sarcasm?
  6. Yes of course whatever you say. 2 theories must be "physically " connected. They must describe the same situation to be combined .
  7. I know what QFT says . I just don;t believe it.
  8. Relativity is applied to real objects with distinguished properties . Quantum mechanics gives us a prediction of the outcome of a subatomic particle's properties . They are not "physically" connected.
  9. QM gives us possible outcomes about the subatomic particle's properties . In Relativity however the object has distinguished properties. No wrong in mathematics . Wrong in combining those 2 concepts which are unfamiliar with each other.
  10. Attack dead mans?Dirac,Feynmann... Tell me how it works... The basic idea is wrong , you cant combine QM with relativity , something which predicts the outcome with something real. something not real with something real....
  11. Well I dont understand why people accept QFT since Relativity and QM are not "physically" connected? This shows how stupid Paul Dirac and all those who continued his work.
  12. I wont do any of those thing because they are silly.
  13. Yes Ok you continue using mathematical models in physics and try to combine QM with Relativity .
  14. We are the most intelligent species untill some different is proved:)
  15. Does Time Really Exist? I know all physics and chemistry regardless of what you think . You cant just understand me because you are stuck with your math or you dont want to understand .
  16. Science always existed and will always exist ..... It is not an invention. Search Through the wormhole "Does Time really exist?" . In this episode , there is one physicist who claims that time is an illusion . His idea came from math . But time cant be an illusion . And then there is a philosopher of physics which states that math may endanger the evolution of physics . And there is Lee Smolin as well , who says that time is real . Check the video;) Universities are sometimes wrong ! And if someone isn't a physician , this doesn't mean that he is wrong . It is more about how much you have studied , not having a degree in physics. First of all two theories must be connected physically , not just mathematically . And I dont give the definition of science , just science is a part of reality but math isn't/.
  17. Mathematics are not universal! Human logic may be wrong . Science is a part of reality so regardless the observer we know that those laws govern our universe . But math are personal because they are the creation of human mind.
  18. If they were we would have detected something . Intelligent species want to explore and have curiousity , so they would be searching for us too.;)
  19. The person may understand different laws but this is incorrect and we can it is incorrect because it is a part of reality . Math are not a part of reality. When science cannot change I mean the laws were and will be forever.
  20. My evidence is the lack of evidence of another civilization.
  21. You said it cant do math . But from his point of view if we add or remove an apple nothing will change . So there are personal math. Because there is real science and science cannot change. Regardless of how someone sees science is part of the reality and math isnt . Science is universal and since someone disagrees we can say he is wrong . But it doesnt work the same way with math.
  22. Math are not universal and differ from person to person based on its ability to understand quantities . But science is universal
  23. Imagine someone who cannot understand how many apples he has in basket.Our math to this guy dont apply so math is personal . That is sooooo wrong....
  24. It is actually the same thing.
  25. Someone who cannot understand what is more and less has different math.
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