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Everything posted by AUDI R6

  1. Logic and common sense are the same thing . So since logic is different from people to people , math are different from people to people.
  2. Science is not incorrect laws of operation of the universe. Science is universal , math is not universal so science is more important and more fundamental than math!
  3. Science is not the theories we come up with , are the rules of operation of the universe. And the rules of operation of the universe are absolute at the macroscopic level (where quantum uncertainty and wavefunction can be considered neglible). And phlogiston has never been proven experimentally. Math on the other hand are personal based on our ability to do logical thoughts (what is more , less etc).
  4. The solution is that we are alone in the universe . We are the first intelligent enough being to understand physics and chemistry and create our own civilization.
  5. They moved the instrument relative to the sun.
  6. There is a whole part of science -> Philosophy of physics which supports what I say . P.S I didnt know it existed or what it said , but it clearly says that math may endanger the development of science. Yes but they repeated the experiment for relative motion as well (if the source of light was moving). Einstein understood the physical meaning of the Lorentz's transformations . The word physical is important . Math are not physical. They are numbers and letters.
  7. Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the speed of light is the same for all observers . But this seemed impossible to that era. Einstein then thought that if time was passing slower for observers moving at a relative velocity , the issue would be solved . Einstein didnt use any math to do the thought I mentioned above . This is science . Not the mathematical models we learn at school. Or for example the theory of Pauling for electronegativity . He just pubished a mathematical version of its theory later to become applicable and to be used in predictions.
  8. experiments which proved that electromagnetics propagated at the speed of light for every frame of reference. Logic is what seems right to a human.
  9. Human logic can be wrong but the reality of the universe cant be wrong . In order to see if we are correct , we need to encounter another civilization similar to ours to see if they can understand our logic . And still there is no guarantee we are correct.
  10. Math come from human logic and human logic may be false . Science cant be wrong because it describes the reality of the universe.
  11. Both have been confirmed a billion times.....
  12. Math is not the language of physics . There is no language of physics . We use them for practical applications . But you cant derive something general from something special . You cant expect math to describe physics .
  13. Wait a minute .... We write science from our observations in the nature and from experiments . So science cant be wrong . Math on the other hand are made from human logic . Human logic can be wrong but nature cant.
  14. Science doesnt need math to exist , but math needs science .
  15. Have you seen the previous pages?
  16. Philosophy and math work with proof? Ok prove me that 1+1=2 Prove it dont say it is just because it is. Math and philosophy come from human common sense but science is the truth of the universe. Math can be wrong , but science can't.
  17. Proof is for math? Ahahahahaha:P . Math is not proof . Science is proof. Math is the practical use of science. But trying to generate science from math is impossible...
  18. General relativity has been proven experimentally . Quantum mechanics has been proven experimentally . But you cant combine those 2 theories because QM refers to a possible outcome of our universe and GR refers to the real universe .
  19. String theory is a mathematical model . It hasn't been proven and I guess it will never be . Also it tries to combine general relativity with quantum mechanics which is wrong , due to the nature of quantum mechanics (Quantum mechanics describes the possible outcome of our universe and general relativity describes something which is already a part of our universe) . Well I guess QFT is wrong as well for the same reason but physicists stubbornly dont listen to me .
  20. Your life sounds horrible really . I couldn't live on a hotel with all those luxuries . Well while you learn how to be lazy , I will sit home and design the rocket to visit the Moon . Then see whose life is pathetic. Ough ! Do you have children ? Are you writing this kind of shit because you have middle age issues and insecurities? I suggest you visit a psychologist for your good .
  21. Ok you geniuses go do shit at the rest of your pathetic lives.
  22. Well you know I am reffering to a law , not a policy . Cut the crap ok?
  23. The energy released from the collision will be both from the kinetic energy of the antimatter object and the matter object and from their mass since they will annihiliate with each other so it will be very big .
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