Weitter Duckss
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Lepton (1/13)
-I agree, "That's not surprising." Surprise is the existence of blue shift within the expansion. „You need to provide a statistical analysis of a large number of observations to show it is not just due to chance.“ And „You make a LOT of claims that run counter to accepted science.“ Small, large mergers and collisions between galaxies, galaxy clisters and supercluster is for you a small number? Quote: „Collisions between galaxy clusters“ (72).. shows blue shift between these clustrs. All galaxy clusters (except ours) have a red shift. There are several hundred active links on my page (it's just part of the database) by objects and bodies with deviations that do not follow „Although we have (with increasing distance) increase red shift (z), the distance may decrease or growth“. Galaxy Distance Mly Red shift km/s NGC 1073 80 kly 1208 ± 5 NGC 1169 114 ± 27 kly 2387 ± 5 NGC 1.600 149,3 kly 4.681 Messier 33 2.38 to 3.07 -179 ± 3 (blue shift) Messier 32 2.49 ± 0.08 -200 ± 6 NGC 1569 10,96 ± 0,65 -104 NGC 404 10-13 -48 ± 9 NGC 2976 11,6±1,2 3 ± 5 NGC 4236 ~11,7 0±2 NGC 3077 12,8±0,7 14 ± 4 NGC 6946 22,5±7,8 48±2 NGC 7320c 35 5.985 ± 9 NGC 7320 39 (12 Mpc) 786 ± 20 NGC 2541 41 ± 5 548 ± 1 NGC 4178 43 ± 8 377 NGC 4214 44 291 ± 3 M98 44.4 −0.000113 ± 0.000013 Messier 77 47.0 1137 ± 3 NGC 14 47.1 865 ± 1 Messier 88 47 ± 8 2235 ± 4 IC 3258 48 -0,0015 (-517) NGC 3949 50 800 ± 1 NGC 3877 50,5 895 ± 4 NGC 4088 51,5 ± 4,5 757 ± 1 NGC 1427A 51,9 (+5,3, -7,7) 2028 ± 1 NGC 1055 52 994 ± 5 M86 52 ± 3 -244 ± 5 Messier 61 52.5 ± 2.3 1483 ± 4 NGC 4216 55 131 ± 4 Messier 60 55 ± 4 1117 ± 6 NGC 4526 55±5 448 ± 8 Messier 99 55,7 2407 ± 3 NGC 4419 56 -0,0009 (-342) M90 58.7 ± 2.8 −282 ± 4 Messier 59 60 ± 5 410 ± 6 NGC 4013 60,6 ± 8,1 831 ± 1 Messier 58 62 1517 ± 1 NGC 4414 62,3 790 ± 5 RMB 56 65,2 -327 NGC 613 67.5 1487 NGC 1427 71±8 1388 ± 3 NGC 148 85.56 1516 NGC 473 98 2.134 NGC 3370 98 1.279 NGC 3021 ~100 1541 NGC 3244 100 2758 NGC 7007 131,13 3098 NGC 5010 140 2975 ± 27 NGC 7074 140 3476 NGC 9 142 ± 31 4528 ± 10 NGC 922 150 3063 NGC 12 183 3941 ± 4 NGC 127 188 409 NGC 106 199 6.059 NGC 6872 212 4.555 ± 30 NGC 5 212 5111 ± 41 NGC 21 234 ± 29 4770 ± 4 NGC 476 261 6337 ± 126 NGC 7047 270 5811 NGC 965 294 6794 ± 39 NGC 800 300 5.966 NGC 1128 300 6940 ±20 NGC 90 333.8 ± 146 5353 ± 10 NGC 300 447 9.740 NGC 280 464 3.878 NGC 427 467 10.162 Deviation from a few units usually breaks theory without evidence. For example: „The body in orbit around the Sun .........Minimum temperatures °K .........Distance .from the Sun AU 1 Mercury 80 (100 equator) 0,39 2 Moon 100 1 3 Mars 143 1.52 4 Vesta 85 2,36 5. Ceres 168 2,77 6 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko 180 3,46 7 Ganymede 70 5,20 8 Callisto 80±5 5.20 9 Triton 38 30,11 10 Pluto 33 39,48 Table 19. Sun system, temperature deviation, relationship: minimum temperatures °K/distance from the Sun AU. These measurements of minimal temperatures show deviations from the accepted claims that the intensity of ("termal") radiation decreases with the square distance. Except Mars and Pluto, not all objects have enough quantity of atmosphere, which could cause doubt about the correct way of selecting objects in the example. If a factor of measurement imprecision is also taken into consideration, the deviations are still impossible to be removed as they show that the objects from the examples 1 – 5,20 AU have the same or higher minimal temperatures than Mercury and they are also of the lesser or similar mass. Mercury and Ceres are in a group of objects, which are explored equally well and in details; however, it is shown that the minimal temperature on Ceres is two times higher, even though it should be decreasing, according to the law of radiation intensity decrease with the increase of square distance. „ ...
-Photographs (mainstream) are a substitute for math. Figure 25 is an indisputable proof. - Here's math clear: „If deviation is excluded and minimal temperatures are observed very roughly, it is obvious that there is a temperature decrease with the increase in distance: „Mean Solar Irradiance (W/m2) on Mercury is 9.116,4, Earth 1.366,1, Jupiter 50,5, na Pluto 0,878.“ [33]“ Registered within the universe are the temperature below 3 ° C (1 °). Next Level (Multi Space) yet more distances sources of radiation inside the space (falling temperature) ...
I appreciate your opinion. I just (as always) pass official evidence, placed in a series of relationships. Red shift Although we have (with increasing distance) increase red shift (z), the distance may decrease or growth: Leo_Cluster.............................368,6 Mly..............(z)....0,022 ARP 87………..........… distance..330 Mly.........................0,023726 Abell 2152...............................551................................0,041 Hydra_Cluster..........................190,1.............................0,0548 Abell 671.................................600................................0,0502 Abell 1060..... .........................190,1.............................0,0548 Abell_1991..............................812................................0,05870 Corona Borealis Supercluster..946................................0,07 Laniakea Supercluster…..........250................................0,0708 Abell 2029.............................1063................................0,0767 Abell 383................................2485...............................0,1871 Abell 520 ….....distance..........2645 Mly........red shift ..0,2 Abell_222(3)...........................2400 Mly.............. z ...... 0,2110 Saraswati Supercluster ..........4000................................0,28 Bullet Cluster......................... 3700................................0,296 Abell 2744……………................3982 Mly.........................0,308 CID-42....................................3900................................0,359 Abell_370 ..............................4775................................0.375 3C_295...................................4600................................0,464 Musket Ball Cluster ................ 700 Mly..........................0,53 Abell 754……….......………..........760 Mly..........................0,542 MACS J0025.4-1222 ..............6070 Mly.........................0,586 Phoenix Cluster......................5700................................0,597 RX J1131-1231.......................6050................................0,658 ACT-CL J0102-4915............... 4000.................................0,87 Lynx Supercluster ................12000 Mly.........................1,26, 1,27 Twin Quasar...........................8700................................1,413 XMMXCS_2215-1738...........10000................................1,45 Einstein Cross …….................8000 Mly......................... 1,695 TON 618...............................10400.................................2,219 A2744 YD4...........................13200................................ 8,38 UDFy-38135539...................13100.................................8,6 GRB 090429B.......................13140.................................9,4 etc. Today in the database we have from 100 to over 8300 discovered galaxies that have a negative velocity (blue shift). We also have a (mainstream) evidence of interacting galaxies (small, large mergers and collisions between galaxies). Within the objects that merge or collide there is only a blue shift. These galaxies for us may have a red shift. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Interacting_galaxies The increase in red shift (due to my and similar tables) is tied to larger objects (unsuccessful). https://www.spacetelescope.org/static/archives/releases/science_papers/heic1506a.pdf Quote: „Collisions between galaxy clusters provide a test of the non-gravitational forces acting on dark matter. Dark matter’s lack of deceleration in the ‘bullet cluster collision’ constrained its self-interaction cross-section σDM/m < 1.25 cm2/g (68% confidence limit) for long-ranged forces. Using the Chandra and Hubble Space Telescopes we have now observed 72 collisions, including both ‘major’ and ‘minor’ mergers. .“ end quote
DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2115 W.D. Abstract This article is about a constant growth of objects and systems in the Universe, based on: the forces of matter attraction (gravity), rotation and its speed with their effects, too, the creation of whirls and cyclones as a result of the rotation of objects, systems and the Universe. The creation of light is related to the effects and force of waves (radiation) in their collision with visible matter. It is proven here that a redshift is directly related to the weakening intensity of waves to the distant objects. Instead of being over-intellectual, this text, as a form of evidence, also introduces images, created by the direct observation (NASA, ESA, etc.) or based on the observations of the other astronomers and their published findings. 1. Introduction The main goal of the article is to document a visible matter's constant growth, ranging from the smallest particles to the largest systems. The creation of systems, from small objects, stars and the most complex systems, is analyzed through the forces of attraction, the rotation around their axis and the processes that are a consequence of the rotation and gravity. Some accent is also placed on the whirls and cyclones that occur on the poles of gaseous objects, stars and the centers of regular galaxies, which themselves are a product of their own rotation. Light is documented here as a product of collision between waves and the visible matter and it is also shown why the Universe is dark. A redshift is analyzed through the weakening intensity of waves, which is detected by the astronomers' instruments. The articles [5], [7], [10] and [11], with this one, too, make the integral part of a constant growth, rotation and its effects, cyclones, light and redshift. 2. A Constant Growth of Objects And Systems Inside the Universe The processes of matter attraction inside and outside our Universe are based on the evidence and the fundamental principle of matter attraction. .. 6. Conclusion Millions of percussive craters scattered on the objects in our entire system, the daily influx of matter to Earth and the other objects, small and large mergers, collisions and other interactions among the objects, galaxies and galactic clusters are the representation of the process of the constant growth of the objects and systems. The existence of orbits, star systems, binary systems and other systems (from galaxies to superclusters, the Universe and the Multiverse) is impossible in the space without the effects of an object's and a system's rotation around their axis. The objects that have no rotation, or have an extremely slow one, do not create orbits around themselves. The objects with an independent rotation do not create orbits around their poles, where there is no effect of the rotation around the axis. The cyclones are the product of rotation. By sucking matter in, they increase or decrease the speed of an object's rotation. Only a very small quantity of the objects has a very high speed of rotation (O type and White Dwarf 0,0005% of the total quantity of stars in Milky Way). Light is the product of the collision between waves (radiation) and the visible matter. Space is very cold and dark where there is no visible matter or the intensity of waves is very low. Beyond the third level above the Universe the temperature of space is at 0° K. All processes at the absolute zero are extremely slow or in the state of rest. A red spectrum is a product of the weakening of the wave intensity, with the increase of the objects' orbital speeds inside clusters, galactic superclusters and the Universe. The decrease of the wave intensity is observed the best in our system from Mercury to the Oort cloud (Solar radiation pressure lbf/mi², 0.1 AU 526; 0.46 AU = Merkur 24.9; … 5.22 AU = Jupiter 0.19). .. https://www.svemir-ipaksevrti.com/ (1. Introduction article)
Effects of Rotation Around the Axis
Weitter Duckss replied to Weitter Duckss's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
The discussion did not start as a discussion. Tables of the topic are sufficient for discussion. It should be read as text (with proofs). I. Bodies of the same mass are found in all classes (from O to M). The height of the temperature is not dependent on mass, bodies (planets) with mass 12 M Jup. achieve autonomously high temperatures (they do not reflect only the radiation). II and III. The speed of rotation regulates the systems and their appearance. Etc. https://www.svemir-ipaksevrti.com/Universe-and-rotation.html#The-processes-which-cause-the-appearance-of-objects-and-systems -
Effects of Rotation Around the Axis
Weitter Duckss replied to Weitter Duckss's topic in Astronomy and Cosmology
Topic is: Effects of Rotation Around the Axis (with evidence from multiple databases). Judges of „American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics“, Author Weitter Duckss. I want to see your (personal) opinion on the subject. Please, use proof in the debate. Avoid theories and hypotheses. -
I. Star…………………….Type………………Mass Sun=1……Temperature °K EZ Canis Majoris..WN3-hv………….19…………………..89.100 Centaurus X-3………O……………….20.5 ± 0.7………….39.000 η Canis Majores…..B…………………19,19……………….15.000 HD 21389…………….A…………………19,3………………….9.730 Kappa Pavonis……..F………………..19 – 25…………..5,250 - 6,350 V382 Carinae……….G…………………20…………………5,866 S Persei……………….M…………………20……………….3.000-3.600 DH Tauri b..Planet; dist. 330 AU..12 M Jupiter….2.750 HIP 78530 b..Planet; dist. 740 AU..24 M Jup…….2.700 (2.800) II. galaxies....................type galaxies................Speed of galaxies Fast-rotating galaxies RX J1131-1231..........quasar.................half the speed of light Spindle galaxy.......elliptical galaxy.......significant amount of rotation around axis“ NGC 6109………..Lenticular Galaxy……..40 ± 8 rad m−2 Contrary to: Slow Rotation Andromeda………….spiral galaxy…………..225 km/s UGC 12591…………..spiral galaxy…………..500 km/s, Milky Way……………spiral galaxy……………210 ± 10 (220 km/s Sun) III. Galaxies…………………….type of galaxies……………….speed of galaxies Large galaxies (fast-rotating) APM 08279+5255…….elliptical galaxy………………..giant elliptical galaxy [25] Q0906 + 6930…………..blazar……………………………..the most distant known blazar OJ 287 BL…………………Lacertae object………………..the largest known objects S5 0014 + 81……………blazar……………………………….giant elliptical galaxy H1821 + 643…………...quasar……………………………..the most massive black hole Contrary to: Dwarf galaxies (fast-rotating) Messier 110………….elliptical galaxy…………………dwarf elliptical galaxy Messier 32…………."early-type"……………………….dwarf "early-type" galaxy NGC 147………………spheroidal galaxy………………dwarf spheroidal galaxy NGC 185……………..spheroidal galaxy………………dwarf spheroidal galaxy The topic was approved by judges. I hope it will not immediately end up on the black list.