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Paul Singh Jr

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Everything posted by Paul Singh Jr

  1. The UN like to hide there problems until they have a solution or until it’s to public just Incase they need to use drastic measures
  2. Totally agree with a lot what ur saying but as u said the world is not set up like that at the moment It is only used to send satellites in to orbit and tbh I’m not sure if it’s still in use but I don’t think they thought about using it for that purpose.
  3. Is it physically possible for suns to be a exit point for black holes. Theoretically it makes perfect sense
  4. Nothing will change until the problem is highlighted.most ppl think we don’t need to worry because we won’t see the effect for another 20/30years but with in 5/10 years I see a food crisis like the Great Depression of the 1920
  5. They have got a cheap way they built a gun to launch satellites in the 60s . It’s a common and it s the cheapest way for us to get non living things into space
  6. It’s really bad ppl are not taken in consideration the soil toxicity which will ruffle take about 10yrs to lose 25% of the globes fertile farm land .we need to start shooting rubbish into space and turn all public transports electric.and regardless of that there’s to much ppl on the planet in 5 yrs it’s gonna be 20billion . At a time when we need more resources we’re destroying them
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