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Amazing Random

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Everything posted by Amazing Random

  1. Hello I am building a spacecraft at my garage . For engine I have compressed air inside a closed box and by pressing a button I create a small gap where the air could come out . My box is made of a material tough enough to resist the pressure of the air inside . Also it is not very ductile meaning it cannot be easily plastically deformed resulting in reduce of the pressure . Now I want to make the body of my spacecraft.Any ideas? Also we need to put engines at the sides for the rotation / shift of the rocket . P.S I want to go to and die at the Moon so I can have the incredible view of Earth for the rest of my life. At first sign of pseudo-science? Pff....
  2. But I am bulding a rocket to the moon! . And none of my thread is pseudo-scientific . I just share my ideas . Please close all threads but this one and re-open it please . If you don't want to participate fine , but anybody who is in rocket science can . Please re-open it!
  3. My thread "Building a rocket " was moved to trash . I dont know why . I just asked how I could built the body of my spacecraft and they said it was non sensical. Anyway.....
  4. Hello I am building a spacecraft at my garage . For engine I have compressed air inside a closed box and by pressing a button I create a small gap where the air could come out . My box is made of a material tough enough to resist the pressure of the air inside . Also it is not very ductile meaning it cannot be easily plastically deformed resulting in reduce of the pressure . Now I want to make the body of my spacecraft.Any ideas? P.S I want to go to and die at the Moon so I can have the incredible view of Earth for the rest of my life.
  5. No where . We say that quantum fluctuations happen in a quantum system which is a part of space-time but if space-time is a substance they dont require anything. Be careful how you chat with me ok? I didnt say anything offensive. The instruments we have can't find negative mass since it only interacts with positive mass through gravity. No where . We say that quantum fluctuations happen in a quantum system which is a part of space-time but if space-time is a substance they dont require anything. It is worth thinking of it.
  6. Since gravity doesnt exist in the quantum world. ???
  7. We may search for the wrong things . I mean normal matter would not interact with negative matter in quantum world
  8. If it was falling towards massive objects we wouldn't have gravity a black hole would be a white hole.
  9. Somewhen it had to. The gravitation field doesn't create negative stress.
  10. Well this topic is about a crazy idea I came up about space-time . I was wondering how everything came from nothing . I mean we have positive mass and energy but in the beginning we should have an absolute 0 . Ok so what if space-time is a substance and is made of subatomic particles as well ? Earth bends space-time . And every object with big enough mass-energy bends it . But this bending doesn't it look like the space-time is "repulsed" from the object? I know it is very crazy but it explains how everything came to be . Before big bang there wasn't anything . And suddenly quantum fluctuations started happening and created positive and negative mass ( negative mass being the fabric of space-time). The positive matter particles created started to annihiliate each other producing energy . Negative mass particles didnt annihiliate with each other so they remained as space-time . It reminds me of Star-Trek
  11. Your whole statement is supported by the fact that a photon can escape the gravitational pull of the black hole . But that's not possible! And you use expressions such as "not proven yet".
  12. It has a deBroglie wavelength just because the quantum system is infinitely small there is not enough space-time for the wavelength to be expressed.
  13. The truth is only experiments . Nothing more , nothing less. The results of the experiments create our understanding of the world and we create theories based on those results to predict alternate cases.
  14. God is illogical . Logic are the results of the experiments.
  15. God is not reason , God is like magic . It solves all of our question without asking why or how.
  16. The wavelength of the core of the dying star doesnt fit to the singularity so we know the position of the mass. Since there is only one point where the mass could be there is no uncertainty though no quantum effects.
  17. The quantum system is infinitely small There is no propability. There is not enough space-time for propabilities to be created. Sorry there are no quantum effects at all .
  18. Nope it isnt. There is a limit of energy required for an object to bend space-time . Just like there is a limit in pressure a material can take withouth breaking - the same thing.
  19. The wavelength But the quantum system is infinitely small so no quantum effects.
  20. Big is the mass of the core of the dying star The wavelength of an object predicts if we have to take into account quantum effects. What are you talking about? Better go ask de Broglie or one of his grand -grand children to tell you
  21. We ignore quantum effects even at the mass of a football ball . And a black hole is much heavier than a football ball.
  22. I dont know the mass of the core of a dying star.... How could I know? But its pretty big . So big we ignore quantum effects....
  23. ??? The wavelength is so small we ignore quantum effects.
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