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Everything posted by Wulphstein

  1. The holographic principle says that all the information encoded within a region is encoded on it's boundary. What I have is a virtual photon with a spherical wavefront, containing quantum states, that gets larger at the speed of light. I think we're getting closer to the truth. The virtual photon is (terribly) misunderstood in physics. All that is said about it, is that it obeys the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of the form [latex]\Delta E \Delta t > \frac{ \hbar}{2} [latex]. I was looking at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_particle when I noticed a mistake that illustrates my point. " The term is somewhat loose and vaguely defined, in that it refers to the view that the world is made up of "real particles": it is not; rather, "real particles" are better understood to be excitations of the underlying quantum fields. Virtual particles are also excitations of the underlying fields, but are "temporary" in the sense that they appear in calculations of interactions, but never as asymptotic states or indices to the scattering matrix. " Virtual photons cannot be the temporary excitation of the underlying field because they have to be the underlying field. I must remind you that the spacetime continuum, spacetime interval, time and geometry are all ASSUMED to exist by unknown mechanisms (magic?). That is the problem I am trying to correct. The only particle that is known to exist, that has a virtual ruler and clock, which are needed to provide a mechanism for time and geometry, is the virtual photon. The equation I showed you previously, [latex] \psi = e^{i(k_x x + k_y y + k_z z - \omega t)} is the solution to the time dependent Schrodinger equation for a photon. I found this from the same link. " The Planck–Einstein and de Broglie relations illuminate the deep connections between energy with time, and space with momentum, and express wave–particle duality. In practice, natural units comprising ℏ=1{\displaystyle \hbar =1} are used, as the De Broglie equations reduce to identities: allowing momentum, wave number, energy and frequency to be used interchangeably, to prevent duplication of quantities, and reduce the number of dimensions of related quantities. For familiarity SI units are still used in this article. Schrödinger's insight,[citation needed] late in 1925, was to express the phase of a plane wave as a complex phase factor using these relations: Ψ=Aei(k⋅r−ωt)=Aei(p⋅r−Et)/ℏ{\displaystyle \Psi =Ae^{i(\mathbf {k} \cdot \mathbf {r} -\omega t)}=Ae^{i(\mathbf {p} \cdot \mathbf {r} -Et)/\hbar }}" Proving that this equation describes a virtual photon will take a little more time to accomplish. You said that the spacetime continuum can exist without photons. But that is not valid. You don't have a mechanism for time or space. YOu don't know why the speed of light is invartiant. YOu have all this mathematics, but no mechanism. You have no grounds to make a claim that the space-time continuum doesn't need virtual photons. There is no conservation of action law. There is more to say, but it's getting late. You physicists need to do better than just assuming the existence of time and geometry. The great downfall of string theory is that it says that strings exist in 10 spacial dimensions, but just assumes their existence as if by magic! No! You need to explain how geometry and time can exist mechanistically.
  2. Hi Mordred, Above, you will see three diagrams. The spacetime interval is the proof that virtual photon spheres begin at a point and expand outwards at the speed of light. That's why the spacetime interval is used. Do you notice in the second diagram, where the x-ct and x'-ct' reference frames experience an event at origin 0? The clock/ruler of the x-ct frame and the clock/ruler of the x'-ct' are both related to the same spacetime interval. How can that be unless the clock and ruler come from virtual photons that were emitted from the origin. One went with the x-ct frame, the other went with the x'-ct' frame. Both virtual photons are moving at the speed of light. The giant orange sphere is the wavefront of a virtual photon as it expands from a point. Eventually, it will contribute its quantum states to the spacetime continuum as it expands indefinitely into a sphere many light years across. The wavefunction of a virtual photon is [latex] \psi = e^{i(k_x x + k_y y + k_z z -\omega t)} [/latex]. But I have stated the reasonable assumption that the wavefunction of a virtual photon is actual the virtual photon. The quantum states are necessary to create space and time. The virtual photon has another built in constant, the Planck constant, so that the frequency states are calibrated to be energy states as well. Conservation of energy and momentum are an inevitable consequence of a spacetime system that is made operational by virtual photons being emitted (from events?) continuously and everywhere in space. The energy/frequency states are places to put energy (whatever energy is available). These energy states are like glasses of water made to contain water, or bookshelves to contain books. The energy/frequency states are a place to put energy/frequency, made available by the virtual photon quantum states (which are the actual fundamental things that actually exist). The whole point I am arguing as that the virtual photon is the best mechanism to explain the spacetime interval, the invariance of the speed of light, time, geometry. Gravitons were never detected or verified to exist; that eliminates the graviton. By the way, the mechanism that creates spacetime geometry should be abundant. That rules out the Higgs boson. But virtual photons are very abundant. Rebuttal? Incidentally, virtual photons are units of action. There is no conservation of action. So conservation of energy/momentum arguments are baseless.
  3. I'm still at work, but I'm going to make a claim. I will prove it when I get home. Virtual photons of the form [latex]\psi = e^{i(k_x x + k_y y + k_z z - \omega t)} are being radiated out from a point (possibly the Planck scale). They are radiated from every point in spacetime. They radiate out, from t=0 to t=for ever. They spread out at the speed of light, and get large very quickly. The fill spacetime with quantum states. They effectively transmit information at the speed of light. This is the mechanism that establishes the time, space, momentum, electromagnetic field environment upon which other standard model particle fields can be built upon. Looking forward to defending this claim.
  4. In quantum mechanics, wave functions are mathematical solutions to the Schrodinger's equation. [latex] \psi [/latex] refers to a set of quantum states that describe the system. This is standard physics. Does anyone challenge it?
  5. Mordred, Let's go back to special relativity. What causes the speed of light to be invariant? What does c have to do with the mechanism that causes spacetime? There is a short list of things that travel at the speed of light, photons, virtual photons and globs. We've ruled out photons because SR works without photons. We can rule out gluons because gluons don't have wavelength to measure distance, and frequency to measure time. We can rule out particles with mass because they don't travel at the speed of light. Virtual photons have wavelength states (ruler), frequency states (time) and momentum states (acceleration). Therefore, virtual photons are a good candidate for a mechanism that causes spacetime. Entanglements. Initially I also thought it was like apples in one bag and oranges in another bag. But they proved, I'll have to find it, that the quantum state can be both until it's measured. That proves there is a connection between entangled photons. I think it's frequency states. Science says I should develop a hypothesis and then perform an experiment. Do you agree? We should perform an experiment to try to determine what is between two entangled particles, what is the entanglement made of. Don't you agree?
  6. Possibly. But we need to experimentally prove that it does. Alternatively, we need to look for quantum entanglements that can endure the process of blueshifting and redshifting.
  7. What do you mean? Right. I am arguing that the spacetime field is actually made of a large collection of quantum states (frequency, wavelength, momentum). We can infer that because gravity fields cause time dilation (the frequency states are the mechanism of time), spacetime curvature (because wavelength states are the mechanism of geometry) and acceleration (momentum states). Quantum states are things associated with wave functions (mathematics). But it looks to me like the most like candidate of a physical mechanism to cause gravity has certain characteristics. First, it has quantum states. Second, it travels at the speed of light. The most likely things that fit that category are virtual photons and quantum entanglements. Quantum entanglements, are referred to as "spooky" things that connect two particles in a way such that particle 1 has spin |spin A> and particle 2 has |spin not A> when the choices are spin up and spin down. If a phenomena like entanglement has two quantum states at each end, and they're opposite, what is in between? Probably more quantum states. To recap, I think there are some unknown quantum states between the two end states of a quantum entanglement. I think that space and time are caused by mechanisms that have the speed of light built into them as a characteristic. Third, I want to entangle two photons, because it's pretty routine to do so, and try to blueshift the p1 photon and redshift the p2 photon using a centrifuge system. What I expect is that the "suspected to exist" quantum states of the entanglement will start to arrange themselves from smallest to largest. If an experiment showed that to be true, then one could argue that the smallest unit of the spacetime continuum would be a quantum entanglement between two photons. As near as I can understand, which falls short of a proof, is that the entangled states are connected by the mechanistic version of a phase angle of a virtual photon that could include a polarization of the same phase angle. In other words, two entangled particles would have to be mechanistically connected by a characteristic of a virtual photon (which includes polarization). Polarization is when the oscillating E x B field field of a photon is also rotation along the axis of its Poynting vector. Listening. Thank you. I still suspect that this spooky action at a distance, "measure one particle in a state, and you know the state of the other particle", is being accomplished by a virtual photon mechanism. I am interested in the reading the article. I am attempting to get down to the mechanism that causes gravity. I suspect that a quantum entanglement between two particles is the mechanism. When the two particles are photons, the stress energy tensor relationship is insignificant; however, when the p1 photon are blueshifted and the p2 photon is redshifted, the result will be a curvature of the entanglement between them. Since (as I suspect) the entanglement is really a virtual photon which has quantum states (frequency, wavelength, momentum), the gravitational potential energy between the two entangled photons will be stored within the rearranged order of those states, from smallest to largest. This is unknown to physics today. But maybe in the future, this will be experimentally verified (as all physics facts need to be). "Necessary" is the word you would use if you wanted to generate a curvature field with a gravitational potential energy stored within quantum entangled photons. The quantum entanglement is suspected to be the smallest unit of a spacetime continuum. This has never been experimentally verified before. Okay, watch this. P1 and p2 photons are quantum entangled. P1 has a quantum state, p2 photon has the opposite state. Don't know what the state is unless it's measured. [P1 photon][quantum state] ....... ......... ........ ........ spooky ...... ........ unknown ...... ........ ........ what is it? ...... ....... ...... ........ ........ ....... [opposite quantum state][p2 photon] If you're not wondering if the spooky unknown between the two entangled photons is not more quantum states, then what else could it be?
  8. I wish I could comment, but this is a science forum.
  9. Make the world a better place.
  10. Probably not. lol But the truth is, I could talk about religion all day. I love it! It has made life better for me and better for so many people. In fact, In America, we fought a revolution to protect those rights.
  11. Anyone who is interested in the big questions, is warned to stay away from science forums like these. Stuff exists, but we're not allowed to talk about it. Good luck.
  12. Let's go back to the derivation of special relativity. We're trying to figure out the mechanism that nature uses to measure distance and count time. The clue is that the speed of light is invariant for the train or spaceship, AND the outside observer. That means that some that can travel at the speed of light is measuring distance and counting time. I can think of two thinks that fit that description. Photons and virtual photons. A virtual photon is just a unit of action that has the whole range of frequency and wavelength not excited, no real energy to fill those states. I will suggest it's just a wave function of the form [latex] \psi = e^i(k_x*x + k_y *y + k_z*z - \omega t) [/latex]. All of these are available quantum states as they (lots of them) fill all space. The point I'm arguing is that momentum, position, frequency states are essential for the existence of spacetime. If that is true, then a small piece of spacetime would need available quantum states as well. Photons by themselves only have filled quantum states. Photons by themselves have nowhere to store gravitational potential energy. But if they're entangled, the entanglement has available states that can become ordered by centrifuging, and will store gravitational potential energy as a result.
  13. Technically, the idea is to manipulate a small subset of spacetime, which requires far less energy than the stress energy tensor demands. This assumes that we could experimentally confirm that a quantum entanglement between two photons behaves like a very small subset of spacetime. In one of my most optimistic calculations, we could get a gravitational potential energy of .0003*hf per photon. Doesn't seem like much, but the theory is still being worked on. The acceleration vector points from the redshifted p2 photons to the blueshifted p1 photons. So it would be easy to generate a repulsive acceleration field, or an attraction field like a tractor beam. When I've thought about how my idea could be applied to the alcubierre drive, the photons emit from the back at the speed of light, and the front, at the speed of light. Still trying to understand, but looks like like the field generated is several light seconds long, and could protrude out of spacetime, giving access to superluminal travel. But this is still undefended speculation.
  14. For Alcubierre drive, you want a large positive gravitational potential behind you, and a large but negative gravitational potential in front, so you can fall through space. But there's more to it. Not sure what to call it. Technically it's curvature generation. Or gravity potential generation. But to make it work, we still have to prove, via experiment, that two entangled photons, when p1 is blueshifted with a centrifuge a sufficient number of times, and the p2 photons are redshifted, centrifuged enough times, that the entangled pair, will store gravitational potential within the quantum states of the entanglement, namely the wavelength and frequency states. Tell me your questions.
  15. If it's not antigravity, then what shall I call it? What I have is an idea for an experiment that can store gravitational potential energy between two entangled photons p1 and p2. If the p1 photons are moved to vector A, and p2 photons are moved to vector B, there will be a gravitational potential energy between them. Since [latex] \vec{F} = -\frac{\Delta U} {\Delta x} [/latex], a mass m will accelerate in this field. If that's not what you call it, then give me another name. Modified gravity?
  16. Would it make more sense if I showed a picture of the the derivation of special relativity, and showed how time and distance are intimately related to the speed of light. The mechanism of time and distance has c, the speed of light as one of its properties. I can only think of two things that always travel at c: photons and virtual photons. Can we agree on this? The invariance of the speed of light is a postulate of special relativity, a mathematical tool. I think we should tie it to the virtual photon, as the physical mechanism that makes time and distance physical things, measurable things.
  17. Once you can duplicate gravity, then you can experiment with shapes, black hole curvature. I was concerned that I was not being articulate. I am prepared to explain my hypothesis. But maybe your belief system prevents you from listening. I can't fix that.
  18. If you know how time and space are mechanistically implemented by nature, you can figure it out antigravity. If you get good at anti gravity, you can design and build an alcubierre warp drive. Then you can ... travel superluminally.
  19. Can you explain the mechanism that causes the invariance of the speed of light? If you can't, you're looking at it wrong. If you know how time and space are mechanistically implemented by nature, you can figure out antigravity. If you don't. Then ...
  20. Antigravity is a prerequisite to interstellar travel. I wish the physics community would pursue it. But since they can't come up with a good hypothesis or an experiment, what choice do I have? Ill help you. DID you notice how I derived a force from a linear frequency term? That is worth looking at. I got the idea from gravitational redshift, gravity's effect on light. It won't work in reverse, unless you figure out what is causing gravity.
  21. You should study the history of science. It took centuries to figure stuff out.
  22. Step 1, develop a hypothesis Step 2, perform an experiment Step 3, analyze the results
  23. What makes you believe that antigravity is not possible?
  24. In the paper I posted, I described the basics of what it would take to create anti-gravity. You take entangled photons, p1 and p2 photons. You use centrifuges to blueshift the p1 photons, and redshift the p2 photons. When you're finished centrifuging them however millions of times it takes to establish a good strong gravitational potential energy along the entanglement between the p1 and p2 photons, you put (store) the p1 photons at position x = -x0 and p2 photons at position x = +x0. These are two positions along the x-axis. If the experiment is successful, then there will exist a gravitational potential energy between -x0 and +x0 equal to the number of p1/p2 entanglements (threads) = nf (the f stands for final number of surviving threads). The total potential energy will be [latex]\Delta U_T = - n_f h\Delta \nu[/latex], where [latex] \Delta \nu = (\nu_2 - \nu_1)[/latex]. The p2 photons are redshifted to [latex]\nu_2[/latex] and the p1 photons are blueshifted to frequency [latex]\nu_1 [/latex]. The potential energy lets you set up a simple mechanics equation [latex]\Delta U = mg \Delta x[/latex] I would love to be able to get deep into the data analysis of such an experiment. I would love to explain the handwaving better to you. But this is what I can do is explain some of the basics and hope you get the idea, and see that this would be a good experiment to perform. The fact that it hasn't been performed gives you nothing to stand on as far as declaring it won't work. You haven't tried. If I can think of anything else that might make this easier to understand, I'll let you know. You should go and look at the PDF I posted. It explains how the experiment would be performed, as much as possible. Incidentally, there is a derivation that I borrowed from gravitational redshift. It's in section 2.3 Graviational redshift.
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