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Everything posted by Wulphstein

  1. You and the soulless AI that science keeps promising, should form a tribe.
  2. You're thinking of Islam. Atheists say horrible things about people of faith. It's really nasty and hateful! You should open an eye and look.
  3. It's not a strawman argument. It's the whole reason atheism if a lie. The physical universe is a complex system whose periodic table is very stable, which allows organic life to form. It's those physics constants that were picked just right. I've always liked Leviticus. It is a passionate section of the Bible with some real zest, some joy of life, not this atheist "squeeze your soul until your spirit dies" kind of philosophical lie. Life should be enjoyed. People should have hope. People are happy with faith. Ifyou were part of the community, trying to make your tribe a little happier, humanity would be happier.
  4. I liked the old interpretation better. Don't screw humanity over like you'd screw your girlfriend. It seems like that's what atheists are doing with their anti-social, hate humanity, attitude. God's interpretation of the Bible is more inclined to heal the soul; while atheists lie to people and tell them they don't have souls.
  5. So why does it refer to the generality of mankind about something so specific like *** your wife or girlfriend?
  6. You're too serious. You need to laugh more. What is the point of being morbidly depressed?
  7. Nope. Complex systems don't just pop into existence as an explosion and lead to complex bio machinery that leads to life. Nope, atheism is less believable than scientology.
  8. It said, don't screw mankind like you'd screw your wife. Makes sense to me.
  9. So you condemn it verbally. But you won't put your life on the line to defend freedom. You won't actually fight for it. You'll just say a few words and hope the tyrants have hurt feelings.
  10. I think you misread it.
  11. And yet somehow, we got our bravery from GOD to actually DO the hard part of ending slavery. We had to kill the armies of the slave owners of the south. We had to kill and bleed and die so that our descendants could have freedom!
  12. Well anybody who screws mankind is an abomination? Do you think humanity should get screwed!
  13. Moontanman, you are a native American. At least I get that vibe from you and your picture suggest it. Native Americans have every right to be pissed off that their land was taken by the white man. You were lied to by people who called themselves Christians, and other white people who were atheists. But the original teachings that came from God still came from God. Whether or not you believe the land was put to better use, or would have been a better as a native American nation, is your opinion.
  14. But Xenu, Thor, Allah and Zeus are not showing up in people's near death experiences! But Jesus does! I mean, I thought you people were scientific and intelligence, had good pattern recognition and common sense!
  15. They certainly do not come from religion. However, any society without morals (with or without a religion) would fail in the long run. You can get a long way with just one rule- do unto others as you would have others do unto you. But that rule predates Christianity by millennia. The God-squad just "appropriated" it Actually, a belief is exactly what it is. However, it's not a religion. It is not a thing in the same category as a religion. If you are going to talk about Christian moral values, no need to CITE A SOURCE. Don't they teach you that on the science forum? Here is the list of moral values from the Holy Bible. https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Morality,-And-Redemption
  16. Even scientology has a better probablitity of being right than atheism. I mean, what are the odds of an airplane dropping a bunch of people into a volcano 10 million ago. They're a lot better than a fine tuned universe coming into existence by accident. If you we're as concerned about intellectual honesty as you claim to be, you'd change to Scientology.
  17. Morals come from GOD. Religious is meant to teach the moral values. Whether it can do so without violating them depends on the religion. Dude, you're flat earthing! You are reasoning like a flat earther. Nobody can tell if you're faking it, trolling or really that ... I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are trolling. Here is a list of God's moral teachings. Yeah, these are the teachings that God says were supposed to be following. They look fine to me. https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Morality,-And-Redemption
  18. The funny thing is, there are a few who claim to have seen a pixie. But there is zero evidence of multidimensional foam; so to claim that an infinite number of universes pop into existence is woo; and it won't get you the attention of a young pretty girl.
  19. No, it really doesn't. I could of called you a viper! But I was charitable. Um, everywhere. The West absolutely is basing it's moral code on Christians values; even if it doesn't know where they got their values.
  20. But how do you get the chemistry to be so stable. I mean, if the physics constants, you'll either get protons and nothing else or you might get black holes in which nothing evolves "because it all gets destroyed by tidal forces. Why is it in engineering you have to get hundreds of parameters to be in tight spec, or something complicated won't work. But you can just get a stable periodic table, but accident? I mean, that sounds more bat poo than Scientology.
  21. Termites are molecular machines. How do you get molecular machines by accident? without planning? And please understand, I wish to be respectful and don't wish to say what I'm really thinking about your intelligence. I often hear people refer to flat earthers as being stupid. But I think it's rude to call people names like that. I always defend flat earthers and say that their just trying to pester or troll other people. I mean, nobody could be that stupid as to believe the earth is flat?
  22. I mean, let's be honest. In order to believe in atheist, you have to believe in a lie, a logical inconsistency, a fraud, a conspiracy to not see the obvious? It doesn't bother me that you lie to me, but you lie to yourself? And you don't care that the logical inconsistency corrupts your mind. If you cared, you would experience cognitive dissonance.
  23. This isn't about making you part of the religion. It's about how you think that evolution is argument? Please explain what evolution has to do with design by somebody smart? Admit it that you don't believe your own claim. Show some decency to the truth.
  24. If there are two choices of how the universe got here (a) planned or (b) an accident or fate, isn't it obvious that it had to be planned out, like the physics constants? I mean, I work with engineers. You need smart people to make a complex system. How is it not obvious!??? Human brains or more complex than anything!!! How do you get that to happen by accident?
  25. You "care" about people? In what way? You might think you care, but it's not coming across to me. It's not a logical fallacy to put a square peg in a square hole? Where did you learn that it was smart to think you could put a square peg in a round hole? This is like the foundation of common sense? How do you get a molecular robot from a bunch of physics constants, without planning?
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