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Everything posted by HexHammer
No, Newton didn't explain it at all. Dark matter is still unexplained. No. Einstein wouldn't come up with anything if he was born in the rainforest and had no access to school, Newton's writings etc etc. Every step are always build upon something else, only super genius pushes things forward with great inventions. So you makes no sense. Failing at philosophy. You sure sound like you don't do your own lawsuits. I make assumptions and theories based on what I've learned along the way. It's not that I'm forcing you to be here and endure the torture of my silly theories.
Making equations isn't in itself pioneering, discovering new geographical areas are pioneering, no math involved necessarily, so your definition is off. Uhmm is this supposed to be the solution? ..if so it's utterly bad at best, it's vague and doesn't fully explain the actual mechanics https://arxiv.org/abs/1204.4616
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Yes but nor does any model fully explain how a galaxy are hold together, where the "black matter" are theorized. Thanks for explanation. SORRY!!!!! ...the features on this site are horrible, I am used to sites having color coding for which posts I have watched @_@ too much going on, too confuzzled, but thanks!!!
If a BH can store information, then maybe there can in certain cases be entanglement then what is in the future can root back the past, so both ends can be manipulated. I have nothing solid, only theories. Yes maybe my theories are just post-hoc stories, but if you are so wise then solve the double slit experiment yourselves, since it still stands unsolved.
I'm sure least black holes can manipulate time, by pushing and pulling fabric of space to make time go both ways. Maybe this also applies for neutron stars and magnetars, who knows? If I have to confess to the really mad thoughts then maybe black holes can partially act like a conscious observer since it can store information and spins so fast that it can act like a computer. Happy now? Your explanation of quantum tunneling doesn't explain anything about what actually is going on, only a vague surficial description, but thanks anyways. I prefer often to make my own deeper explanations because the current are insufficient, sure it rubs you guys the wrong way to have some stirr.
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If multiple sources speak of looping path integral, then maybe there's something about it that you don't see or want to see. What you do, takes high skill. But just because you have high skills in 1 area of quantum, doesn't mean you have equally high skills in all areas of quantum mechanics. I don't doubt you have high skills in your field of expertise. I am a pioneer, it's very obvious since you doesn't seem to take black holes into your equation. But I do. Better try and fail, than not try at all. Yesyes, but then oh wise one! Please explain quantum tunneling?
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No, nor your qualifications, it's the complexity of quantum mechanics, it seems you are very good at what you do, and you know the laws of quantum mechanics very well, but you are not the "pioneer" that wonders why the photon can go through none of the slits in superposition, and I must disagree with you where you claim that the looping paths isn't real in Path Integral, which I think it is since it may be the lead/hint to why the photon can go through none of the slits in superposition. Rigid thinking doesn't lead to pioneering.
On a 2nd read it seems he doesn't understand my point, he jumps to conclusions and doesn't seem to wield his moderator badge well, surely doesn't do his own lawsuits. Never claimed infallibility, but I never question swansont's skills, but merely that there has been some measurement differences in the old quantum experiments, like 1 experiments stated that photons are particles, other experiment stated it was waves, so each experiment can show different results. Same with people claiming super strings doesn't exist, then can't explain the background noise or whatever it's called. I'm the obnoxious kind of person that doesn't take things as face value, i need things confirmed and reconfirmed. Sorry.
..............maybe it would be a good idea to read the full context?
I know lots of PhD not exactly infalible people.
Tyrannical argument and non admissible.
That doesn't explain the difference between photon going through either slit with observer effect, and without, so you fail at your own game. That's with observer effect, and you still can't explain why the photon can act so differently in superposition. Oh yes, like you "debunked" by claim by greater dilation without observer effect with your homebrew evidence that are unconfirmed from independent sources, so it still stands unverified as I understand it? I must ask for a better qualified to judge my work, I'm sorry especially when you just make the poor statement of the photon being particles that's why it makes the interference pattern, that explains exactly nothing, it's something I would expect from a 14 y old kid. Then please reprimand Strange for continuously bashing and verbally abusing me with unprofound accusations.
I dunno, I'm not a scientist, only a "sofa professor" what do I know?
Einstein's 2 clocks experiment where the 1 would be normal, other would go a bit slower, that's may qualify as going backwards due to dilation, so you don't win this one sorry! When Darwin first proposed his theory, it wasn't proved by mainstream science, but rideculed, so you are wrong again.
If it's truly just because the photon is a wave, then why are there a difference in when the camera is on, and off? When on it just makes 2 lines, when off it make an interference pattern. I can't prove it beyond reasonable doubt, I have only theories. https://youtu.be/A9tKncAdlHQ?t=456 "according to the laws of physics, this can happen!" patience my padawan, just watch a few more sec.
The answer is illustrated just at the moment you start the vid, just watch ca 15 sec and it has even narration! Time travel has for ca half a century been in the quantum theory, now you suddenly question it? Obvious troll!
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Obvious trolls. Maybe you should describe the double slit experiment for me, then I can see where we go wrong.
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Say with no observer when in superposition, the photon is shot through the left slit at 3:00 pm, then when in superposition time can go both ways, then it suddenly can be at 2:00 pm, and the photon hasn't been shot. Then at another beginning then it's 3:30 and the photon goes through the left slit. If you don't understand this, then ask yourselves. WHY CAN THE PHOTON GO THROUGH EITHER LEFT OR RIGHT, BOTH OR THROUGH NONE ...AT THE SAME TIME?!?!?! ...IT'S VERY VERY SIMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you are questioning very simple "Double Slit Experiment" maybe you should read that and come back and discuss. Well you can see it's affected since it goes into superposition, maybe not the rotation, but are affected by black holes, neutron stars and magnetars.
The first part is very simple. - with observer effect the photon will go through either slit and only create a normal pattern at the end, nothing out of the ordinary - without observer effect, the photon will create an interference pattern, as if the photon has interfered with itself, which objectively makes no sense, how 1 single photon can do that, just because no one is observing. On top of that it's just a mechanical camera observing. https://youtu.be/A9tKncAdlHQ?t=461 Second part The photon is already at max speed = C Adding rotation and movement of earth, sol, galaxy etc etc, then the photon will begin to glitch as C can't be exceeded, creating the 'superposition' where multiple beginnings are created, where the photon can go through either slit, both and none at the same time. Third part If the photon when i superposition can go through none of the slits, that means that trillion of years have passed and the world have been destroyed by the sun, thereby sorta disproving swansont's claim that the looping path integral isn't real. But since I can't make a convincing proof of it, then this will most likely be dismissed.
I was meant to give a much longer answer, but I'm strained. I will give a fulfilling answer much later today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Once upon a time there as a Schrodinger KItty, it was put in a box, and it lived to tell the tale when it was taken out again after 1 h, once upon a time there was a Schrodinger Kitty it died a violent death ..at the same time it was alive, it was called superposition. If the kitty can be dead and alive at the same time, that means there must have been multiple beginnings, what they in novels calls timelines, but that's wrong since super position is in the same timeline. So if the same photon can be fired multiple times at the same time, it can thereby interfere with itself and create the interference pattern.
With observer effect a beginning can only happen once, but without observer effect there can be multiple, why you see in super position that the photon can go through either slits, both, and none at the same time!
Be very careful for karma, you are bringing lots of bad karma upon yourself.
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Now you are jumping to conclusions, please speak for yourself, I don't just make up crap in my business life.