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Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2018/dark-matter-goes-missing-in-oddball-galaxy -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Yet you can see how it is observational support for an existential origin...is that because of cosmological redshift? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/hubble-tension-headache-clashing-measurements-make-the-universes-expansion-a-lingering-mystery/ https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1168298/black-hole-universe-conformal-cyclic-cosmology-stephen-hawking/amp Also every galaxy we have found that doesn't have a central black also has no dark matter, which was testable parameter in my model. My model predicts via a tree like law that parallel universes or "mother black holes" merge and cause dynamic cosmological redshift, which is also applicable to lcdm and testable The applicability that is not recognized extends the lcdm in two ways, it uses a 3 dimensional string topology to form rotating particles made of dimensionless points (earlier in the thread I said the were 1 dimensional that was a typo) via phase intersections in dimension 1 pi curves within the length contracting strings to form a deterministic quantum scale precision for molecular and cosmic scale modelling and then you have the Planck scale shifts for dark matter or dark energy which goes beyond the cosmic event horizon and within the black hole event horizon in order to recreate specific cosmic conditions that have a triple layer of uniqueness out of a maximum of 5 different Planck constants before redundancy steps in. Murphy's law, this tells us everything that can happen. There's really 60 dimensions there but only 48 of them are used to find 36 complete dimensions, or only 36 out of 48 that interact (great grand mother, grand mother, moth black holes in a tree like law each containing 6D past by 6D future topologies interacting in the present). All of these out of infinite dimensions repeating the same behavior in an infinite onion layer of infinite different Planck constants. Existentially you have infinite spheres without a real size going infinitely far back in to relative to any given perspective, and a second infinite number of spheres going forward into time, and they sort of interact to form those crescent deformations, the quantum eraser representing by those pointers in page 1 as a pair of assymetric bi-vectors for past and future gradients interacting in the present. Why spheres as opposed to cubes? What does a shape become when infinite corners are added to it? A concentric curve, a circle, a sphere. Which I think is preferable to a random and finite existential interpretation. -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Jesus give me time to elaborate Wait an hour before slapping a moderator warning not 3 seconds -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
The CMBR. Why cant we see older light than that? If the Planck length is screwed beyond an event horizon. We take that same observational data in mainstream and assume something else, that that is when we poofed into existence when Lamaitre was basically just saying let there be light for the Vatican he is the sole perpetrator of bbt. That's a matter of interpretation of the cmb data and redshift. We have 3 competing constants ffs- 79 replies
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
None of those terms were in my original document they are referring to math I did based on fractional dimensions with an e(36) [base 36 dimensional calc] wherein beyond the cosmic event horizon or within the interior of a black hole the vacuum has respectively a Planck length of 10^-11 meters and a different Planck time as well or wherein within the interior of a black hole it is lp/lt = 1.95x10^26 m/s based on mainstream I repeat MAINSTREAM equations such as plancks reduced constant, gravitational constant c cubed or c to the power of 5 in the denominator and also the Planck mass, f=ma, black hole evaporation formula all mainstream all the basis for my 36 dimensional space superstring theory only has 11 dimensions SELF NOTE That's f(-x,y) for gradient vector 1 which had the denominator of 25 not 5 for 9 spheroidal strings (iteration 2) at t=1 that's the interior of 9 Planck particles merged Which has a maximum of 1/9^28th (calculated by the Planck mass for your maximum) of 25 so at t=24 in there you 24/9^28 sub Planck transforms. Which is why we normally start at a real astronomical as in cosmological sized number of planck volumes, not just 9 How many Planck volumes are in a galaxy? Billions of those galaxies merge into one universe over time which is why you need 3 Planck scales before redundancy sets in, two 6 dimensional branes, and voila 36 dimensional space Plenty of mainstream equations were used in calculating the metrics and what would turn into the values for the matrices and if you believe mother black hole universes don't match observations with an observational incomplete homogeny (dark flow, bootes void etc evidence against) or this that and the other thing then just remember there's two parameters regarding black hole evaporation which my topology would test For both a normal black hole and a mother black hole. It can also be applied to tests for quantum scale molecular modelling, quantum effects like eraser or entanglement observations of dark matter and dynamic dark energy, all adding parameters where LCDM falls short -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Everything that can be learned on the subject has to come from learning mainstream physics, Not sure what you mean. There's a difference between knowing what has been put together as a best solution, and innovating. -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
paragraph 1: Oh come on the whole reason there's still a such thing as theoretical physics is because of quantum weirdness, Dark matter, mysteries Paragraph 2: Again these strings are not the particles themselves, only where they intersect with one another, also later down that document I correct myself and put the largest most disperse vacuum as the logical center, the bootes void. Besides the CMB's distance would be a lot closer yet the oldest light further at the other side of the diameter that's a larger CMB if you're at the edge you need a common center to even state where you are relative to the oldest light, if it takes less time to orbit a region like the bootes void than for the CMB's light to reach you you have what's called an optical illusion because you're being hit by the walls from an equal distance Paragraph 3: Is our universe really homogenous? We see near the horizon blue super-giant suns, galaxies barely formed, and generally larger black holes at the center. Yet evidence of black hole evaporation was recently found, we have dark flow which is my strongest point here, also supermassive black holes out there near the CMBR before they would have had time to even form according to bbt models -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Yes, that is my maxima. I even used the word continuous, that's where the particle oscillation frequencies are redshift phonons -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Then the minima correspond to halfway between the particle pair production and the killing vector in the syntax of my document excerpt I just quoted. Which is, topologically, where the crescent deformations slow to 1/9^28 c. Does that make sense? And c is the maxima, where, topologically, the spheres before they get deformed into that crescent spheroid or after they become a sphere at the killing vector. If only I had said it like that two pages ago. I could have saved some face. Trust me, I knew that's what you meant two pages ago to begin with, all of this has been an exposay of my model. -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Tell me, does the killing vector have anything to do with maxima or minima? I don't just study, I dissect. I know knowledge is the goal but what I have shown is a rate of acquisition of that knowledge is above normal, because I've been in the classroom and I know what average is. -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
I'm agnostic to that faith. Saying it doesn't is not being objective but on the other hand, saying it does is not being objective. We're being inductive, not deductive. Inducing is step 1, what's step 2? Deduction, I'll admit making such a claim as I did might be frowned upon here, obviously. We don't know what material Smolin was reading before writing his article. Why do you assume it was his own material when he says this stuff is new and very new? New can be not something going around in circulation within the established channels yet. But I definitely described one in that quote. That equation has the word limit in it, more evidence that I immediately knew what you meant in page 1 -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Is that on the middle right not calculus equations? Oh yeah, I'm good. That's like nothing compared to all the equations pertaining to topology I have written on papers, I can string together the next couple hundred spheres and where they go in an equation, rather simple equation but the graph would be impossible on paper What do I think about that? I think about reverse engineering in the equations. It's what I do. Thanks. -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Well I taught myself 3D equations from infinite angles, for 3D shapes with infinite point for the curves, what do you think? -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
I get real time updates, and a trend is inferred, I made a very public disclosure directly in line with that article. I said it recognized disclosure, I didn't claim it recognized said disclosure. Lack of proof is not proof of absence but I'm not saying absence of proof is proof of the contrary. -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Doesn't it? That depends upon what you mean by "showing" the math I did show infers such if you know what to look for, I stated in that document this: A lack of familiarity with classroom semantics and I still knew what you were talking about. What the layman might not be able to discern is how that quote relates to the limits of a vector function -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
I said nothing about Smolin's work, I claimed what his article was referencing when it was written less than 24 hours after a disclosure and said something about turning the spacetime inside out to achieve quantum determinism. No I claimed it involved it's own quantum foam unlike other models but still a quantum foam as in the minimum of quantum action planck values Everything I've claimed was claimed in some form in my document, even my response on how to go about testing predictions although I didn't make the direct connection to the equation for evap rates and the ppp vs killing vectors, yet that was mentioned in the document briefly The document says something about the 1/9^28th of a photon volume does it not? I'm not going to repeat myself. That's where it meets half way to the field cancellation, the killing vector. Hence the limits -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
The quarks have a lower oscillation frequency. Hence "minima" My calculus grammar may not cut it in a classroom but yet the underlying syntax is the same And that all goes beyond Debroigle semantics and rather into observational data Cutting corners can be advantageous for comprehension, sometimes a shortcut is just a shortcut, not a crutch -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Okay, do bottom or top quarks have a higher or lower oscillation frequency than electrons or positrons? Like the Higgs boson, those are all elementary particles. Only difference is you need a particle accelerator to find a higgs boson not something typically found in nature like the bottom quarks in a quark star's inner layers -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Do subatomic particles not have an oscillation frequency? Would the Higgs boson not represent a minimal frequency in particle physics? Because that's what string theory is applied to, particle physics as opposed to biology or something involving how to meld aluminum tubes -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
I feel like you're trying to ruin face using "wrote semantics" as opposed to actually showing any flaws in my model or the geometric equations that were actually in the document I mean it's like you're an English speaker criticizing me for speaking French when the underlying comprehension is the same Is the issue translation for encoding into a program? -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Moreover I provided the necessary syntax to do it so I don't see why JOPA had grounds to turn it down other than the number of vectors for iteration 2 being slightly off. First you need the iterations, which was in the metrics. Yes I did, as early as my response to Swansont's second post in page 1 before you even posted In fact I made a statement about the limits of the velocities of the strings in the last few paragraphs of the docdroid link in the OP That's literally the maxima and minima even if I didn't label it as such I still knew what to do next, all of that was set as early as iteration 1 even if in the illustrations I got s(2) wrong for the gradients even in the docdroid as opposed to my 7th submission at JOPA I recognized that on my own/ You're correct in that I'm self taught but that goes for me, if you're taught this stuff in class you're just a cookie cutter for what's already been established and you don't turn our space time on it's head as Smolin put it -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Well I know what they're expected to be even though I didn't actually turn the metrics into the topology yet. The metrics tell us what they're expected to be not the other way around it's literally calculated in that paper once you know the reduced planck's constant and gravitational constant The topology tells us what the equations cannot, it tells us behavior once the rules are already set and then if the behavior matches the equations you're good You're gonna need a hell of threading software to visualize that topology though. The equations I can do. Point is I fell short of actually doing the equation for the maxima and and minima but I understand the calculus and how to do it. -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
You need the metrics first, and you also need the geometry, the vectors, etc. All comes first My paper has the metrics first, I mean I have the equation for the sphere, but not the crescent deformation, which is a process for specifically finding the maximum especially in a 3D planck volume based model like this one it's a rank +6-6 it's a rank 12 model I admitted from the start it wasn't completed which I guess was why JOPA denied the last run, even what I had for the bi-vectors was off for iteration 2 -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
That specifically is one of the last things in the process of modelling. I had the maximum already, which was the sphere. 25/25 for 9 in f(xy) if you don't care about the physics, but physics wise you need to know the entire metric ordering and for a universe the ratio has to equal c -
Hijack from greater than > light speed? The small
UltraPolymath replied to UltraPolymath's topic in Speculations
Did you read the document. I mean even what's in there was a simplification, I have a lot of material written down by hand here and finding the gradient vectors for 9 strings looks something like f(xy)=[-24/25,+24/25,+24/25,etc] f(x-y)=[-4/5,+n,+-+] for lt=1 The process for finding the pointers is itself a chore and a matter of breaking it down to consistent 5s or 3s and ending with the other once you know that numerator I mean even before you graph a single spherical string at lt=0 you have to find the direction and magnitude. The sphere I graphed had that upward from left to right tilt for the direction and the magnitude just described how steep that center is.