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Art Man

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    I'm not a scientist! I'm not a physicist!
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  1. Many generals sought the glory of winning for Rome or the glory of winning for themselves in the ancient world. To find out which ones you have to read what they said and judge for yourself because glory isn't a tangible thing nor given a medal. You could tell usually through the nature of the conflict, which was usually more hate fuelled than the product of meandering with pride over one's superior militaristic clout. Glory is a sort of righteous and haughty pride. Modern generals aren't much of the glory seeking type and the closest thing to glory in modern battle that I could think of was Normandy beach as it was a hard brutal battle that took some real military muscle to overcome. Winning that battle must've filled the general and his soldiers with a sense of glory.
  2. That would be legal search and seizure, given the correct warrants are issued through a proper court, but he cannot be forced to release financial records to the public for general scrutiny. No matter how badly the public wants to know something they cannot force disclosure. You have every right to refuse a search of your property short of a court order. If you refuse post court order then some real physical force will take place. To get such a court order the prying party must meet some prerequisites with their investigation, but disclosure of something like tax and financial records will most undoubtedly take place in private.
  3. We all have the same rights. Much like we all have freedom of speech but we don't have a freedom that permits us to force someone to listen. Protection against illegal search and seizure applies to all American citizens regardless of power or public disposition. What you are suggesting is that once an American citizen reaches a certain point of noteriety or office that some of their rights are forfeit and that couldn't be more untrue. You seem awfully short fused today and your harshness is quite upper end.
  4. Would you want your taxes released to the public? I mean, if its alright with you could you post scans here on this site for all of us? That's right, it's none of our business what taxes you pay. We can trust the I.R.S. to audit him hard. They are merciless.
  5. It seems pretty self explanatory to me. Imagine a four legged animal with a brain the size of a human brain.
  6. Well that doesn't contribute much as a response. Wink.
  7. I just got the notion that the answer is simply that as apes brains grew there was a higher need to protect those brains from low lying hazards.
  8. Thanks. Hydrogen is the standard for atomic testing?
  9. Science News webzine - "Physicists may be a step closer to solving the mystery of proton size" I know there's a lot of physics smart users on this board. Are there any theories in physics circles about why these differing measurements are happening? Could it be the equipment isn't a accurate enough or that protons can be different weights and sizes depending on what elements they constitute?
  10. So you are saying that I shouldn't have brought up this topic to begin with because you don't like the questions that I bring up or you don't the subject matter? If I had all the answers then there would be nothing to speculate about. I'm not the one here playing tricky worded maneuvers, I think I've been pretty straight forward and understandable about my speculations.
  11. I'm not proving a point, I'm answering the questions Could this concept be applied to people's 'moral compass'? Why does it matter in judging other people's choices or the direction they take if our destination is the same? With Morality isn't a location so much as a record of actions on a linear path. You do something good or bad and it can't be undone. There is no argument to prove a point against. I don't know what you're implying with the simulation comment but actions are actions and whether they are significant or not and whether they are noted and recorded or not doesn't change whether they happened or not. If you are measuring emotional significance rather than physical effect then your question might have different answers. Emotions are subjective and can be manipulated. Actions happen and are immediately relegated to the past and cannot be manipulated once acted out.
  12. I can be sure because I can observe and note the difference. And that is partially why I created this thread in the speculation chapter because I don't have the information, but I can observe changes and be certain that what people do now isn't what people did in 1989. Isn't that what creating this thread does? There isn't information readily available to me but that doesn't mean that those observations haven't been measured and noted. And if they haven't well then perhaps this thread would show us what those things are that need measurement. Speculation is like a think tank, you got an idea, not a prepared hypothesis, could be a partial idea, it could go somewhere, maybe someone else has some input to expand the idea or specialize it or give it life, maybe it was a dead end hunch, either way to make an idea grow into a hypothesis you'd need to discuss it. If I was required to bring the information and the information would take me two years to research well then should an idea or observance be thrown out and forgotten or should you throw the idea out there first and make sure that two years of research is going to be worth the effort to make a message board topic.
  13. Well, at some point people were more comfortable with being secular and atheist or simply far less religiously involved and there is a psychological value there that was pre-empted with an event or a large scale change that made that psychological comfort possible. Like said earlier in this thread there was less oppression.
  14. What I meant with "product" is anything for consumption, which would include television broadcasts, lectures, books, movies, science papers, really anything that can be "consumed" (either purchased as an item or absorbed or experienced through watching and listening). So, to measure such a thing would be a large task and would need more defined parameters, probably easier to do with just counting purchasable items but that wouldn't be representative of the degree that an idea such as atheism can penetrate a society. Many people don't care to share and don't base their consumption choices on the atheism/religion mindset. Christianity will always be prominent within our lifetimes but how deep a hold Christianity or any other religion has on a single society these days is far weaker than it use to be. Your chart here is a great example. 3% identify as atheists but the behaviour measured up to a much greater number.
  15. An atheist product would be something prepared for secular consumption and doesn't contain the products of religion.
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