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SergUpstart last won the day on February 1 2020

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    electroniks, military history, phyiсs

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  1. On the issue of drunkenness in Russia. Drunks on the streets of Moscow sometimes meet
  2. Then the ban on education in Russian should also be considered genocide.
  3. I repeat the quote from Pyotr Vrublevsky's words "The more Russians we know, the less our children will have to kill." There is not a word about soldiers in it, only about Russians.
  4. I am also an atheist, because I have found the answer to the question of the origin of the universe without the participation of God.
  5. Here is another call for the genocide of Russians.This is the Ambassador of Ukraine to Kazakhstan Petar Vrublevski. He says that it is necessary to kill as many Russians as possible: "The more Russians we kill now, the less our children will have to kill." https://srbin.info/en/svet/sto-vise-rusa-ubijemo-manje-ce-morati-nasa-deca-moskva-reagovala-na/ The Ambassador of Ukraine to Kazakhstan, Pyotr Vrublevsky, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic after his statements made in an interview with Kazakh blogger Dias Kuzairov. "The Kazakh side expressed its position on the unacceptability and incompatibility of such statements with the activities of the ambassador of a foreign state. Such actions should not damage friendly relations between states," the Kazakh Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
  6. A photo of Natalia Volk (Shaban) official ID appeared on the web, she is suspected of the murder of Daria Dugina In December 2014, military unit 3057 was reorganized into the 18th Operational Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine. It included the Azov and Donbass battalions. In October 2019, the 12th Operational Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine was deployed on the basis of the 18th Operational Regiment[3]. There are right-wing extremists, but not Nazis. Russia is a multinational country, so nationalism would inevitably lead to the collapse of Russia. Therefore, Putin dealt very harshly with the Russian Nazis ten years ago. The most famous Russian Nazi named Tesak hanged himself in a prison in Chelyabinsk because of ill-treatment.
  7. There is no Nazism in Ukraine
  8. Businessman Konstantin Malofeev, at the request of Alexander Dugin, published his statement: "As you all know, as a result of a terrorist attack carried out by the Nazi Ukrainian regime, on August 20, when returning from the Tradition festival near Moscow, my daughter Daria Dugina was brutally killed by an explosion in front of my eyes. She was a beautiful Orthodox girl, a patriot, a military officer, an expert on central channels, a philosopher. Her speeches and reports have always been deep, grounded and restrained. She never called for violence and war. She was a rising star at the beginning of her career. The enemies of Russia have viciously, surreptitiously killed her. But we, our people, cannot be broken even by such unbearable blows. They wanted to suppress our will with bloody terror against the best and most vulnerable of us. But they won't get their way. Our hearts are not just hungry for revenge or retribution, it's too petty, not in Russian. We only need our Victory. My daughter laid her maiden life on her altar. So win, please! We wanted to raise her as a smart girl and a hero. Let her inspire the sons of our Motherland to the feat even now," Alexander Dugin said.
  9. The FSB announced the discovery of the murder of Russian journalist Daria Dugina The Ukrainian special services are behind the murder 🔻 The performer is a citizen of Ukraine Natalia Vovk, born in 1979 🔻 She arrived in Russia on July 23 with her daughter Sofia Shaban 🔻 They rented an apartment in the house where Dugina lived in Moscow 🔻 A "Mini Cooper" was used to spy on the girl. The numbers were changed three times on it - the license plates of the DPR, Kazakhstan and Ukraine were used On the day of the crime, Vovk and his daughter came to the Tradition festival, and after the controlled explosion on August 21, they left via Pskov for Estonia
  10. MSU physicists and colleagues have found a way to control a single spin. The staff of the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University and the Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed an original design of a semiconductor nanostructure that allows orienting a single spin with an electric current. This will help to develop the components of quantum devices. In this work, they managed to make a fundamental breakthrough and propose a way to completely polarize localized spins in semiconductors. "To do this, it is necessary to create a structure based on a two—dimensional hole gas consisting of a quantum wire with heavy holes and a quantum dot with light holes," said Vladimir Mantsevich, professor of the Department of Semiconductor Physics and Cryoelectronics at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. Scientists note that the original design of nanostructures proposed by them can be implemented on the basis of different semiconductors, for example silicon, germanium or gallium arsenide. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/NH/D1NH00685A Add to this the termination of the withdrawal of capital to the West due to the arrests of assets of Russian oligarchs and not only oligarchs. In this way, the West played into the hands of the Russian economy.
  11. Isn't the explosion of a thermonuclear bomb an act of releasing part of the potential energy contained in the mass of a nuclear charge?
  12. What’s your evidence of the bolded statement? Potential energy is always the energy of a system of interacting bodies. Spring - the atoms in the spring interact, the potential energy of the suspended load W = mgH, - the load interacts with the gravity source, the the charged capacitor - charges on its plates interact in it.... The kinetic energy mv^2/2 is not related to the interaction, but a second object is still needed, with which the reference frame is connected, in which the velocity equal to v. E=mc^2 is the potential energy.
  13. Here is the question in this regard? The particle has energy E=mc^2. Only a system of objects can possess energy. So what is the nature of this energy E=mc^2? There are two possible answers. 1. This is the interaction energy of the component parts of the particle. 2. This is the energy of interaction of a particle with the entire universe, based on C^2=-Phi, E=-mPhi
  14. It's not about softness/rigidity. The main thing here is whose interests the dictator defends, the interests of his people or the interests of international financial capital. Trump would act more in the interests of the people of the United States, and Alexander Lukashenko clearly acts in the interests of the people of Belarus.
  15. They must have an internal structure. Another thing is that it is unknown to us, so this internal structure is a "black box" for us.
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