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Everything posted by dino2

  1. This experiment is held in a fully sealed barrel and the phosphine concentration is measured by a wireless sensors placed in the middle. This paper https://academic.oup.com/jee/article-abstract/22/2/381/930456 is saying the weight/volume changes with temperatures according to the equation of state. Here I manipulated the equation of state to convert from g/m3 to ppm(v) at different T and P, image attached. But my big problem is, since the AlP always produces the same amount of phosphine (1 g) in the same volume, does this mean I should expect the same ppm(v) regardless of the temperature or there is something I am missing here. Because from the experiment I get different ppm(v) but this could be because of some sort of leakage or because the pressure increases but I do not know how to calculate for this pressure increase. Thank you for your help.
  2. No it does not dissociate. What happens is, I place aluminum phosphide tablet in a closed volume and this tablet produces 1 g of phosphine when reacts with the H2O in the air. The H2O is more than enough in this closer volume. But from the experiment, I get different concentration (ppmv) at different temperatures. What I don’t understand is, why different ppm at different temperatures while we have the same 1 g of phosphine within the same volume. I think it has to be the same ppm? the range of temperature is 15-35 C.
  3. If I inject 1 g of a gas in a closed volume, why should I expect different ppm(v) at different temperatures? Shall it be the same ppm(v) regardless of the temperature since I am injecting the same amount of gas in the same closed volume? I think it will be different from the equation of state but I do not understand why. Please help. Any references? Thank you,
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