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  1. Hello, my name is Spencer Sandlin I'm a student at a local community college here in Alabama. I have a theory on Junk DNA that I'd like to run by you guys to see if it has been offered and also what you think on the subject so here goes. I came up with this idea when I took basic biology at Wallace and my teacher didn’t understand it and told me to contact you guys. I believe everything in the human body has a purpose now as to rather or not we understand it is another matter. Everything has a flow so to speak another words if something breaks down in one system it will affect another. I believe that same philosophy is very much so true in regards to our DNA. With the complexity of it, or to me anyways, everything has to work perfectly otherwise abnormalities form. When DNA splits and then comes back together how do we know it’s the same helix and not one from another. Furthermore if it is from another how would it know where and in what order to go. I believe Junk DNA is in fact a coding within the strands themselves communicating as to where and in what order the pairings should take place. I think that it could possibly account for the Trisomy 21 as well. There would have to be a reason it split random yes but deliberate. If the Junk DNA communicated for such an occurrence to take place it would. Another words a misfire in communication it could be a recessive trait passed down from their parents or much further down the line. This would make sense especially in families where they have two children one of which doesn’t have downs. This is just some of what I discussed with her but all I got was a blank stare and you’re talking over my head. I was curious as to what you guys have to say. I thought about publishing my idea but want more than just the theory itself.
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