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Everything posted by Niklas

  1. Awsome, it sais that glycine is a proton donor and the accepter is the CO group of hydroxyproline. what bok is that? ’it has alot of information that our book left out. Thank for the help.
  2. I’m currently studying about collagen. And i have a couple of questions i can’t find in the litteraturen. I’m sorry for my Eng, it’s not my nativ language. I understand that the H-Bonds betwine Alfa-strands in tropocollanin occurs with hydroxyproline, but to what Other aminoacid does it connect to? Is it betwine another hydroxyproline in the next strand ? is the h-Bonds betwine tropocollagen aswell? Or is it only allysin- lysine covalent bonding? what happens with the bonds when the cell gets Old? Does it increase or decrease? My guess is that the more interaction the more bonding occurs, thats why old ”meat” gets so chewy. ? Or?
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