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Quark (2/13)
Somewhere around 1 x 10-18g in a vacuum is a new constant. The diffraction gets too small to identify fringes. It's a natural size for the object to be physical and to never be in superposition. Uncollapsed(stateless | unphysical | virtual) Quantum Waves + State(Matter Field or wave collapse or decoherence) + zero Diffraction showing fringes = Physical Matter (Real) If an object is too large to display fringes, it is automatically physical. The question now is if auto-physical objects have a physical state or maybe being naturally physical doesn't require it. Do I need to claim there is a physical state in the first place for even quantum sized objects if it is the same thing as: wave collapse, decoherence, and zero diffraction? There has to be something that causes a particle to be physical or not before it even starts moving. If it is to only be a wave in flight, duality doesn't apply. But if physical, duality is allowed. Maybe I need a different term for "physical state". If I started using "Real" instead of "physical state" would that get physicists off my back about mass meaning a physical property? GR deals with what is Real. Wave Collapse, Decoherence, and Zero Diffraction cause something to be Real. We just need GR to handle duality for Unification. GR for reality QM wave function for unreal (only probabilities) Does this mean Diffraction is directly related to Superposition? It is curious to me that spacetime limits the speed of light and gravity to the same speed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2019/10/24/this-is-why-the-speed-of-gravity-must-equal-the-speed-of-light/#737e30e62fc0 The "unobserved" isn't real/physical and therefore not involved with spacetime. It doesn't have gravitons. Unobserved/Unreal quantum waves do not follow the laws set by spacetime. Maybe it would help if I explained what is happening in three famous quantum experiments. The Double Slit, Delay Choice Quantum Eraser, Which Way Quantum Eraser. The Double Slit Layered, Unobserved quantum fields begin to combine to assemble a new particle. The Dimension of the Unreal is able to know if the physical state of the particle will be requested in it's path. Something we know is capable of doing a state change is called a detector. But there are other more natural means of causing it. A particle with a physical state going through a double slit will only go through one slit. An unreal, quantum wave will go through both slits and display interference/fringes on a final panel. The final panel does cause a wave collapse but does not give the particle a physical state while in flight. Delay Choice Quantum Eraser Shows us the entire path of the particle is known before it starts moving. Entangled particles hold the same state while in flight. When the first particle hits it's final panel in a shorten path, it knows if its entangled brother will ever be physical or not in its path. Which Way Quantum Eraser Something very interesting happens when you cause two state changes in the path of a particle before it hits a final panel. If a particle knows (the unreal dimension) two state changes are going to occur, it goes back to being unreal quantum waves. When you see fringes appear on the final panel, it is because the quantum waves when through polarizers at the slits and the additional polarizer at unreal quantum waves. QFT assumes spacetime is involved ..it's not. It uses points (x, y, z) Cartesian coordinates. They are assuming those points are in spacetime. There isn't anything saying it has to be locations from spacetime. Spacetime is fine for points in space when the object in question is observed/has a physical state. Unobserved quantum fields do not need spacetime to function. You never get anything faster than light ..when spacetime is involved. Observation/state change, gets spacetime involved. You are not considering speeds from unobserved objects. If what I'm describing isn't spacetime ..it would be something completely new/undiscovered. A property of nature. I have no doubt something is going on here and it's the key to the theory of everything. Higgs is lie because particles are not assigned mass by some random particle they decided to name the higgs boson. The higgs field is just spacetime and the matter field. Particles are real when they are given a physical state.
- 3 replies
I don't care so much about the speed thing as I do about the distance magically appearing. Any object in interstellar space was likely formed in a spacetime bubble and then was tossed out. Nothingness is the quantum field without fluctuations. Okay, new idea. You don't get gravity without spacetime, so the first spacetime bubble from the big bang had to be around to allow the supermassive black holes to form. But after they did their thing and a galaxy formed, the spacetime bubble around the galaxy broke away from the main bubble. The big bang is still banging but all it is doing is increasing the distance between spacetime bubbles proportionately.
I always wondered what the connection between the singularity that started spacetime and a singularity at the bottom of a black hole was ..now I know ..blowing my own mind over here. Each black hole is holding an instance of spacetime. Like looking at the ark of the covenant. The galaxy gets to be physical ..real.
Its mumbo jumbo that gets you to believe it isn't violating relativity ..lucky for you I explained what us actually happening. Yes, I have three arguments why spacetime is only in galaxies. The singularity is providing the location and spacetime bubble for each galaxy.
- 24 replies
Isn't it strange we can track the gap between some galaxies spreading faster than the speed of light? Two galaxies are gaining distance so fast that it's quicker than light. Well, that's what they tell us ..and that it's fine that it is quicker than light because it's just the space between the objects going faster. What? Nobody questions how weird this is? If that were true, our galaxy would be moving faster than light. The extra distance usually isn't even in the direction they are moving to or away from. It turns out that quantum fluctuations in empty space is proof spacetime is around. You aren't going to find it in empty space outside of galaxy. It's why the space outside a galaxy "expands" and nothing inside does. It's as if galaxies have a spacetime bubble around them. That means empty space outside one is truly empty, it's nothingness (the quantum field without fluctuations). If the galaxies aren't actually moving that fast ..it implies nothingness has a variable of distance that doesn't actually produce physical distance. It's unreal distance? Unobservable distance? Devoid of spacetime? It's as if spacetime bubbles cause galaxies to free fall through nothingness to cause these gaps between them. Or maybe the opposite ..the bubbles are rising. Should we start screwing around with an extra dimension to explain it? Nothingness isn't going to expand even if there is an outer shell (the big bang) getting larger. It's nothingness. There isn't anything to enlarge. Spacetime bubbles seem to be attached to the outer shell though. ..so the bubbles are moving in empty space, but because it is in nothingness, it doesn't get speed/momentum. Spacetime bubbles are attached to the outer shell(the big bang) by something unexpected. Every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at the center. This black hole is what attaches/anchors galaxies to the outer shell. The black hole also gives the gift of spacetime. Singularities or the outer shell seem to be the source of spacetime. That singularity is probably entangled. Dark Matter is in a location of nothingness ..without spacetime, without the ability to have a physical state ..to be real. oh, you want to challenge my statement of spacetime not being outside of galaxies. Okay, well, I some more arguments for that. "We already know that once you are far enough away, the universe acts like a magnifying glass and objects start to increase in size in the sky." https://scitechdaily.com/fundamental-law-of-classical-physics-reversed-in-new-research-on-giant-radio-galaxies/?fbclid=IwAR1oTvB78nZWQnlPPL6vakNgPPRARMYurlqUhyILtAYsvdHBnX_NQQP7NV8 https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/degrees-of-freedom/the-cosmic-magnifying-lens/?fbclid=IwAR2m7Zo5eyLoYsAvv17fVbtF3ply2eNyWFQ558hyptq3P_OxOSAammWLgt4 And the other is redshift from only distance. I'm claiming voids of no spacetime is causing that type of redshift. If dark energy is actually a thing ..it would only be the energy used to move the galaxy bubbles through nothingness.