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Everything posted by jmf

  1. Thanks for all the responses. Mycobacterium species especially marinum seems to be a bacteria from hell. It's more to sanitising nets, siphons, etc
  2. From my research that seems to be not as good as ethanol or as quick
  3. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this post is meant to go here, please move if not Anyway I'm a a bit of a newbie on biology but I keep some endangered Australia fish and would like to disinfect equipment between use. My main concern is bacteria and in particular mycobacterium marinum. Would something like isopropyl at 70% kill it or would ethanol be better? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. Yeah I understand this, but a lot of people always suggest getting on 😕 I'm very strict on this. The rocks are just lava rocks from a good source. The soil is ADA aquasoil and the white gravel is proper aquarium gravel (everything is blue now because of the meds). I know everyone has been tell me this but I'm a big softie...sort of. I have no problems killing fish for food but I can't seem to do it for my aquariums unless it's a must.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I can't find that particular one in Australia and postage from the States is almost the same cost as the actual unit. Does it need to be 2000x or is 1000x ok? Hi Moontanman, check out the thread over here about my issue (https://www.fishlore.com/aquariumfishforum/threads/tb-columnaris-or-something-else.427863/). It has links to pictures etc
  6. Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forums so a big hello to you all. I hope it's ok that I post this here. Ok I'm not a science person at all, so please be patient 🙄. I keep many fish tanks and have a couple with a unknown disease. All research and help from the fish keeping community thinks it's a bacterial infection, the problem is it's a guess and I'm over misusing antibiotics for reasons that people here would know. So I'm after a microscope that would be good enough to identity the bacteria in question. Because it's only a hobby, I'm not looking at buying a microscope with anything fancy and would like not to spend heaps on it if possible. I know it's probably a better idea to send it to a proper vet but in my country that is actually about the price of a microscope itself. What should I be looking for in a microscope? Is a resolution of 400x ok? or do I need something more in the range of 1000x? Looking here ( https://www.westlab.com.au/blog/2016/12/29/what-magnification-do-i-need-to-see-bacteria) it says that you can see bacteria at 400x, but can you tell the difference between bacteria? Thanks 😊
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