Hello,I have no scientific qualifications,I’m merely a amateur with a keen interest.im hoping that my post might hold some merit that a more in-depth study maybe undertaken by professionals.as for the insight into the gravitational field I noticed between the two magnets,always at the center ,there seems to be a 180 degree twist in the field line.when I bring the magnets together the electromagnetic field line begins to untwist due to the pull of the magnets.the electromagnetic field line separates into two lines,then the into three,is this the dipole moment?.could this be a negative,positive and a live type of arrangement in the electromagnetic field.I’m not trying to make any claims,it’s just I don’t have the knowledge to truely understand what I see in my own studies and believe people here do.im sorry but my camera was not able to pick this detail up so here’s a quick sketch.
Many thanks leyton
Ok thankyou