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Brian M Perryman

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Everything posted by Brian M Perryman

  1. past somewhat thought define its eng difn use disapline only things that can see as humanoids and other site seeing creature the difention apply only[ time is defined as siight not thought or thoughts if there ts no living life that who,he,what has observation veiwing membrance tissue cababillty,no site of eyes signal to brain the eng difn doesnot apply as to say at the time im looking looked inside a box with its sides say a two orbiting and routating planets that my grandpappy made i now time living sight things made in box planetets and other particals has no site mutations singnal thet is relating living thought of its lifenoid living seeing being calculation of time ony applys living-noids
  2. our observation are horiizontal with r requlare planets humanoid eye site my record ;[ observation eihther vertical sun roation would have limited human veiwing time abvailabilty can there be a type of planet we can call a light induction planet light refraction induction .atmpherict refraction ,defraction humanoid observing delinquncy planet light debuction light in duction atmpherice make up par. light travel human veiwiing point changing its math estamate as of lisht source, or sources. time of refractor realation of source positions,rough planet having moon or moons for stababillty
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