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Everything posted by siddesh

  1. Hello both, Sorry for this late reply as I was inactive for a long period. Unfortunately I cannot explain the situation in detail as it is confidential but I can give you a compact system detail. I have a fluid channel with pressure P. This channel has one flow control device (valve) which at complete position should ideally allow zero flow but in practical applications there is a leakage present of average value='L1'( Determined Experimentally). Now all I would like to know is what would be the new leakage if the system of channel+valve is used for a different fluid and all other parameters remaining same. Reason for this is I would like to get the intuition if this change of fluid will affect my system leakage in such a way that I have to consider redesigning it or is it ok to go with same system design without actually able to perform the experimental analysis. I understand that this depends how much leakage am I looking at but all I can say is that this leakage at complete is one of the important criteria for my design.
  2. thank you for the update. I will definetly go through the books u suggested. we are looking at a mechanical system where in the fluid rests in metal container under some pressure. what change in leakage can be expected if the fluid inside the container is changed ,i.e how various factors will effect this new leakage is what I am looking for.
  3. Hello Enthalpy. Thank you so much for a clear and elaborate explaination. Now as an extension of the question, Consider a micro level simple cylindrical pore of dia 'D' and length 'L' . The system has stationary fluid under some pressure 'P'. Are there any equation/laws that can be used to establish the relationship between the leakage,system properties (pressure,temperature,pore geometry) and fluid properties(viscosity,density etc)
  4. Consider a system with fluid 'A' of sp.gravity 's1' is having certain leakage 'Q1' into the surrounding through geometrical imperfections(pores). Now if the fluid is replaced with another fluid 'B' of sp.gravity 's2' ,considering all the other system parameters like pressure,temperature etc remain the same,how will the new leakage change through the same geometrical imperfections(pores)
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