299,792,458 meters per second
I'm convinced it has to be this speed to allow a quantum/classical boundary. A Femtosecond holds the key of 0.3 micrometers. An object with this width is going to be auto-observed ..have a physical state. The speed of light is the speed it is in order for quantum events to occur. If it was any faster a Femtosecond could cover 0.2 micrometers and prevent quantum weirdness from being a thing.
The speed of light is directly tied to the spaceTime and it seems to be a frame rate.
I suspect the default speed of light is actually 200,000,000 m/s and a multiplier of 1.49896229 is added to the frame rate to equal 299,792,458 m/s
Again, the multiplier is to ensure the quantum/classical boundary size.
If we take the speed of light and multiply it by 5 we get: 299,792,458 m/s x 5 = 1.49896229×10^15 Micrometers per second (1,498,962,290,000,000)
I think it is telling us 1,498,962,290 m/s is the speed of light when spacetime isn't involved.
The speed of light gets divided by 5. Is it saying time gets split between 5 different dimensions?
299,792,458 m/s x 5 = 1,498,962,290 m/s or 1,498,962,290,000,000 Micrometers per second
1,498,962,290,000,000 / 5 = 2.9979246e+14 || 299,792,460,000,000
I think this is saying the auto-observe key is actually 0.29979246 Micrometers
speed of light 299,792,458 / auto-observe 0.29979246 micrometers to meters 0.00000029979246 = 999,999,990,000,000
Light has a max of auto-observing 999,999,990,000,000 clumps of matter each second.
1000000000000000 - 999999990000000 = 10,000,000
I think that is somewhere around 1.00000001% of a difference.