This is a question that I would like someone with insights in evolutionary theory to answer. I am neither a scientist nor have I studied the subject of evolution.
I am now halfway through Richard Dawkins essay-collection Science in the Soul, and I have a question regarding evolution, which Dawkins adresses a lot as a subject.
One of the basic principles of evolution is «survival of the fittest», but in my opinion that no longer seems to apply to the human race. I for example have severe allergies, and would probably not be alive 10 000 years ago. Either because I could not eat certain foods to sustain myself, or I would die from a fatal allergic reaction. My mother has diabetes and I’m guessing her chances would have been even worse than mine. So, we would both presumambly be dead, or we would never even have been alive in the first place because earlier humans with our genes would not have survived. The same idea, at least in my head, applies to humans with other genetically inherited diseases or syndromes. Some of those people are alive only with spesial care and aid, and would certainly not have survived in the past. It seems to me that we are defying the most basic principles of evolution, which in theory should apply to all life forms, in the fact that the «unfit» are allowed to survive (including myself) whereas we would not have had any chance in the past.
So my question is this: are we humans in some way defying basic evolutionairy principles? And from a scientific perspective, is this «survival of the unfittest» a problem? It is quite evident that having the «best genes» from a survival standpoint does not grant the same benefit in modern society as it did 10 000 years ago. And at last, are humans as a race becoming weaker and more unsuited for survival because of this?
The reason I am asking is because I have never seen this problem adressed. Not in high school, University (though I do not study science), nor in the books I have read. If anybody has an article or a book on this I would very much appreciate it, as I find this very interesting.
Thank you.