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  • College Major/Degree
    Certificate of Contemporary Science, Open University 2012
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    Chemistry, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology
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    I try and keep updated on developments in different fields of science.
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  1. There is a discussion on Mastodon about this and related issues, there is currently a big attempt to try and archive as much information as possible for the future, so papers, website content etc. I know that NASA has had to remove references to black and female scientists as one example. This is part of the DEI crackdown. Really not a good situation at all.
  2. Good point, apparently babies can do this as a response to entering water,
  3. Hi I am involved with a local STEM café and discovery centre, in Torbay. We have a unit thing, that consists of a container to hold sand, this is connected to an upright and a xbox kinect, and a screen, the idea is that you fill the container with sand, and the kinect can scan the contours of the sand and display this on the screen. Rather than using play sand, the proprietor wants to use Kinetic sand, as this is expensive to buy as we need about 200kg (container is quite large) he would like to try and make some. I have looked up some instructions to make this, but many of the instructions seem to use perishable food products such as corn starch. We don't want to be buying more play sand down the line to make more due to the food based ingredients going mouldy or similar. Apparently it is possible to make with silicone oil (I assume in place of olive oil or similar) however I have tried and failed to find any instructions for this. I tried to do a search kinetic sand and silicone oil, and ended up with instruction using olive oil. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas please, or where I can perhaps find some actual instructions. I think silicone oil is some sort of lubricating oil, not sure. Thanks Paul Ps the same unit also has various games built in that can be projected on the surface, so when we just had various objects in the container, the projected sprites could move around but also sort of avoid the objects placed in the container, I think it needed more calibration but we were just testing it at that point. I am aware that normal bought kinetic sand is non-toxic and using the oil may not meet this, however children using this will be under supervision, so it should be safe to use in that respect.
  4. Hence i was hoping to find a better source of info than a paper article, I agree with what you're saying,
  5. Saw this on the Fediverse so also sharing here, sounds pretty good to me, and if this gives more institutions access to anti matter for research that is a good thing. The most dangerous delivery truck? How a lorry-load of antimatter will help solve secrets of universe https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/dec/08/cern-antimatter-secrets-universe-science Does anyone know where more information can be found about this, Or can they share if anything is found. Hope this is interesting anyway Paul
  6. I am not too sure if this is the right forum category to share this. I happened upon this a few days ago and decided to share as it may be useful to anyone interested in the space station and developing projects to determine current location. This was posted to Phys.org Space station trajectory data now available https://phys.org/news/2024-12-space-station-trajectory.html Hopefully it is useful, I guess it will be useful for sites such as Heavens above ( https://www.heavens-above.com/ ), which does have details on when and where to look for the ISS Regards Paul
  7. The lessons are excellent, the nice thing about so many different channels is that there should be one that suits an individual learning style or even better more than one.
  8. I if I understand things correctly, a reference list is a list of sources that are cited in your document / paper etc., so in LaTeX each time you use \cite{key} it will add the details of that key from your .bib file. However, I think there are also times when you may list what sources have been looked at even if you don't actually cite them. Maybe this goes in an appendix, as it can also help with further reading. I think it also depends very much on what is being written and the requirements of the institution you are studying at or the journal you are writing for.
  9. Very interesting, even though I can't help thinking I am watching blobs of liquid interacting, rather than 2 bodies of rock.
  10. Agreed, any regime change needs to come from within.
  11. Thanks, interesting topic though, So will the upcoming space based gravitation wave telescope help with our understanding? https://lisa.nasa.gov/
  12. Just reading an artcle about a black hole ripping a star apart due to its gravity. https://scitechdaily.com/black-hole-tears-star-to-shreds-unleashing-cosmic-shockwaves/ Seems interesting, however I just wondered if this is a similar phenomenon that is mentioned in the Brian Cox series recently on BBC one where he mentions asteroids around planets also being pulled apart and forming rings. As with the paper above, this new disk is also interacting with another star, I think Professor cox talks about Phobos is going to one day break up, some parts will burn up, however the rest will form a ring or rings around Mars. So something similar is also happening on Saturn, where a moon is causing gaps in the rings. Both do see similar, only clearly what happens with a black hole and star is on a massive scale by comparison. Just asking Paul
  13. Thanks, I will make a note to include some more information next time. Paul
  14. This was posted to the Fediverse recently and has created an interesting discussion, so I am posting the link to the research here too. Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega-Constellations https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2024GL109280 Not quite sure what the solutions to this is really. Perhaps there are multiple ideas, I can see Elon Musk haling the rollout of Starlink.
  15. I am not an expert in fertility, but I have read that there are other factors such as diet, even sitting for long periods or wearing certain types of clothing, heat etc. So antibiotics may be a small factor, if use is combined with other activity. In the US don't they use antibiotics in animals, do those animals also suffer lower fertility, ? Does this put those antibiotics in the food chain.?
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