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Everything posted by Daxiazun

  1. Frequency Universe realities Theory There has always been the thought of actions and decisions creating alternate realities. The concept has inspired many sci-fi authors . I am here to tell you , they are wrong , but right at the same time ! Here is why . Everything in reality is based off a primary frequency so objects can interact with each other , hence my typing on this keyboard means there is are similar frequency objects. What if we were to change your personal frequency that is tied to this reality,and change it to another one . Chances are you will end up in a different universe .... but practically the same . Just another frequency reality. Gravity is the key factor of this equation . It is both weak and strong at the same time . No solid evidence to indicate that gravity may permeate through all these frequencies. Which would make it strong and weak by being spread thin to all frequencies of realities. However , it is a concept worth exploring. If the case maybe our existence is not just one frequency , but many , the way we look at the universe and physics maybe wrong . We are always missing equations and tossing in hypothetical solutions that honestly have no place being there . The grandfather effect brings those into light , and yes , are wrong. The concept of life and the universe seems simple . Not blown out of proportion . Why our scientists feel the need to over complicate things is on them . The Frequency universe concept would also ask if travel between frequencies is possible . I think it would . Here is why , matter in it's rare form is highly adaptive . If it was to change locations , more then likely it would adapt to that location . The problem being you would be adding matter to that universe , creating an offset balance . Something would have to be removed. Which brings up an interesting thought. What if it happens naturally , as in every frequency is a wave and once in a while or maybe all the time would interact possibly swapping matter . At this part I giggle , what if the aliens we have had on this planet were from other frequencies. Making them trans-dimensional beings of sorts . Least our current human concept of it would think that , in reality , they would just be another life from another frequency and have mastered the technology to travel between them . What if you did notice a frequency change . Maybe even to the point people you know ; Do not know you . Certain things would catch your eye . Spelling is a primary objective to look at if you feel as though things feel off. People you know and their personalities may have changed even slightly . Oddly enough there are already signs of this effect happening . Example : (Left) Berenstain Bears vs Berenstein Bears (Right) The one on the left is the current way of spelling . However , the one on the right is the one I personally grew up with ; Along with many others .Same is said about the one on the left for many others . There are videos collected by people with both spellings .That is one of many examples currently noticed . Many changes in several languages(English one of the biggest) , products ,etc. With all that in mind, the concept of matter swapping between realities is not far off from real . It would also indicate slight changes between frequency realities. Even a 2% change would eventually be noticed by any that event has happened to . If it was to happen naturally , it would mean the technology to do so also exists. If it proves to be a real , will we possibly start traveling between frequencies one day? Will our concept of space and time be altered? What if time travel wasn't time travel but a frequency change. Example : 2020 in our Frequency, 1970 in the Frequency we traveled to. My personal concept of the frequency scale , time is slightly set back each time you travel down the frequency scale . Forward when going up. Could be by milliseconds . Each time a % changes making it a none consistent reality through all frequencies. The closer to your own frequency , the more likely it will be minor changes. The further would create major changes in several different ways, social , political , total way of life. Maybe even technology. If we did said example and for any reason we are similar in history , more then likely you could run into your young grandparents . Yes they would be family and carry the genetic line you possess . If you killed them it would NOT stop your birth because that is NOT the frequency you were born in. In short , its not really time travel . However you would stop your existence from being conceived in that frequency , and would make a wild matter swap if it happens naturally. Someone who doesn't exist , now exists would create some fun times in those frequencies. What I am referring to has been dubbed the Nelson Mandela Effect . Yes it is real , and yes I feel I found an explanation. There is no magic , no Godly plan . Just basic life sciences. Would a lower species see these things? Probably not . Are we ready for this kind of knowledge? Yes we have a few people with high intelligence that would in turn wrap their heads around it. For the most part , many will not . It will be viewed as sci-fi or hog wash from those animals thinking they are above the rest. Even though the signs are all there and can not be disputed . No I do not have a ton of examples installed into this paper. Easiest way to look it up is by search engine look for Nelson Mandela effect and many will come up. There will always be scientific personal to challenge all science, if we did not, discovery wouldn't be so damn exciting . I challenge all to prove me wrong . If you can not use hard evidence , then don't grief with BS . If I am right , existence as we know it changes!
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