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About Mafia

  • Birthday 02/25/1986

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Science and video games.
  • College Major/Degree
    Carnegie Mellon University, Genetics
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Gene Manipulation/Alteration, Microbiology


  • Lepton

Mafia's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Look at this article. I read a few more on New Scientist and a few other pages a few months ago that were better, but can't find the links to them. Sorry. :/
  2. It's the Christians. They believe life starts at the moment of conception, when a sperm fertilizes an egg, since a distinct organism has come into being. Thus the destruction of an embryo is the destruction of a human life. I assumed that they'd be against artificial insemination as well, but surprisingly, it's acceptable under the following conditions: (1)if the married couple is having a problem getting pregnant and artificial insemination is recommended by a doctor (2)only the sperm and egg of the married couple are involved and (3)only one egg is fertilized and implanted. On my search for answers, I found this on Yahoo Answers, which is hilarious: The question was: "Why do Christians think artificial insemination is wrong?" Here is an answer submitted: "WELL if you will read the BIBLE you will see God made them male and female... HE also throughout His Word when a woman was childless / barren She prayed and sought God and HE healed her and gave HER the ability to bare a child..... Did ya ever think the two wasn't going to be good parents...ever think there was a reason why they could'nt bare a child ? Ever think that two steves or two she's were not to have children ? If two men who bares the child for them ? whose seed is it that spawns this child ? which two woman ? which man do they use who's seed is it ? Whose genes are being placed there for them to bare ? There are vast questions, for everyone BUT There is BUt ONE word of God and His Word is all Truth..... Man will indeed stand and give an account to Him one day for their actions.....it is just that plain simple !!" Ooookay.....and on the 3rd day God created the Remington bolt-action rifle so that man could fight the dinosaurs...and the homosexuals.
  3. I was looking for a science forum and joined specifically because of this thread. No lie. Other than wet dreams (which are involuntary, and therefore don't count), you can try what is called the "mind-body orgasm." Check out the link HERE. However, if you're stimulating yourself to orgasm, even without physically touching yourself, it's still considered masturbation. So technically, if you want to have an orgasm without "masturbating"...have sex.
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