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Everything posted by GM42489

  1. I have a nitrogen stream that I need to find out the max flow in SCFM from a 1/4" tube at 50PSI. What is the best way of determining this? I dont have a pitot tube, what can I do? I broke my anemometer trying to measure this. Thanks,
  2. Im detecting noise coming from a servo amplifier and its effect on a nearby signal cable. the received signal is being split into two mirror copies about zero. What is the reason for this? How can I show just the one signal. Thanks
  3. I have most of deionized water system that I am looking for a good home. Everything works, it is just missing an ion exchange tank service associated with it. The pump is 240V 3Phase. Anyone looking to set up a medium sized DI water system?
  4. I'm trying to pre-bake dry a developed photoresist. Generally what temperatures can soft photoresists handle? can a soft-baked photoresist handle warm water? Thanks
  5. It is for the spindle motor. It is a class D amplifier. When my new probe arrives I will visualize the lost communication w.r.t. the amplifier's signal. I am effectively our electronics tech, but I am certainly far from qualified. Thank you for your input.
  6. I am using manual rotameters to mix concentrate and water in-line. do I need to be concerned if the pressures of each stream are different? How can i be sure that backflow does not occur if my water line is higher pressure than my concentrate. what kind of range of mixing can I achieve? Can i mix 0.1mL concentrate with 100mL water if the pressures are the same? how much will variation in house water pressure effect the ultimate accuracy? Thanks
  7. Thanks Studiot. We manufacture silicon processing equipment and I will be attempting to identify noise, likely from the 750W amplifier. It appears that my AT-10AR probe is insensitive by a factor of 10. (using a fresh 1.5V battery, it showed 0.15V trace), If you could elaborate further on why the cap input is not suitable I would greatly appreciate that. Does this mean It will be better for AC measurements?
  8. My company has an old Hitachi V212 oscilloscope. I found two online manuals one saying I needed the AT-10AQ probe and another saying the AT-10AJ probe. In our office I only found two AT-10AR probes, one working one broken. Could someone potentially elaborate the differences? Are there ways I can use different probes if i can identify the differences, and account for them in my results? Also Ive seen a lot of 1x/10x probe nomenclature, does that refer to the "10" in the probe name, and is that reflective of the Gain? Thanks
  9. I am looking for single substrate inspection and/or metrology services for wafers and photomasks, does anyone have a recommendation? My company does not have the capital to purchase a tool. Thanks
  10. Hello, I wish to select a spin coating motor based on the viscosity of various photoresists. Please share your experiences, or equations or sources where I may find the relevant information. Thanks
  11. Thanks everyone for your input. StringJunky: The articles didnt specify any information about the starting materials/solution. I ended up going with w/w (in this case is effectively w/v). Please keep the information coming. I'll be checking in until we perform the cleaning. Thanks all
  12. Hi, Im performing a cleansing/biofilm removal of my company's in house DI water system. In the literature I find most groups run 2% NaOH at elevated temp (50-60C). The articles I've found (attached) however do not specify what 2 percent is (w/w?, v/v?, mol/mol?, w/v?)! Is there a specific etiquette about alkali solutions in industry? If anyone has any experience with biofilm removal and could weigh in that would be very much appreciated, or if anyone has access to literature databases and is able to find other articles which provide this information. Thank you! Biofilms vs Chemicals paper.pdf Removal of Biofilm atricle.pdf
  13. The chemicals are all within a storage cabinet, as described above. I see some white powders. They were not in contact with the liquid, they are on the top shelf, while the liquid was on the bottom only. Thaks
  14. Can the vapors from these chemicals react or condense to pool in the cabinet? If they are hygroscopic, will the vapors pull enough water from the air over the course of a month?
  15. Hi, I began working at a new firm recently where I am managing the chemical waste. Before I got here it was mentioned to me that a liquid had pooled in a containment bin. The cleaned it up, but formed again later, so I cleaned it up. Its a coated metal cabinet (exposed steels getting fairly rusted) containing HCl, HBr, HF, H2SO4, etc pretty standard stuff. It also contained H2O2, which supposedly vents oxygen, has anyone ever had this problem or can think of a reason? Thanks,
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