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  1. Open obviously, it's a forum.
  2. As soon as we happened our “happened in” time dimension, became our past, and the speed of light became our future. We can never attain our future, and we can never regain our past. We are the present. We are the light. We have a probability of 1. Therefore: We always had to be. / Past We have to be. / Present We always have to be. / Future We exist in a twined / mirrored, dark energy / light energy Universe, on a time plane we call the present: constantly watching our pasts: as we chase our futures. A “photon of light” is in fact a twinned dark energy / light energy couple, hence the wave.
  3. In the beginning was the ether (light/energy), and all were at peace (motionless/absolute zero). Then came the question...”To be, or not to be?”...”Be? Be what?...Well, I'm thinking, so I am, already, but what am I? Where am I?...Who else is here with me? They looked... Love at first sight. All the other matter and anti-matter was off being all boring and stuffy somewhere, but you weren't going anywhere. You had looked into the mirror and fallen in love...With yourself!!! Luckily for you, you'd fallen in love with you too so...BANG!!! + CRUNCH!!! I was the centre. I was together. I was in love. Magnetism. But wait...What was this?...All of the soulmates were together now too, or were they?... What of mirror magnetism? Animal magnetism?... OMG!!! It's all scattered throughout time and space!!! How to get the dream-mates together?... Over to you Katy...
  4. In the beginning there was ether (energy/probability), and all was still. Ordinarily the slightest movement on a brane creates a time dimension for that movement to take place in. Time is sentient. Any movement on one surface of the brane, results in an opposite movement on the other side. The resultant “plank times” (bangs/crunches), are magnatism. Matter attracted to antimatter through the brane, past to past, future to future (one horseshoe magnet either side of a piece of glass e.g.). This results in harmony (four beings in love and locked eye-to-eye in perfect pairs e.g.). Result...Blandness, nothingness, misery. Then...The twins! Twinned, sentient, matter and anti-matter time dimensions. A funny thing happens when you try to twin matter and anti-matter...They line up perfectly oppositely, which results in the opposite ends being both perfectly attracted and repelled by each other. The “past's” join instantaneously upon emergence pinching the brane between themselves. . However; the “present's”, both perfectly attract and repell each other perfectly, and have never met. Thus time stops. All time is present at the same time, and time has stopped “ticking”. When they came into being, the twins asked themselves (as per, free-will): “To be, or not to be?”...”Be... But be who?”... At this point instead of having “Real Time” and “Imaginary Time”, we have “Real Time”, “Imaginary Time” and “Space-Time”. Thus ((A+B)+(a+b)) are free to have a look around a bit first. Rather than run the whole bloody lot one by one, rules are put into place and “BANG!!!”. What rules?...Well, filters really, more than rules. The only reality worth our time is, “The one that works!”, so here is the only one in which we need “flow”. Flow is accomplished simply by “banging”, replace the old plank-time, with the next in the series that works (XOR, yes, no , maybe). Thus, step-by-step, we travel through time. Well this was about how they reproduce... We have (A+B) connected, held fast, in love (true- love), and (a+b) in love (true- love), but never having actually met in person. (A+B) would like (a+b) to get their asses in gear! For when ((A+B)+(a+b)) are all connected...We are an ouroboros! We become our own parents... In “Imaginary-Time”, genetic diversity is accomplished by our “Time-Tails” being cut off and set adrift into the ether. In “Space-Time” the same is accomplished by the introduction of sexual reproduction and genetics. In short...”WE ARE” the “One that worked.”! US, ALL of US!!! Orlando may be a wonderful guy, and tick lots of the right boxes...But WE belong! Need more info:? I'm right here. Cosmic consciousness people. Link to YT channel removed per rule 2.7
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