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Everything posted by TheVat

  1. Speaking of cheap sneakers.... https://www.thewrap.com/donald-trump-sneaker-con-gold-shoes/ Selling his sole again?
  2. Sorta wonder if this is all some kind of decimal point error. Not enough lanthanides in the entire planet, even if everyone started recycling their cellphones (and all other electronics) and government stopped stockpiling them. Altman would have to have a fat M-type asteroid tucked away somewhere.
  3. Thank you, benevolent overlords! So... complaining works. Who knew? Look out, world! 😀 Now, about my left knee....
  4. So (i see) they moved the e.e. cummings style contest to here (this thread)) and he who pays attention to the syntax of things will never wholly win?
  5. China’s rising economic success in the world isn’t a threat to the United States, that may be true but only in isolation from other facts about China, e.g. it being a totalitarian surveillance society that seeks to diminish liberal democracy in the world and ensnare developing countries in a web of debt obligations and political debts via its Belt and Road initiative, which may also prove a Trojan Horse for military expansion. Also, brutal repression and ethnic cleansing - Uighurs, Tibetans, et al. So, yeah, affordable appliances here may not be a direct threat, and help a squeezed middle class pay the bills, but that doesn't mean China's humming factory floor was developed out of pure altruism for the world's working class Context would be nice. And, because I occasionally enjoy being a dick, don't "context," and "time and circumstances" mean the same thing thus rendering that second clause redundant? 🙂
  6. Sokay, and now I'm going to look up Fallen Angel later. (RW duties call atm). Thanks for the info.
  7. Simple method: Roku stick on ten year old LED tv. No mic. No power to tv and Roku unless we're watching. Power strip off. @StringJunky I didn't see any text in your earlier reply. Zen? WAIT NEVER MIND. The whole post appeared after refresh.
  8. I've heard this, don't know if that's a real thing. I opted not to buy a so-called Smart TV due to the suspicion about them and the mics. Five seems like a lot, though! 🙂
  9. General reply to all, re ad format Here's an analogy: when you drive down a road, you may see billboards. You may take note of whatever they're peddling or ignore them. The billboard doesn't walk over to the middle of the road and demand that you notice it before you can continue on your way. This is what the page wall ads here are doing. I don't care what the budgetary excuses are for this. If the owner of SFN is really in this for the money (unlikely given he is a holistic medicine physician in Florida), then I have no problem sending him $10/yr or whatever. JMO.
  10. I've had that happen a couple times and ascribed it to coincidence and a certain amount of attentional bias - i.e. if I had a chat about turnips I'm thinking more about turnips and so I notice the turnip sale ad my mind would otherwise have passed over. (watch out for turnip ads, everyone!)
  11. Thanks, the term (though not the trend) was new to me. It's why I don't entirely object to a small annual subscription fee to a web forum (perhaps set up as a premium option, so those who cannot pay are still able to participate). Yep. My wife knows about it. Apparently they are trying to edge out Amazon by means of massive floods of random crap ads, hoping to get just one click which takes you to absurdly cheap deals which are loss leaders promoted to grab market share from Amazon and get people hooked. DO NOT CLICK, says me spouse, and they diminish after a while. I automatically scrub my browsing info (cache, cookies, etc) so the ads are generally wild and incorrect guesses. As the OP indicated, I object to the quantity and the format which is used on my Chrome device.
  12. Tired of harassment-level ads that constantly drop over the page one is trying to navigate to. Is there a way to get some feedback to @blike and go back to the usual banner ads or other formats one can scroll past? Does anyone really think they're going to sell a product by shoving it in our cyber-faces over and over? I would think there is an inverse relationship between rudeness of ads and sales generated. SFN is better than this. And no, I don't want to change my wifi provider, thanks.
  13. Well played. And if he did order an assassination, Congress might try to impeach, but such proceedings are just partisan witch hunts, as Trump has taught us.
  14. Yes they do me as well. VKM disappeared from his prison near Omsk a couple weeks ago, so it seems likely he got the Arctic circle hellhole transfer that Navalny got in early December. "Special regime" colonies, they call them.
  15. Very sad to hear of Navalny's death. A light has gone out of the world.
  16. Corvids and parrots are noted for their intelligence, so why not them as models for a neural architecture? In fewer words than the OP, what makes an albatross the preferred bird brain? Why not an African gray parrot, which some consider the smartest avian? Animal behaviorist and psychologist Irene Pepperberg et al found this species to be cognitively on a par with a human 3-4 year old.
  17. Wow, Earth has really gotten fat!
  18. Yes, I was not offering speculative fiction as anything but a nod to the possibilities that writers and futurists explore. I'm aware it would not be easy, nor is success certain. My guess is that commercial profitability in space would depend on something other than chemical rockets to get out of Earth gravity well. Not only due to per kilo costs of lifting and the expense of maintaining stability and safety atop a controlled explosion but also environmental regulations that might be imposed.
  19. A lot of importance is given to Faraday's new electromotive motor and there is considerable hype that it might be amenable to practical applications where Mr Watt's engine proves cumbersome. However it's hard to see this ever going beyond a few niche markets, given the considerable expense and labor involved in the fabrication, not to mention the problems of creating a wide availability of electrical generation and transmission. Mr Faraday's device appears to be more a toy than a real solution in providing mechanical power in quotidian uses.
  20. Agree if the projections are with chemical propellants supplying the delta vee. Which is why I respect sci-fi writers and futurists who take some trouble to posit different propulsion systems, carbon nanotube elevators, etc for their robust off-planet futures. But for sure, chemical rockets are cranky and expensive AF. And likely to remain so. There may be other scenarios responsive to Fermi's Question. And we are still at the beginning of an era of remote sensing of extra-solar planets, so it's not like all the anomalies have been studied and conclusions drawn. Worth looking into that before dropping in a doom prophecy and confidently labeling it as "news."
  21. Wolf pup. 9 inches cranial circumference. Setting on the cuteness dial: 11. (like Nigel Tufnel's amp, the highest setting)
  22. I tend to wear work boots or hikers if I'm going to walk in muddy dirty conditions so my sneakers generally don't get dirty. Wearing socks is sufficient to protect the interior from stink, if the sneakers are aired in the sun regularly. But I live in a semiarid climate and use foot powder, both of which mitigate sweaty feet. Leather shoes - a tip from my Significant Bother is to wipe them with a weak solution of vinegar in the winter after a walk - she says it neutralizes the effects on leather of salted roads and sidewalks. Haha! Is your recent silence here a result of trying that option?
  23. Every so often I am re-amazed at how we got to the place of experiencing this as normal. We have a former president and leading GOP candidate for future president who goes around issuing crude insults in code, like a snickering middle school child.
  24. One problem with threads like this (aside from being tedious) is that eventually people who don't really care who said what to whom are drawn into taking sides. And that sucks oxygen away from the topical threads that are the real life of SFN. Any chance y'all could just stop?
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