Kurt Mueller
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About Kurt Mueller
- Birthday 05/13/1984
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Wisconsin, United States
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Quark (2/13)
Yes, it did all look lazy in retrospect. That's the cost of cobbling together some of my notes after weeks of hardly any sleep and throwing them up online randomly with a long rant attached. The focus was completely wrong. An obsession with coming up with a model that worked at every level and explained phenomena while not breaking down under (my own, ugh) scrutiny, and not with explaining things simply and in whole, while attempting to experimentally prove them step by step. Also, I was obsessed with credit for some reason, and now that seems ridiculous. What is an idea if not shared? Nothing. And since I'm sleeping quite well now, I think you all put me on the right track. Thank you.
It's because when I learn a physical law I remember it forever, but I'll forget the word everyone else uses for it the next day. I think in 3d objects and complex emotions, not words. I realize now that's been my real problem, and it makes me look crazy, even if only I can see it for now. I'll try to explain myself better and try again. Feel free to mock me over it, I know I come off as arrogant in silly in equal measure. I take no offense.
Quantum entanglement would be one instantaneous force observed, the photon's speed of light another. Although, it's currently assumed that photons are always moving at the speed of light upon creation. What if these are connected and a clue to how matter basically operates? (Previous meandering post aside. If these ideas are out there, I may as well discuss them.)
Welp, now I see why I didn't get replies. My language was all over the place looking back. I was focusing on the science and lost the forest through the trees. I even had 'electron' when I mean't 'photon' twice. I'd ask the mods to update the first post with this, so it can be understood. https://tinyurl.com/yyjavdfn Updated: All energy being directional in nature is confusing, as it was to me at first. This energy is referred to as directional energy for purposes of this paper. Base component of matter: Massless extra-dimensional directional energy with outward or inward facing direction. From this point forward referred to as base component individually, or base charge collectively. (I will return to the dimensional number later, but that is not required at this point for understanding.) Component properties: 1. All changes in three-dimensional directional energy (which only happen through ‘physical’ interaction between base components, time relationship explained later) lead to instant representation in structure relative to interaction (surface area in three dimensions). Quantum entanglement was the clue to this property, but everything hangs off it once it is assumed. Again, under this theory all forms of energy expression in different dimensions are instantaneous, explained later. 2. The structure can stretch infinitely with allowed space (continues until encountering another base component). 3. Inward facing direction meeting inward facing direction opposes; outward meeting inward opposes, et cetera (equal to three-dimensional massless momentum of the component). This is the fundamental basis for all ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ charge, which is only a change in direction, not an additive energy, as it always represents as an equal exchange at this basic level. However, keep in mind that the directional energy exchanged can lead to different representations in each base component’s structure based on where (on their structure) and how (what three-dimensional energy they carried upon interaction) they were interacted with. 4. Its structure can pick-up three-dimensional directional energy, like spin. This next figure demonstrates that basic action. Obviously, those are cross sections, as the structure would resolve to nearly two dimensions relative to surface area interaction. Outsized impact of spin on all matter due to the Unified Field's spin is explained later. Spacetime: The idea of Spacetime is preserved, but some aspects are neither space nor time, but a field of matter that changes how space and time are physically expressed, which have been misattributed. I have been calling this field of matter the Unified Field of Gravity as an homage. This is the uniting of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, as I will explain in part, but not in full, as again, this is unimportant to the overall theory. Unified Field of Gravity: Composed of the inwardly facing direction base component. During the early universe all that would be required for the base component of the Unified Field's formation is spin and an avenue 'out' at both 'ends', which allowed it to escape other interactions at each 'end'. Meaning, all possible interactions could only add to its spin from the 'sides'. This reaction took place until it was collectively so 'thick' it disallowed more of its own formation, with the outsized impact due to surface area explained later. But keep in mind this was a minority not equal to but the cause of the imbalance we see in matter/antimatter. A tiny minority reserved is all it takes for probability (less probability of being created, more of being annihilated) for the imbalance to be large. Gravity: The 'bend' of gravity is Archimedes in the bath (Eureka!), i.e. matter and the Unified Field trying to occupy the same space and the Unified Field bending around matter. This displacement causes lower interactivity overall in the gravity well (as surface area is what counts for more/less interactions in a given space). This then causes both lower pressure on nearly all structures more complex than itself in the gravity well (the attractive 'force' of gravity), and slower time due to less interactions over time, relatively. Think of gravity as being squeezed from all sides, until one side provides an avenue away from that pressure. Naturally, you are squeezed towards it. Under this model we can only observe the flow of time through interactions. If net interaction slows, time relatively slows. Think of escape velocity as squeezing into an increasingly tight weave of elastic. Each inward base component in the Unified Field 'ripples' in circles due to the sum of all magnetic waves and interactions (meaning, sometimes but not always compressions of the Unified Field.) Actions as small as waving your hand in front of your face affects the entire Unified Field, which causes even more outsized influence on all other matter due to instant changes in structure, which are indistinct from having more surface area at this base level, and are constant across the structure of the Unified Field. (gravity waves explained as a misunderstanding of Magnetic Waves later) Keep in mind, as the Unified Field expands it (most likely, but this is one element I’m not entirely certain of as there needs to be some basic modeling done to confirm) would also increase the rippling effect as there is more space it can occupy and more space between each base component, continuing to disallow more of its own formation and retaining its constant impact vs other matter. One reason why photons resolve to a flat wave. For understanding of the ripple effect, think of a cross section of a wave and a particle of dust circling as the wave moves past it, or a string being plucked from all angles, causing a circling. (I do not call individual components of the Unified Field vibrating strings, but you can, if you would like.) Time: This theory would mean all forms of directional energy are instantaneous regardless of their strength, and thus so is time, which the linearity of time is only a perception, because again, we only experience time through interactions. If instantaneous time is confusing, imagine an infinite series where you are dropped in the middle. If you can only interact with others by tapping the person in front of you on the shoulder, and each person could only tap the next person on the shoulder, from your perspective it would still be a linear progression even if it was an instantaneous and infinite one. You could be dropped at any point in this series in this instant of time, and still, from your perspective it would be linear. Heat: A diffuse form of directional energy. Simply, directional energy represented in elementary-particle-structure’s internal reactions, as well as base charge, and represented in increased 'movement' in any given space. Magnetic fields/Magnetic waves: First, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. They are a constant change in direction due to Unified Field's spin interaction, making linear directional energy in some circumstances eventually resolve on itself relative to its strength. Without it, a magnet’s actual internal action would be represented, internal interaction being changed to an, again, almost linear direction. And Magnetic Waves as gravity waves completing this picture. For intuitive understanding, think of directional energy moving through a system that is spinning instead of photons moving through a system, (the Unified Field being that system) wherein the circular angles created by the Unified Field’s rippling and spin giving outsized influence. Because, that is what everything is, directional energy, if you look at it closely enough. Though, keep in mind, current misunderstanding is of charge as a force itself, while it is only a change in direction at the base component level. Also, the spin-up and spin-down of the Unified Field is equal. (Think three logs interacting via spin for intuitive understanding of this reaction) Otherwise, magnetic fields and waves would be weighted to one side. Magnetic Waves are actually waves in the Unified Field. Both ‘electric’ and Magnetic Waves have action of stoppage in the polarization reaction, for instance. One stops Magnetic Waves (keep in mind, misunderstood as gravity waves), and the other direction stops the photon itself. The photon’s exact structure and why we misunderstood Magnetic Waves to be a part of that structure explained next. The speed of light is a directional energy exchange point, wherein all further forward directional energy of an object goes toward compression of the Unified Field, causing magnetic waves, even working with self-interaction of the Unified Field. (The more complex the matter, the lower the point due to surface area) All 'slowing' of directional energy is in this category of interaction and diffusion, and why everything does not happen instantly, from our perspective at least. Therefore, the Magnetic Wave’s structure resolves to the same structure and ‘energy’ as the photon’s, though at right angles, remembering this is a compression wave change in the structure of the Unified Field. Since under this theory the compression caused on the Unified Field of Gravity (Magnetic Waves) would, in physical terms, mean the energy put into its forward energy past the speed of light, which in the case of the photon, means all of its energy, as it is massless. Remember, what matters is not how many base components there are for more complex structures, but the surface area represented for overall charge (+/-) of the structure, and energy just means reserved three dimensional directional energy in a structure in this context. Explanation of a photon’s structure and action: A simple chain structure of ‘negative’ to ‘positive’. The inward base component squeezes on itself and stretches as it spins (causing the structure to expand). The outward squeezes and stretches in the opposite, as previously described. Due to constant reaction on all sides, this energy resolves to a nearly two-dimensional plane and the Magnetic Wave resolves at a right angle to the overall structure, relative to spin. As seen in any ‘electromagnetic’ wave visualization of the photon. It always was an accurate description, just one we did not quite understand. This form makes the most sense due to how matter/antimatter annihilations produce photons of opposite direction. (The negative component determines direction as it confers momentum ‘back’) Keep in mind, when this directional energy is realized in its structure (any push toward a direction over another) it, of course, speeds up instantly to the speed of light in that direction as all structure changes are instant. At which time, it can only ‘stretch’ back relative to its direction (with negative component) since all forward directional energy goes toward compression of the Unified Field, thus maintaining forward directional energy. (It goes at the same speed as it can’t go faster) For every ‘wave’ of the photon there is an equal wave created for each wave ‘section’ which is not part of the photon’s structure but is a magnetic wave of the Unified Field, to restate. i.e., some of the ‘light’ we see is not the photon, but the leftover Magnetic Waves that have taken on the properties of the photon, so then act the same. This action makes it clear that light is not an electromagnetic wave as we have previously understood that concept. The ‘electro’, the photon’s -/+ base component structure itself, is separate from the ‘magnetic’, the Magnetic Wave. Planck's constant (6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s): This would be the number of base components in the photon’s structure, as this would determine maximum three-dimensional directional energy retention of the structure. This gave an excellent clue to its structure itself. The photon seems to ‘give up’ excess directional energy if not enough base component is available. This would mean that during matter/antimatter annihilation the photon does not get ‘all’ of the energy of the particles annihilated, as different particles most likely need specific momentum to form. Electromagnetism in relation to electromagnets: This is, in physical terms, the same as the principle of lift. Lower speed of air underneath the wing, higher above, and increased interaction on the downside causes the plane to rise. The photons, as they speed up, both contract in structure as they press on the Unified Field and are interacted with less due to this lessened impact (slower time). Another misunderstanding of Spacetime vs the Unified Field. Formation of elementary particles and structural notes: This is a complex process, but only has to do with the space available, possible interactions (elementary particles available to increase complexity), and thus the probability of a structure coming about. However, it is important to note that under this theory the overall charge of any elementary particle will be relative not to the number or ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ base component, but the surface area represented. Meaning, if more surface area of the ‘negative’ component is represented, even if the structure has more ‘positive’ component, the overall charge will be positive. This is due to surface area equals the ability to affect the base charge around it by directional energy exchange. Imagine how a satellite dish entraps the particles necessary for information exchange, and why we do not use antennae for this process at distance. More surface area, more possible interactions, more weighted charge of the particle. Another important note for anyone doing modeling is that more complex forms of matter become more possible as less interactions of the Unified Field in an area are realized, i.e, when there is higher gravity. This is due to more ‘space’ being available for possible complex interactions. A final note, all possible particle formations should now be possible to model with this understanding. This modeling should be able to accurately predict interactions all the way up through abiogenesis and, well, us. Though, the computing power necessary would be immense. The physical difference between wave and particle form/the double-slit experiment: What matters here is the detectors. First, the detector shooting particles at the particle being experimented on. If you have ever seen a delightful video of Richard Feynman in an old comfy chair talking about how he thinks on the physical world, one of his descriptions was of the action of heat on a stressed rubber band. The rubber band pulls tighter, because, as Feynman explains, the internal reaction is increased when heated and the particles grow closer together due to this. Now that we understand the fundamentals of base charge and understand the basics of directional energy, and that heat is diffuse directional energy, we know this affect is preserved all the way down to the fundamental levels. The particle is hit with another particle, directional energy is diffused throughout its structure, internal reactions are increased, the internal components pull tighter, and as the internal components pull tighter together any energy given to the (now) particle will travel through its structure much faster, like a steel ball. The initial Erwin Schrödinger equation can now be understood as an attempt to predict a system that, while relatively simple once known, was difficult to interact with as any interaction gave energy to the system and changed it. Vacuum energy: Base components resolving into elementary particles, as base charge is ubiquitous with no apparent event horizon. Remembering that the Unified Field only reacts consistently with structures with locked three-dimensional directional energy in their structure, i.e., particles. The Unified Field cannot put pressure on the base component, as its structure is not locked in any form. Dark energy: Mislabeled entropy and repulsive gravity (with possible caveats). As the Unified Field is displaced around matter, this pressure exerted goes both ways. This is due to more directional energy being entrapped in elementary particles over time, and increased complexity of these particles means more repulsive gravity. When understood as entropy, this process makes perfect sense. Of course, it would increase as per the second and third law of thermodynamics. However, this means the Unified Field will eventually stop accelerating as formation of new elementary particles decreases, but obviously never slow at that point as there would be no force opposing that directional energy. Entropy: This could have multiple endpoints, but as above, means increased directional energy reservation over time. The finite nature of our universe expansion and there being no other universe expansions in our 'dimension', i.e. 4th dimensional expansion): If there were any other universe expansion within our dimension it would mean the Unified field would interact at its ends, resolving back and ending the effect of gravity. Therefore, our universe expansion is finite and the only one in this dimension. There is a small possibility, however, that the energy applied to the Unified Field’s spin is so vast (and possibly increasing due to a form of entropy) that interactions are taking place, but lack necessary energy to cause collapse, as our and other universe expansions aren’t putting out enough energy to counteract one another’s spins. This might be dispensed with if the spin of the Unified Field can be measured vs what all these unifications would imply. In conclusion: This inherently directional energy seems to have four different dimensional expressions that are basic to life on earth: 1. The base components of matter. Though, they may be two separate dimensional representations instead of directions. 2. What we have previously thought of as ‘energy’, meaning the directional energy exchanged between base component through charge. 3. Time. As previous understandings were flawed, time and space could be separate expressions. 4. Space. (as above) Limitations: 1. What the substance of this directional-energy is physically. Though, it may not even make ‘physical’ sense to ask the question beyond its properties. 2. How matter interacts with Spacetime. Spacetime could influence matter beyond time interaction, and thus be a component of expansion, but until mathematical description of the exact ‘energy’ of Dark Energy (meaning all elements of expansion) is accounted for versus the Unified Field, which this theory should make possible, it remains unknown. 3. Why the outward base component does not expand, or the inward resolve to a point, and instead seem to keep their shape until interaction. This would relate to the exact number of dimensions of the base component, or the ‘substance’ of inherently directional energy, which remains unknown. It works in five, but there is a small chance each base component could be the same direction in different dimensions, which would make more sense in some ways, as space and time do not appear to have multiple directions. 4. Mathematical descriptions of these interactions beyond the basic underpinning. Though with prediction and explanatory value, the theory holds on its own. 5. Strong and weak nuclear force is unaccounted. This could perhaps be that some elementary particles simply form more readily at ‘weak’ momentum or ‘strong’ momentum states, but without further modeling I cannot speculate beyond that.
Ah, and I'm seeing that I was switching between language in some places, like calling direction 'velocity' in Base Component property 3. Fixed in the original document. I suppose I could change all mentions of energy in relation to this base energy I've been trying to describe as 'directional energy' everywhere to improve readability.
Exactly what I was explaining about the language. It unites so many different energies it's difficult to talk about. For now, just understand the energy as directional. Whenever I say 'momentum exchange' or something similar, it's just an exchange of a directional energy. Think of the base components as simple negative (that resolves its structure inward relative to interaction) and an positive (resolves its structure outward). Like a pizza pie being thrown in the air for positive, and the opposite reaction to the same spin from the negative.
It might also be I didn't give them the time. I've got to admit, I'm a bit paranoid about it. Just who I am. It demonstrates how the speed of light, the photon's structure, and magnetic waves are all linked. Where have I explained it poorly? I have my own ways of thinking, one of the reasons why I wanted so badly to collaborate on this. I was afraid I'd explain the theory poorly in a way people couldn't understand. I feel like I'll need to repost the entire paper to explain that, but okay. All energy being directional in nature is confusing, as it was to me at first, so I’ll preserve accepted vernacular for this paper (energy, kinetic energy, momentum, and time as separate), but keep in mind they are united under this theory. The direction is the energy, think in terms of how we experience time. This energy is usually referred to as momentum or massless momentum for purposes of this paper. Base component of matter: Massless extra-dimensional momentum with outward or inward facing direction. From this point forward referred to as base component individually, or base charge collectively. (I will return to the dimensional number later, but that is not required at this point for understanding.) Component properties: 1. All changes in direction and momentum (which only happen through ‘physical’ interaction, time relationship explained later) lead to instant representation in structure relative to interaction (surface area in three dimensions). Quantum entanglement was the clue to this property, but everything hangs off it once it is assumed. Again, under this theory all forms of energy expression in different dimensions are instantaneous, explained later. 2. The structure can stretch infinitely with allowed space (continues until encountering another base component). 3. Inward facing velocity meeting inward facing velocity opposes; outward meeting inward opposes, et cetera (equal to three-dimensional massless momentum of the component). This is the fundamental basis for all ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ charge, which is only a change in direction, not an additive energy, as it always represents as an equal exchange at this basic level. 4. Its structure can pick-up three-dimensional momentum and direction, like spin. This next figure demonstrates that basic action. Obviously, those are cross sections, as the structure would resolve to nearly two dimensions relative to surface area interaction. Outsized impact of spin on all matter due to the Unified Field's spin is explained later. Spacetime: The idea of Spacetime is preserved, but some aspects are neither space nor time, but a field of matter that changes how space and time are physically expressed, which have been misattributed. I have been calling this field of matter the Unified Field of Gravity as an homage. This is the uniting of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, as I will explain in part, but not in full, as again, this is unimportant to the overall theory. Unified Field of Gravity: Composed of the inwardly facing direction base component. During the early universe all that would be required for the base component of the Unified Field's formation is spin and an avenue 'out' at both 'ends', which allowed it to escape other interactions at each 'end'. Meaning, all possible interactions could only add to its spin from the 'sides'. This reaction took place until it was collectively so 'thick' it disallowed more of its own formation, with the outsized impact due to surface area explained later. But keep in mind this was a minority not equal to but the cause of the imbalance we see in matter/antimatter. A tiny minority reserved is all it takes for probability (less probability of being created, more of being annihilated) for the imbalance to be large. Gravity: The 'bend' of gravity is Archimedes in the bath (Eureka!), i.e. matter and the Unified Field trying to occupy the same space and the Unified Field bending around matter. This displacement causes lower interactivity overall in the gravity well (as surface area is what counts for faster/slower momentum exchanges in a given space). This then causes both lower pressure on nearly all structures more complex than itself in the gravity well (the attractive 'force' of gravity), and slower time due to less interactions over time, relatively. Think of gravity as being squeezed from all sides, until one side provides an avenue away from that pressure. Naturally, you are squeezed towards it. Under this model we can only observe the flow of time through interactions. If net interaction slows, time relatively slows. Think of escape velocity as squeezing into an increasingly tight weave of elastic. Each inward base component in the Unified Field 'ripples' in circles due to the sum of all magnetic waves and interactions (meaning, sometimes but not always compressions of the Unified Field.) Actions as small as waving your hand in front of your face affects the entire Unified Field, which causes even more outsized influence on all other matter due to instant changes in structure, which are indistinct from having more surface area at this base level, and are constant across the structure of the Unified Field. (gravity waves explained as a misunderstanding of Magnetic Waves later) Keep in mind, as the Unified Field expands it (most likely, but this is one element I’m not entirely certain of as there needs to be some basic modeling done to confirm) would also increase the rippling effect as there is more space it can occupy and more space between each base component, continuing to disallow more of its own formation and retaining its constant impact vs other matter. One reason why photons resolve to a flat wave. For understanding of the ripple effect, think of a cross section of a wave and a particle of dust circling as the wave moves past it, or a string being plucked from all angles, causing a circling. (I do not call individual components of the Unified Field vibrating strings, but you can, if you would like.) Time: This theory would mean all forms of massless momentum are instantaneous regardless of their strength, and thus so is time, which the linearity of time is only a perception, because again, we only experience time through interactions. If instantaneous time is confusing, imagine an infinite series where you are dropped in the middle. If you can only interact with others by tapping the person in front of you on the shoulder, and each person could only tap the next person on the shoulder, from your perspective it would still be a linear progression even if it was an instantaneous and infinite one. You could be dropped at any point in this series in this instant of time, and still, from your perspective it would be linear. Heat: A diffuse form of momentum. Simply, momentum represented in elementary-particle-structure’s internal reactions, as well as base charge, and represented in increased 'movement' in any given space. Magnetic fields/Magnetic waves: First, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. They are a constant change in direction due to Unified Field's spin interaction, making linear momentum in some circumstances eventually resolve on itself relative to its strength. Without it, a magnet’s actual internal action would be represented, internal interaction being changed to an almost linear direction. And Magnetic Waves as gravity waves completing this picture. For intuitive understanding, think of momentum moving through a system that is spinning instead of photons moving through a system, (the Unified Field being that system) wherein the circular angles created by the Unified Field’s rippling and spin giving outsized influence. Because, that is what everything is, momentum (massless, inherently-directional energy), if you look at it closely enough. Though, keep in mind, current misunderstanding is of charge as a force itself, while it is only a change in direction at the base component level. Also, the spin-up and spin-down of the Unified Field is equal. (Think three logs interacting via spin for intuitive understanding of this reaction) Otherwise, magnetic fields and waves would be weighted to one side. Magnetic Waves are actually waves in the Unified Field. Both ‘electric’ and Magnetic Waves have action of stoppage in the polarization reaction, for instance. One stops Magnetic Waves (keep in mind, misunderstood as gravity waves), and the other direction stops the photon itself. The photon’s exact structure and why we misunderstood Magnetic Waves to be a part of that structure explained next. The speed of light is a momentum exchange point, wherein all further forward momentum of an object goes toward compression of the Unified Field, even working with self-interaction of the Unified Field. (The more complex the matter, the lower the point due to surface area) All 'slowing' of momentum is in this category of interaction and diffusion, and why everything does not happen instantly, from our perspective at least. Therefore, the Magnetic Wave’s structure resolves to the same structure and ‘energy’ as the photon’s, though at right angles, remembering this is a compression wave change in the structure of the Unified Field. Since under this theory the compression caused on the Unified Field of Gravity (Magnetic Waves) would, in physical terms, mean the energy put into its forward energy past the speed of light, which in the case of the photon, means all of its energy, as it is massless. Remember, what matters is not how many base components there are for more complex structures, but the surface area represented for overall charge (+/-) of the structure, and energy just means reserved momentum in a structure in this context. Explanation of a photon’s structure and action: A simple chain structure of ‘negative’ to ‘positive’. The inward base component squeezes on itself and stretches as it spins (causing the structure to expand). The outward squeezes and stretches in the opposite, as previously described. Due to constant reaction on all sides, this energy resolves to a nearly two-dimensional plane and the Magnetic Wave resolves at a right angle to the overall structure, relative to spin. As seen in any ‘electromagnetic’ wave visualization of the photon. It always was an accurate description, just one we did not quite understand. This form makes the most sense due to how matter/antimatter annihilations produce photons of opposite direction. (The negative component determines direction as it confers momentum ‘back’) Keep in mind, when this momentum is realized in its structure (any push toward a direction over another) it, of course, speeds up instantly to the speed of light in that direction as all structure changes are instant. At which time, it can only ‘stretch’ back relative to its direction (with negative component) since all forward momentum goes toward compression of the Unified Field, thus maintaining forward momentum. For every ‘wave’ of the photon there is an equal wave created for each wave ‘section’ which is not part of the photon’s structure but is a magnetic wave of the Unified Field. i.e., some of the ‘light’ we see is not the photon, but the leftover Magnetic Waves that have taken on the properties of the photon, so then act the same. This action makes it clear that light is not an electromagnetic wave as we have previously understood that concept. The ‘electro’, the photon’s -/+ base component structure itself, is separate from the ‘magnetic’, the Magnetic Wave. Planck's constant (6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s): This would be the number of base components in the photon’s structure, as this would determine maximum momentum retention. This gave an excellent clue to its structure. The electron seems to ‘give up’ excess momentum if not enough base component is available. This would mean that during matter/antimatter annihilation the photon does not get ‘all’ of the energy of the particles annihilated, as different particles most likely need specific momentum to form. Electromagnetism in relation to electromagnets: This is, in physical terms, the same as the principle of lift. Lower speed of air underneath the wing, higher above, and increased interaction on the downside causes the plane to rise. The electrons, as they speed up, both contract in structure as they press on the Unified Field and are interacted with less due to this lessened impact (slower time). Another misunderstanding of Spacetime vs the Unified Field. Formation of elementary particles and structural notes: This is a complex process, but only has to do with the space available, possible interactions (elementary particles available to increase complexity), and thus the probability of a structure coming about. However, it is important to note that under this theory the overall charge of any elementary particle will be relative not to the number or ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ base component, but the surface area represented. Meaning, if more surface area of the ‘negative’ component is represented, even if the structure has more ‘positive’ component, the overall charge will be positive. This is due to surface area equals the ability to affect the base charge around it by momentum exchange. Imagine how a satellite dish entraps the particles necessary for information exchange, and why we do not use antennae for this process at distance. More surface area, more possible interactions, more weighted charge of the particle. Another important note for anyone doing modeling is that more complex forms of matter become more possible as less interactions of the Unified Field in an area are realized, i.e, when there is higher gravity. This is due to more ‘space’ being available for possible complex interactions. A final note, all possible particle formations should now be possible to model with this understanding. This modeling should be able to accurately predict interactions all the way up through abiogenesis and, well, us. Though, the computing power necessary would be immense. The physical difference between wave and particle form/the double-slit experiment: What matters here is the detectors. First, the detector shooting particles at the particle being experimented on. If you have ever seen a delightful video of Richard Feynman in an old comfy chair talking about how he thinks on the physical world, one of his descriptions was of the action of heat on a stressed rubber band. The rubber band pulls tighter, because, as Feynman explains, the internal reaction is increased when heated and the particles grow closer together due to this. Now that we understand the fundamentals of base charge and understand the basics of directional energy, and that heat is diffuse momentum, we know this affect is preserved all the way down to the fundamental levels. The particle is hit with another particle, momentum is diffused throughout its structure, internal reactions are increased, the internal components pull tighter, and as the internal components pull tighter together any energy given to the (now) particle will travel through its structure much faster, like a steel ball. The initial Erwin Schrödinger equation can now be understood as an attempt to predict a system that, while relatively simple once known, was difficult to interact with as any interaction gave energy to the system and changed it. Vacuum energy: Base components resolving into elementary particles, as base charge is ubiquitous with no apparent event horizon. Remembering that the Unified Field only reacts consistently with structures with locked momentum in their structure, i.e., particles. The Unified Field cannot put pressure on the base component, as its structure is not locked in any form. Dark energy: Mislabeled entropy and repulsive gravity (with possible caveats). As the Unified Field is displaced around matter, this pressure exerted goes both ways. This is due to more momentum being entrapped in elementary particles over time, and increased complexity of these particles means more repulsive gravity. When understood as entropy, this process makes perfect sense. Of course, it would increase as per the second and third law of thermodynamics. However, this means the Unified Field will eventually stop accelerating as formation of new elementary particles decreases, but obviously never slow at that point as there would be no force opposing that momentum. Entropy: This could have multiple endpoints, but as above, means increased momentum reservation over time. The finite nature of our universe expansion and there being no other universe expansions in our 'dimension', i.e. 4th dimensional expansion): If there were any other universe expansion within our dimension it would mean the Unified field would interact at its ends, resolving back and ending the effect of gravity. Therefore, our universe expansion is finite and the only one in this dimension. There is a small possibility, however, that the energy applied to the Unified Field’s spin is so vast (and possibly increasing due to a form of entropy) that interactions are taking place, but lack necessary energy to cause collapse, as our and other universe expansions aren’t putting out enough energy to counteract one another’s spins. This might be dispensed with if the spin of the Unified Field can be measured vs what all these unifications would imply. In conclusion: This inherently directional energy seems to have four different dimensional expressions that are basic to life on earth: 1. The base components of matter. Though, they may be two separate dimensional representations instead of directions. 2. What we have previously thought of as ‘energy’, meaning the momentum exchanged between base component through charge. 3. Time. As previous understandings were flawed, time and space could be separate expressions. 4. Space. (as above) Limitations: 1. What the substance of this directional-energy is physically. Though, it may not even make ‘physical’ sense to ask the question beyond its properties. 2. How matter interacts with Spacetime. Spacetime could influence matter beyond time interaction, and thus be a component of expansion, but until mathematical description of the exact ‘energy’ of Dark Energy (meaning all elements of expansion) is accounted for versus the Unified Field, which this theory should make possible, it remains unknown. 3. Why the outward base component does not expand, or the inward resolve to a point, and instead seem to keep their shape until interaction. This would relate to the exact number of dimensions of the base component, or the ‘substance’ of inherently directional energy, which remains unknown. It works in five, but there is a small chance each base component could be the same direction in different dimensions, which would make more sense in some ways, as space and time do not appear to have multiple directions. 4. Mathematical descriptions of these interactions beyond the basic underpinning. Though with prediction and explanatory value, the theory holds on its own. 5. Strong and weak nuclear force is unaccounted. This could perhaps be that some elementary particles simply form more readily at ‘weak’ momentum or ‘strong’ momentum states, but without further modeling I cannot speculate beyond that.
While I realize some of what I'm about to say will bear the hallmarks of pseudoscience, I hope once people read it they will see the merit and the moderators won't remove it out of hand. This isn't an attempt to avoid peer review, it's a rush towards it. Abstract: This theory will attempt to explain all matter, energy, space and time in the universe as massless momentum expressed in different dimensions. The core postulation is that all energy at the most basic level is inherently directional. This comes from over a decade of research breaking down each possible clue to the base components of matter and how they may operate to unite as many concepts as possible. It will describe: 1. The base component of matter and its fundamental action. 2. The physical action of charge in relationship the base component. 3. How this gives rise to the Unified Field of Gravity. 4. The physical action of gravity (bend, ‘force’, and interaction). 5. Why there is an outsized impact of spin on all matter due to the influence of this field of matter. 6. Why this field of matter has this outsized influence due to surface area. 7. Explanation of the matter/antimatter imbalance. 8. How surface area is the most important element of charge in an elementary particle. 9. Why time slows in a gravity well due to decreased interaction and influence of the Unified Field of Gravity. 10. Consequently, though not thoroughly covered as it is unimportant to the base theory, uniting Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity under this new understanding of gravity and time relationships and how our understanding was flawed up to this point. 11. Heat. 12. Why ‘gravity waves’ were a misunderstanding of Magnetic Waves. 13. The action of a photon and its physical structure. 14. The speed of light. 15. Reinterpret what this means for the action of electromagnetism vs electromagnets and electromagnetic fields. 16. Reinterpret what this means for the double-slit experiment and the physical difference between the wave and particle forms of matter. 17. Describe the instantaneous nature of this directional energy, and what this means for how we have misinterpreted the space/time/gravity relationship. 18. Vacuum energy. 19. One endpoint to entropy. 20. The finite nature of our universe. 21. What the clues were to these explanations, where relevant. https://tinyurl.com/y2tpzj6d Now you understand our Universe, at least in part. This represents over a decade of my life, and since these forums have been of so much help I've decided to post it here first, although I'll be spreading it wide rather soon, which I wish I didn't have to do. If anyone would deign to endorse me on arXiv, I would appreciate it, so I can get the peer review process started, at least. If you have the permissions, that is. I approached over a dozen others, and each was met with silence to the point I became paranoid they were going to attempt to steal my research rather than endorse me to peer review it on my own. This is partially why I'm releasing in this way, which I absolutely abhor doing. https://arxiv.org/auth/endorse?x=RSYTVG On another note, I've bounced between calling it 'massless momentum', 'kinetic energy', etc. so many times that I've come to believe there isn't even the proper language to describe what I'm attempting to. The direction IS the energy. It's how we experience time because it is time. The concepts are united. How would you even express that mathematically, anyhow? E=E? The concept is so simple as to defy explanation that isn't purely poetic until actually measured with a base unit. I've taken to calling it Venorum, /ven-o-rəm/ for my own understanding. Many physics departments have been called over the years, and let's just say I've been stymied by my lack of a pedigree. So much so that in the last few weeks I began trying to contact the only scientists I know, who are all famous, and not a single one replied. I understand for good reason, a person toiling in obscurity is usually a crank, but that's probably more of an education problem than it is a crank problem. Though, now that it's 'out', well, it's out. So, if you think these theories have any merit at all, if only in part, please spread them to your colleagues in the relevant areas. It would be the best defense against attempts at theft at this point. And to the moderators, perhaps you'll consider moving this out of the speculation section. In all honesty, since I'm not completely unselfish, I was hoping releasing my work, though would have no chance of making me less agoraphobic, might make me less poor. I must say, spending all day scraping together a living on online work, then all night working on this, then the rest of the time not sleeping because I'm deathly afraid of this knowledge being lost is getting quite exhausting. I'd rather be spending my time working on my theories. It might have taken me an afternoon to intuit all the possible forms of a base component (once a core understanding was reached concerning direction) until I saw a possible model in which it works, and then the night to intuit the physical structure of the Unified Field and the action of gravity, but it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to translate that back into terms anyone would understand. I hope you can excuse me if my thoughts are a bit disconnected here as a consequence. It feels like I took more time writing that paper than I did researching it. Finally, I'd like to thank these forums. You've helped me a lot over the years, even if I only just lurked and read about the different ways you tried to understand what we all were trying to understand together. And especially a user named Mordred, who was encouraging a few months back and reminded me to return to core principles when I was stuck. Though, I do apologize for holding so much back and misrepresenting some. I may not be a well-groomed man, but I like to think of myself as an honest one. I was afraid of, well, this very thing. I just wish I could have gotten someone to listen sooner and done this properly. If anyone has any questions on my theories, or areas I need to clarify, I'd be happy to answer your questions. Though, I may be a bit busy in the coming days. I'll return here as often as I can.
Thank you all for your insightful comments and helpful links, and sorry I didn't reply earlier but I just joined and hit the five reply limit. You've helped me see the flaws in my thinking and weak areas of understanding, especially misunderstanding space/time to have elastic potential energy (as this was just a misunderstanding of how the models are visually represented), not using accepted vernacular, and uniform expansion. In retrospect, I should've just left out the Quantum Field explanation as I'm sure most of you understand more of it than I do already and it's already discussed on these forums. It's all forced me into the frightening conclusion that if my thoughts in this area are to have any value I'm going to have to move from being interested to being dedicated and learn some math. Darn it.
Maybe I didn't describe that with enough detail. If the size of the big bang expansion relates to the current acceleration and the lower zone of field pressure around it that would mean it's the difference in pressure causing the acceleration. I.e., if you can determine the size of the big bang expansion based on the acceleration or visa versa. Edit: To my knowledge acceleration is still being nailed down, so it'll be a while till that can be proven, I'm just hoping someone can help me with the equation itself.
I was just saying constant pressure on a field has already been described. Don't worry, my head remains firmly on my shoulders. One another, causing potential energy. I also just meant to hand wave away wave functions since most people probably have probably heard of them and not quantum fields. Yeah, it was unnecessary and poorly stated.