There are researchers attempting to duplicate the successes of SNe Ia with QSOs, extending the distance ladder up to z~6
SN Ia themselves currently extend only to z~2, so that the IGM is virtually fully ionized, and essentially primordial in composition (X=3/4), and SNIa distance moduli involve a K-correction, indicating reliance on visible / IR wavelengths, such that Thomson opacity is valid
All distance ladder estimates can be improved with improved models, researchers have tried "gray dust" but for some reason have shied away from the "gray plasma" the CMB crew has already accounted for
Equation (6) can also be generalized for non-flat cosmologies with the Curvature term, that extra degree of freedom enables matching a modified cosmology with opacity to the benchmark cosmology without Thomson, I found (M=0.27,L=0.73) --> (M=.3, L=.76) maintaining the benchmark cosmology (B=0.036) for the IGM (total baryons without stars)