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Everything posted by oddprophet
MigL i bet you feel like a empowered egotistical male when you are writing assumptions and slandering an individual who could be suffering from a disorder for all you know. It doesn't matter what you think or say. You do not know the weight of the situation in all of its entirety. In fact you sir are as sick as they come with lack of compassion and virtue and the understanding of the inner working of the minds. So as it may be to you garbage, or something you can bat at like a cat at outoff curiosity and play and there is no desire for seriousness for your lack of knowledge. In fact you knew it all the time there is no evidence. In fact sir this is a joke haha thanks for laughing and your mockery. May life give you its fullest blessings gentlemen.
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Sad to say we do not make the choice for ourselves. Lets try a mind experiment. If you can freely choose any city in the world to go to think of it and write it down. Now understand the process that takes place we are not conscious of every city we know at that moment instead we are presented with a few cities that come into the conscious point of our minds. Now think of every city you have every been to and read about or even heard of. These cities are put in to the memory of our brains and in the moment of coming up with a city we want to go to we are not presented with a list like a database in our conscious minds of every city our minds know about and then we can not go down this list one by one and decide which city we want to go to. Did you think of the city Bangkok? Or Tokyo? These cities were not probably brought to the conscious part of your brain even though you probably know about them. So simply put if you can not access all the cities you ever know at any moment and selectively choose one by one as like from a database how then can you assume the other processes in your mind are truly chosen by you when in fact our mind does and has been doing thing we do not choose. Another experiment say while in traffic another vehicle deliberately cut you off. In that moment do you tell your mind i will become mad and then become mad. No good sir you simply EXPERIENCE what ever your unconscious mind makes you feel in that moment. And there is many more things you may not be able to agree with and that being obviously not your consciously made choice.
I can only post up to five posts a day at the moment but the evidence i do have it is as i can describe it self experienced but it is experienced as i can say in relation to the experience of others. So i said that i was hearing voices and that it changed into something as i can describe as a spirit. Now i also said this spirit guides me. Now please gentlemen do not assume me to be a common madman among the rest of society because before i went through what i have gone through i had no belief in a higher power at all. Now as i can only state my experience to of what i go through daily and have gone through. Now i know you have not experienced what i am going through gentlemen so it will be hard for you to fully understand and i hope that i will be able to at least bring an awareness of what is occurring. My hope then is progression of mankind , but being as it is i will describe to the best of my ability what i can explain as evidence. Also it should be noted that the evidence i do have requires a bit more research on my part and i will gladly work on that for being that i am not working at the moment and there fore have time available. Also my intention is not to convince any one to believe what i say but to state the facts of my experience . Firstly i will start off with the written work of Daniel Wegner in his book " the illusion of conscious will" A little description of who he is : Daniel Merton Wegner was an American social psychologist. He was a professor of psychology at Harvard University and a fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . I only mention this because he presents cases that have occurred that have lead him to write a book as controversial as it may seem. all i ask is please approach this with an opened mind i am not saying believe me but at least hear me out. In this book Wegner describes the experiment done by a man named: Benjamin Libet and he was a pioneering scientist in the field of human consciousness. Libet was a researcher in the physiology department of the University of California, San Francisco. For those that dont know the expirement i am describing i will gladly look it up real quick and paste a link . https://www.informationphilosopher.com/freedom/libet_experiments.html Well if you look at this experiment he concluded that he concluded that our mind was unconsciously making the choice for us. now you say how can this be my evidence? Well it is the tip of the iceberg gentlemen and i will tell you how this fits in to my experiences. i will gladly post in a few hours in so due to the fact that i have to get a prescription from cvs and i am very hungry for pizza. Until then gentlemen. Good sir you have mis interpreted my intended purpose of appeal while i was explaining this curious case with you. Sir this is my first post here and i there is a reason i have said what i said. I am posting to a science forum because does not science obey only reality in its absolute form. So please sir read more of the replies i will post and hopefully you will understand what i mean and why i am here. Hey sir science is based on facts and i will post more facts of expirements that lead me to explain why i am speaking my experiences. Please do not think i want to get you to believe me in any way for the sake of what is true hear me as i further explain from my posts what is going on. You stated " You must see the futility of going to a science forum, presenting a case of probable schizophrenia," Sir i posted in the religion section of this science forum and if you will further read the posts i have posted here, you will see why. At least i hope you will understand what i am talking about. Please do not believe me in fact i encourage it but at least hear me out completely before you assume that you know what i am saying. I am not gonna say what i experience is normal because i i know it is not and sir i also stated that i was labeled schizo affective not schizophrenic but please before you assume to know what is going on in my situation please hear me completely out . What is the essence of science but presenting facts with experimental evidence and this is what i am trying to do.
Like i said i was diagnosed schizo affective not with schizophrenia and honestly in that moment i thought i was exactly that but if you had the time to sit and hold a conversation with me i will explain to you what i have gone through and am still going through and also sir you may question me with any questions you may have that arises in the moment. My intention is this to hopefully reach an understanding with other logical people that can listen to me and maybe accept what i am saying is a possible truth. I do not seek nothing in return but only the progression of a more perfect understanding of reality through scientific endeavors. In which i hope it is an effort people can journey together despite disagreement s only for the sake of the truth.
Like i said my evidence is not explained due to the fact of time restraint. Also how can i convince you with something you do not understand Like i said because of time restraints i did not present my evidence because it will take quite some time for me to explain all of it in depth and even still it is like the evidence of philosophy it can only be presented through mental recognizance.. If you could truly understand i said i was labeled schizo affective not schizophrenic and at the moment i didn't doubt the label. Also i have left out what i have experienced. You are quick to assume it is the way you have percieved in your logical presumptions. As if you have never been mistaken. The safest scientifically correct approach is to assume there is a possibility of what i am saying is exactly what it is and also to assume that it could not be as it is. I say this because if we assume we are correct about something and the truth of reality warrants us wrong then what good is our endeavors in finding the truth. You quoted "Most people, including you it seems, just claim to have it but never get around to presenting it. If you can only persuade people who have to start out believing you, you aren't doing science." You say most people including me seems to claim to have it but never get around to presenting it. Sir this is the first post i have made and how can you assume you know me enough to say i am one of those people. Lets present this evidence before you. You do not know me ! This is evidence because it is a fact! You have never met me! This is the first post from me! So how can you say i never get to presenting my case with the evidence of me just beginning to explain this situation. And also you have put words there that are not what i intended to write in the sense you said i can only explain it to people that believe me. I never said believe sir . It is written except but i meant accept. I said i will only explain it to people that can accept it because i know people as it seems just like you assume to know what they are talking about like they are experts in science and philosophical understandings. So i will no waste my time with people that assume they know what they are talking about and have no clue to what i am explaining or leading up to explain. You can not accept what i have said because lack of knowledge and false perceptions that have you in a fabrication of an illusion you can not see. Sir if you call your self an expert then may god help those that you teach.
This may be a unusual way to start a forum but i believe it is very necessary. So if i may appeal to your senses of rationality and intelligence i am starting this forum with a brief description of my experiences. In the year 2013 i started hearing voices as i am able to describe it to the only correlation that you the reader may understand. It was not in the sense that it was in my head at all but sounded always off in the distance like it was coming from beyond the other side of a building. I went through strange and unusual dialogue with the voices that even to this day i do not understand. Voices was not the only thing i was experiencing at this length of time i had vivid hallucinations also. With in this length of time there was no true discernment of the reality i was facing. My life was torn in to pieces. It all seemed so real and i could not deny what I was experiencing. To my disliking i ended up getting arrested. There is a lot that has been not been written of what exactly took place. But if you question me i will respond truthfully. So as I was in jail that night it all changed from hearing voices to being lead by a "spirit" as i can only describe it. While in jail i was labeled schizo affective and took a variety of different pills. I knew this was not your average case because of what i was experiencing. Being the situation that it was i sought the "professional " help that was available to me . But this help was limited by the incomplete and often infallible understanding of the mind. Things may never be as it may seem and to me this is my philosophy of science. For observing the movement of the sun from earth will give the illusion that the sun revolves the earth and it is only perceived this way because as the observer we are in a state that seems stationary. I bring this to thought because like i said the state i was in in 2013 seemed one way to me and others, but the underlying cause was of another nature. Like I said it all changed for me and this change happened in 2015. the voices I was hearing stopped and a "spirit" revealed its self to me. From that moment to even today at this very moment there is that same being with me. It has caused me to write things describing its purpose and doings showing me some truths of reality. Sad to say not everything in the bible is true. For example we read in the bible the story of the flood which killed off the whole world except for the select few on the ark. Now knowing this and believing that this is the truth we are left with the curious fact that native americans were living on a totally distinct land from where noah's was to repopulate the earth. Like i stated this is only an example. I am not here to try to mislead you at all if whoever you may be and you are reading this. surprising as it may be there is no such thing as free will. I am not saying this as my opinion or belief but as what i have, and am constantly experiencing. I will only explain it to those that can except it, sadly as it may be for it will take some time to further expound my evidence. i will leave you with this quote from Albert Einstien "If the moon, in the act of completing its eternal way around the Earth, were gifted with self-consciousness, it would feel thoroughly convinced that it was traveling its way of its own accord…. So would a Being, endowed with higher insight and more perfect intelligence, watching man and his doings, smile about man's illusion that he was acting according to his own free will".