I have been following the Covid19 Pandemic and I have noticed that it is highly associated to poor hygeine practices that results in one being infected, (in a nutshell).
I have several questions that I would like to know, however firstly some points.
The rate of spread of the virus in Africa is slower than the rest of the World, some might try and relate it to the climate and weather conditions in Africa however we would expect other countries wit the same or similar weather and climatic conditions.
As I stay in Africa and I watch on a daily bases the poor practises this draws me to several conclusions.
1. The virus hasn't arrived, and has been managed: The reported cases cases of Covid19 infections are isolated cases and have been handles with swiftness by the infected individuals and medical teams.
2. Cases are not being reported: If cases are not being reported that means the intervention of officials wont happen however we should see an increased death rate, but this is not the case however if the cases do happen with out increased death rate it is logical to suppose a form of immunity.
3. The Africans have a form of immunity against Covid19: Based on he fact that in Africa most individuals have been infected by a lot of diseases that have a wide range of antigens, there is a slim chance that a highly common African Pathogen has/could have acted as an attenuated vaccine with respect to Covid19. Also possible is the fact that there could be a a cell receptor or absence of it on African cell membranes that the virus finds or fails to locate , that results in Africans being Carriers of the virus. this will be ruled out dependent on the type of testing conducted.
if possible can someone please provide me with the mechanism of replication of Covid19, if it has been drafted.
Online Data of Covid19 Patients, and those that have recovered.