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Everything posted by curiousv

  1. Thank you everyone for your input. Greatly appreciated.
  2. I’m sorry I am still having a hard time understanding how much lead we would be looking at in one teaspoon??? It seems it would be approximately 10 ug in one teaspoon? So if it was two sips, say two teaspoons, it would be 20 ug? That seems like an insanely high amount of lead?? Is that not equal to 2000 ppb???? And the recommended amount of lead in water is 1ppb or less??? Omg? 😭
  3. It was actually pineapple juice lol. We wouldn’t let the toddler drink wine. It was in the glass maybe 10-15 minutes maximum and she had two sips from the glass. Paranoid? Maybe. But I’d like to get an idea of how much lead that might mean for a 2 year old. For my own info if anything.
  4. So perhaps 0.5 ug per teaspoon? Or the daily limit recommended. Just trying to put it into perspective as I do tend to over worry. One teaspoon is 5 ml though, no???
  5. Hi. Nervous mom again here....was reading about the migration of lead from crystal glasses to juice or wine during a meal. It is estimated that no more than 2 mg per litre of lead is transferred to the glass when drinking out of a crystal vessel during a meal. If this is the case, say a toddler had 2-3 sips out of a crystal glass (thanks to my mother!), how much would she actually have consumed when compared to say, the insanely strict California Prop 65 daily limit for children of 0.5 ug/day?
  6. Thank you kindly for the replies!
  7. Thank you kindly. That sounds a lot less worrisome then what some of these articles are saying. One thinks that it automatically means cancer! But that’s google for you. Is the inhalation of 1,4 dioxane more of a concern? If say, using a cleaning agent that has a similar amount? Or does most of it evaporate rapidly?
  8. Hello. I am by no means a science expert. Just a really worried mom hoping to get some information from people who know a thing or two about chemistry and perhaps it’s effects on the human body. I recently read a report where one of the laundry detergents I have been using for my baby’s clothes contains 10,000 ppb of 1,4 dioxane, which is apparently the maximum amount recommended as considered “safe” in these types of household products. Based on the fact that I’ve been using it since my child was born, I’m nervous that this is a significant amount for a child. I know it can be absorbed via skin or inhalation amongst other ways. Does anyone know how much would actually be absorbed? Is my child actually at risk for increased chance of cancer? I’ve obviously since switched detergents but used it for just over a year with her. I used it before as well, during pregnancy and beyond. I should note that I would rinse clothes in the washer twice. Does this help “dilute” the amount of dioxane one could be exposed to? Does it evaporate and dissipate when clothes are dried? Again, I know so little so I ask. My questions might seem crazy. I’m a new parent and this has really freaked me out. I don’t want to put my child at an increased risk of something serious health wise because of a darned laundry detergent. I know dioxane is something we see exposed to daily, but at this time I am just referring to the laundry detergent. Any insight would be great to put things into perspective for a worried mom. Thanks a lot!
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