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    Bacteriophages, vectors, prions etc.
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  1. We looked at the early findings from Japan and had a small trial with ciclesonide, very effective if given early even presymptomatic benefited. The Chinese bought a large quantity and the S. Koreans are doing a study on its efficacy and potential as a treatment during later stage SARS2 infection (Pneumonitis). Unsure if there is much of the small molecule RNA inhibitor left out there, paediatrics should have a small amount on hand. Alvesco brand in NA. Debate now whether ventilation/intubation is doing more harm than good and looking at data for different antibiotic cocktails. Basically, treating for ARDS. Edit: It seems my correspondence here is being redacted by moderators and replaced with epic moderator diatribes. When people limit free exchange of information just to weight their own words it’s time to move on from the conversation. Good luck and stay safe.
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