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Everything posted by joigus
Promised. But it'll take some time until I sort my ideas. The yolk was too tempting.
This morning I've had Kant for breakfast. It was noumenal! Brilliant.
Ignore my answer on thread "Four-vector" and follow this excellent tip by Markus. Studiot's recommendation looks fine. It's just that I'm not familiar with it. The simpler toys to play with are called "affine tensors". They do not depend on the point of space you're considering. Special Relativity is the place to start --> nothing depends on the location. Then make tensors depend on the point of space --> tensor analysis. You will become familiar with a monster called "the connection", and "the Riemann tensor" and everything else come from that "connection".
Tensor analysis. A very complete classic book of which affordable paperback editions exist: https://www.amazon.es/Tensors-Differential-Variational-Principles-Mathematics/dp/0486658406
(My emphasis) Interesting. But what are you going to do with all those diffeomorphisms? Differentiability is hard-wired into GR.
Sure, if you're interested. Let me PM you as soon as I have the time to write some words to explain what it's about. It would be quite off-topic and improper here.
LOL. That's a different bundle, and includes non-orientable surfaces. Very interesting stuff, and very relevant in gravitation, by the way. I did learn about those quite a bit. Yeah, I know who AJB is. It would be nice to have him around. I also miss @Markus Hanke, of course. I know he takes a peek sometimes. LOL. Thanks. I did manage to peer-review publish some of my speculations long ago! Not very noticeable though... or noticed perhaps. I do teach physics, but on another level.
Sorry, I misunderstood. It was Hume precisely who was there to open our eyes, wasn't he? Somehow I saw a colon there.
Most likely my mistake... Could you elaborate?
Yes, I'm a physicist by training, but I don't work as one. I only play one on social networks. Although I'm more up-to-date than quite a number of your average physicists out there. Through my years I've learnt to deeply mistrust the term 'real' and what it whispers to my ear, so to speak. I prefer less exalted terms, like 'objective'. To me, a lambda hyperon, which has a lifetime the order 10-13 s, is no less, no more real than a cloud, or a bee. It's very clear in my mind that it's more fundamental, simpler, less 'composite' than a cloud or a bee. But as doc said, at some point the word is not gonna cut it. Even for the cloud: Is it two clouds, or just one? A moment ago it wasn't there. Now it's come back at about the same position. Is it the same cloud? Well, yes. There's no guarantee that unification is possible. If it doesn't turn out that way, tough luck; but we must accept it. Somehow it seems hard to believe that the unification program will continue just up to a point, and then stop. I wouldn't invest too much on the concept of force. @MigL before proposed the more encompassing term 'interaction'. And @DrDon explained very clearly the limitations of such concept. The mathematics of physical theories is far less ambiguous in this respect. To me, whenever you have a system with coordinates X, another with coordinates Y, and and a coupling term involving X and Y, that's an interaction. It produces scattering, decay, etc. But again, words are very limited. Example: the cosmological constant: It is no doubt gravitational, but is it a force? An interaction perhaps? I don't think you can call it 'interaction' in any reasonable sense. I wasn't aware of this. I'll look it up. I find it very intellectually enticing. Thanks a lot. I'm very nearly philosophically illiterate. --Blush
I think the word we're all fumbling for here when we say 'reality' is in fact 'ontology'. One of the most important lessons of 20th-century physics is, I think, Nature doesn't care a great deal about our entities. I think @swansont, @MigL, @beecee, and myself; and perhaps most eloquently @DrDon have drawn arguments along these lines. Nature is probably connected all the way down to the most fundamental level. That's why such a thing as unification of physical laws is possible in the first place. But distinctions emerge. It is the business of physics to elucidate what connections/distinctions appear/disappear, and when (at what scale) they are relevant. Entities don't present themselves as 'solid' immovable categories; rather, as useful instruments for the scale of description given. Terms as bosonization (a fermion can be seen as a pair of bosons with a 'twist' between them), dualities (a strongly-coupled interaction in one region of space can be seen as a weakly-coupled one on the boundary of that region) etc., strongly suggest that any entities that we may propose are simply instrumental, and what emerges as really robust are physical principles, patterns, rather than 'things'. Lorentz invariance, locality, unitarity, symmetries and conservation laws. Those are the main characters in this play. Weinberg was a master at bringing out how they interplay. Einstein was one of the most brilliant theorists of all time, but this revolution caught him at a point in his life when he was already too set in his --ontological?-- ways. Weinberg was able to take home the lesson much more efficiently for what the 2nd half of the 20th century physics needed. Maybe nothing is, and everything emerges, in some kind of bootstrap mechanism of substantiation of entities in a grand cosmic scheme of which the building blocks are actually patterns and principles, and not things. --I'm getting blah, blah. I'm also glad that professor Lincoln has spent some time among us, be it ever so briefly.
Steven Weinberg was a great physicist. Einstein was too. Both have been highly influencial. But I think it's fair to say neither of them are very good at representing the "standard view" of their respective generations. Couldn't agree more. We're asymptotically going into meta-physics and epi-stemology.
Existence is...the Absolute Singularity.
joigus replied to WendyDarling's topic in General Philosophy
I will have to insist on @Phi for All's point here. I thought I'd said something on this thread. I must have dreamed it. I do remember skimming through your initial post, pondering about saying something, then re-reading it, and then probably telling myself: "say what about what?" -
Re-reading myself I realise I didn't explain at least a couple of technical terms, so I'm sorry. Horizons: Surfaces in space-time that separate regions of space-time that are inaccessible to observers on one side of those surfaces Renormalization: Treatment of a physical problem taking into account how it depends on the scale at which you study it Entropy: A variable that measures lost information; physical information that gets scrambled Gravity is peculiar on all of these accounts. Other 'forces' don't have horizons associated with them. They're not scale-dependent, like gravity is. This is the meaning of 'bad-behaved'. Other forces don't have an "intrinsic" entropy. Gravity is not so much a weak force as it is a scale-dependent force. That is, whether it's weak or strong depends a lot on the scale at which you look at it. It's actually the dominant force at scales that approach a Planck's length worth of distance. At stellar distances gravity becomes relevant again, but not because of scale-dependence. Rather, because gravity cannot be screened. Gravity also has a cosmologically-relevant component, which is the vacuum energy. Gravity is peculiar in many senses. So, whatever a force is --I'm with other users here that whether it really is this or that verges on metaphysical--, gravity is very different to the other bunch. It's the odd one out. I really hope that was helpful, but it's a difficult topic. Other users express themselves more eloquently than me. And welcome to the forums.
Wave functions of stationary states work pretty much as the density/current of a stationary fluid. Consider the flow lines of a fluid in a stationary flow state. At every point in the fluid, the velocity field is well defined, has a direction and a speed, even though nothing seems to be moving on the whole. More mathematically: If your stationary state is represented by wave function \( \psi_{n,l,m,s}\left(\boldsymbol{x},t\right)=e^{-iE_{n,l,m,s}t/\hbar}\Psi_{n,l,m,s}\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right) \), your 'cloud' of probability would be independent of the time-varying phase factor: \[ \varrho\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right)=\left|\Psi_{n,l,m,s}\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right)\right|^{2} \] The whole situation would be static, and yet, it would have an associated velocity field, which mathematically is given by the Fourier transform of the amplitude, \[ \hat{\psi}_{n,l,m,s}\left(\boldsymbol{p},t\right)=\frac{1}{\left(2\pi\hbar\right)^{3/2}}\int d^{3}xe^{i\boldsymbol{p}\cdot\boldsymbol{x}/\hbar}e^{-iE_{n,l,m,s}t/\hbar}\Psi_{n,l,m,s}\left(\boldsymbol{x}\right)=e^{-iE_{n,l,m,s}t/\hbar}\hat{\Psi}_{n,l,m,s}\left(\boldsymbol{p}\right) \] So the distribution in momenta doesn't depend on time either: \[ \varrho\left(\boldsymbol{p}\right)=\left|\hat{\Psi}_{n,l,m,s}\left(\boldsymbol{p}\right)\right|^{2} \] This is only valid for stationary states. I hope that answers your question. It's good to see you around.
What is gravity? As @MigL and @beecee said, ultimately we don't know. You can model it as force at a distance, à la Newton, but that doesn't work for rapidly changing or relatively strong (stellar) fields. There comes general relativity to the rescue. You can model it as geometry of space-time, but that leads to a couple of problems: 1) Horizons are entropic (they hide information) 2) Gravity is non-renormalisable at arbitrarily strong fields (ultraviolet limit, high-energy collisions), because it's dimensionally bad-behaved. Problem 1) is both conceptual: What is this geometry with an entropy/temperature; what are the hidden degrees of freedom? And it is also wanting in mathematical/logical consistency: Since Hawking we know that black holes must evaporate if gravity is a quantum field, so microscopic information disappears ==> Distinctions between trajectories disappear ==> Predictability vanishes at too fundamental a level. Black holes are so interesting because they are quantum objects and they are general-relativistic objects; so many people hope they will show us eventually what's wrong with the present picture. A very interesting change in the mind frame of physicists took place in the 20th Century: Renormalisation. What is renormalisation? In very general terms, it's the realisation that physical problems look one way or another depending on the scale and the range of phenomena at which you wish to describe things. Consider a wooden stick. What is it? Newtonian mechanics considers it as a rigid body, which is described by 6 real variables --typically the position of its centre of mass and three orientation angles. But what if you want to consider situations like shooting at it, deforming it, breaking it into pieces? (higher energies, changes at small spatial scale). Then your parametrisation is no longer useful, and you need to take into account interatomic interactions. The motto for this loss of innocence is: My parametrisation of the physical system is not the physical system; it's just my parametrisation of the physical system.
I think I speak for most everyone here when I say that intellectual honesty is high up there; above erudition or any similar razzle-dazzle. +1.
Possible typo in a PDF I am reading
joigus replied to Richard Baker's topic in Analysis and Calculus
That's LaTeX. https://www.scienceforums.net/forum/99-the-sandbox/ -
Great performances, but time has not been kind to poor old Moby Dick.
Number-one step should be dating the rock, I think. For dating rocks in the order of billions y.o. a trusted method is based on ratios U/Pb in zircon crystals. If the rock is a meteoroid, it should be as old as the solar system. https://www.amnh.org/learn-teach/curriculum-collections/earth-inside-and-out/zircon-chronology-dating-the-oldest-material-on-earth
Stradivari violin tonal qualities due to....chemicals?
joigus replied to TheVat's topic in Applied Chemistry
Let's give them a call: Hi, @Enthalpy. -
Stradivari violin tonal qualities due to....chemicals?
joigus replied to TheVat's topic in Applied Chemistry
This hypothesis was very much talked about as far as decades ago. If I remember correctly, it was on a Scientific American issue.